
How Long is a League of Legends Game? Explained

League of Legends (LoL) is a popular multiplayer online battle arena game developed by Riot Games. The game has... Fragster | 25. October 2023

League of Legends (LoL) is a popular multiplayer online battle arena game developed by Riot Games. The game has been around since 2009 and has grown to become one of the most played games in the world. One of the most frequently asked questions by players is how long a typical game of League of Legends lasts.

On average, a game of League of Legends lasts between 25 to 35 minutes. However, the actual game length can vary depending on several factors such as the skill level of the players, the game mode, and the objectives of the teams. Professional matches can also last longer as teams focus on objectives before picking fights. Despite this, it’s safe to say that an average game of League of Legends lasts between 30 to 45 minutes.

It’s worth noting that game length can also vary depending on the rank tier of the players. According to LeagueFeed, the average game length for Iron tier players is 29 minutes and 46 seconds, while for Challenger players, it’s 25 minutes and 43 seconds. Surrendering can also affect the game length. In some cases, a team may choose to surrender early, which can significantly reduce the game length.

Understanding Game Duration in League of Legends

League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena game that is known for its competitive gameplay and intense matches. One of the common questions that arise among players is about the average game duration. The average game duration for all regions in ranked solo/duo and ranked flex is around 30-35 minutes.

However, the average game duration can vary based on various factors, including the mode of play and the strategies employed by the teams. For example, games played in the ARAM (All Random All Mid) mode typically last around 20-25 minutes, while games played in the URF (Ultra Rapid Fire) mode can last as little as 10 minutes.

It is also important to note that games can end earlier than the average duration if one team manages to secure a significant lead. In such cases, the game can end in as little as 15-20 minutes. Conversely, games can also last longer than the average duration if both teams are evenly matched and the game goes into overtime.

The duration of a game in League of Legends can also be affected by the champions being played. Certain champions are known for their ability to stall games and prolong the match, while others are known for their ability to end games quickly.

In conclusion, the average game duration in League of Legends is around 30-35 minutes, but this can vary based on various factors. Players should be prepared for games that can last shorter or longer than the average duration and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Factors Influencing Game Length

League of Legends games can vary in length, but the average game time is currently around 35 minutes, including champion select. However, several factors can influence the length of a game.

Game Mode

Different game modes have different game lengths. For example, the standard Summoner’s Rift game mode typically lasts around 35 minutes, while the ARAM (All Random All Mid) game mode usually lasts around 20 minutes. The Nexus Blitz game mode, which is a shorter and more chaotic version of Summoner’s Rift, typically lasts around 20 minutes as well.

Player Skill Level

The skill level of the players in a game can also influence its length. In lower skill levels, games may last longer due to mistakes and less efficient gameplay. In contrast, higher skill level games may end quicker due to more decisive and coordinated gameplay.

Game Strategy

Game strategy can also impact the length of a game. Players who focus on early game aggression and securing objectives may end the game quicker. In contrast, players who focus on scaling and late game team fights may extend the game length. Additionally, the composition of the teams can affect the length of the game. Teams with strong early game champions may end the game quicker, while teams with stronger late game champions may extend the game length.

In conclusion, several factors can influence the length of a League of Legends game, including game mode, player skill level, and game strategy. Players should consider these factors when planning their gameplay and strategies to achieve their desired game length.

Average Game Duration

League of Legends games typically last between 25 to 35 minutes on average, although this can vary depending on the game mode and the strategies employed by the teams.

Early Game

The early game in League of Legends usually lasts between 10 to 15 minutes. During this time, the players focus on farming minions, gaining gold and experience, and securing objectives such as the Dragon and Rift Herald. The laning phase is also an important part of the early game, where players try to gain an advantage over their opponents by out-farming, out-trading, or even killing them.

Mid Game

The mid game in League of Legends usually starts around the 15-minute mark and lasts until around the 25-minute mark. During this time, players start rotating around the map, grouping up to take objectives such as towers and the Baron. Team fights become more common, and players begin to build their core items, which can significantly impact the outcome of the game.

