
How to play with Brigitte in Overwatch 2

As we all know, there are three major hero distributions in Overwatch 2: Tank, Damage, and Support. So naturally,... Maria | 13. January 2023

As we all know, there are three major hero distributions in Overwatch 2: Tank, Damage, and Support. So naturally, teams must be very well configured if they want to win games.

After the format of the games changed from 6v6 to 5v5, the job of Support became much more critical. Teams that lose their Support early are likely to fall apart, as they are the ones who help the offensive heroes.


There is no doubt that Brigitte is a fascinating Support hero in Overwatch 2, as her healing abilities work incredibly well.

Almost all Supports heroes should be in the rear, but Brigitte has a set of tools that allow her to fight alongside the team’s damaged heroes. In addition, different elements of the battlefield can quickly change the situation and make each fight unique.

Brigitte is a melee heroine who can use her Repair Pack to heal her allies and her Whip Shot to damage her enemies. She also has a passive ability called Inspire, which gives nearby allies a temporary boost to their attack and movement speed.

On the other hand, her Shield Bash ability now deals more damage. It has a slightly longer stun duration, and her ultimate ability, Rally, now grants her, and her allies increased movement speed and the armor boost it already provided.


Those players who select Brigitte in a game should remember that she should be in the attack line next to the tanks, for she is a strong support heroine who can provide a lot of healing and armor repair to her team while being able to deal significant damage to enemies.

On the other hand, Brigitte’s shield is small and can block minor damage received from a single direction. In addition, this shield has relatively low health, which makes her very vulnerable if several enemies attack her. To heal and participate in attacks, we need secondary support, such as Moira or Baptiste.

In addition, Brigitte must be combined with tank heroes like Sigma and damaging heroes like Widowmaker and Pharah, which can cause a lot of damage to opponents from a certain distance.


Undoubtedly, playing Brigitte has risks, as she is a fragile Support heroine. In addition, players must be very familiar with the maps, as in many cases, they will have to retreat from the fights and get to the healing pills and packs on the map.

On the other hand, players can use this heroine’s knockdown ability to throw opponents off the edges of the map. This tactic is beneficial on several maps, as most of the tanks prefer to get closer and leave space for the rest of the team.

Header: Blizzard Entertainment