Late Game

The late game in League of Legends usually starts around the 25-minute mark and lasts until the end of the game. During this time, players focus on taking down the enemy Nexus by pushing down lanes and team fighting. The late game is also when players start to build their final items and reach their maximum potential in terms of power.

Overall, the average game duration in League of Legends is influenced by various factors such as game mode, team strategies, individual player skill, and more. Players can expect games to last between 25 to 35 minutes on average, but should be prepared for longer or shorter games depending on the circumstances.

Comparing Game Length to Other Esports

League of Legends is known for its fast-paced gameplay and intense matches, but how does it compare to other popular esports in terms of game length? Let’s take a look at some of the most popular esports and compare their average game lengths to that of League of Legends.

Dota 2

Dota 2, a popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game, is often compared to League of Legends. The average game length for Dota 2 is slightly longer than that of League of Legends, with matches typically lasting between 35 to 45 minutes. However, some matches can last up to an hour or more, making Dota 2 a bit more unpredictable in terms of game length.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS) is a first-person shooter game that is known for its intense matches and high skill ceiling. The average game length for CS is much shorter than that of League of Legends, with matches typically lasting around 30 minutes. However, this can vary depending on the game mode and the skill level of the players.


Overwatch is a team-based first-person shooter game that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. The average game length for Overwatch is similar to that of CS, with matches typically lasting around 30 minutes. However, some matches can last longer if the teams are evenly matched and the game goes into overtime.


Fortnite is a battle royale game that has taken the gaming world by storm. The average game length for Fortnite is much shorter than that of League of Legends, with matches typically lasting around 20 minutes. However, this can vary depending on the game mode and the number of players in the match.

Overall, League of Legends has a relatively consistent and predictable game length compared to other popular esports. While some matches may last longer or shorter than average, the majority of games fall within the 25 to 35 minute range.


In conclusion, the average game length for League of Legends is between 25 to 35 minutes. However, the game length can vary depending on several factors such as game mechanics, objectives, map size, and pacing.

Professional games may last longer than usual because teams focus on objectives before picking fights. Despite it all, it’s pretty safe to say an average League of Legends game can be anywhere from thirty to forty-five minutes, so if you have a limited time to play games, it’s best to plan accordingly.

Based on the data, it’s apparent that, currently, in Season 13 (2023), the average game time for League of Legends is 26-31 minutes. However, these numbers are still subjective, and most of the time, the average match time for Summoner’s Rift is between 30-40 minutes.

It’s important to note that these average game lengths also include matches that end with a team surrendering. The rank tier also plays a role in the game length, with Iron tier games lasting longer than Challenger tier games.

Overall, while the average game length may vary, it’s safe to say that League of Legends offers a satisfying gaming experience that can be enjoyed in a relatively short amount of time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the typical length of a League of Legends game?

The length of a League of Legends game can vary depending on several factors such as game mode, skill level of the players, and the strategies employed by the teams. On average, a League of Legends game lasts between 25 to 35 minutes. However, some games can last as short as 15 minutes, while others can go on for over an hour.

How long does a League of Legends game usually last?

A typical League of Legends game lasts around 30 minutes. However, the duration of a game can vary depending on the game mode and the skill level of the players. Some games can be over in 20 minutes, while others can last up to an hour.

What is the average duration of a League of Legends match?

The average duration of a League of Legends match is around 30 minutes. However, this can vary depending on the game mode and the skill level of the players. In general, games tend to be shorter in lower skill levels and longer in higher skill levels.

How much time does a League of Legends game take?

A League of Legends game takes around 30 minutes on average. However, this can vary depending on the game mode and the skill level of the players.

How long can you expect a League of Legends game to last?

You can expect a League of Legends game to last around 30 minutes. However, this can vary depending on the game mode and the skill level of the players.

How does the length of a League of Legends game compare to other popular games?

Compared to other popular games, League of Legends games tend to be shorter. For example, a game of Dota 2 can last up to an hour, while a game of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive can be over in just a few minutes. However, the length of a game can vary depending on the game mode and the skill level of the players.