
Great Dota 2 heroes for the current meta: Muerta

Muerta was introduced around a month ago and she’s already changed the meta in Dota 2 considerably. In the... Radu M. | 4. April 2023

Muerta was introduced around a month ago and she’s already changed the meta in Dota 2 considerably. In the last week, Muerta’s win rate has been 51.65%, which is much higher than her initial win rate.

This is normal because a new hero is difficult to play at first. This results in losses caused by a lack of technique rather than poor strategy. As soon as the community got a deep understanding of how Muerta is supposed to be played, the hero’s win rate and popularity (16.9%) skyrocketed.

Why Muerta is strong in the current meta

Muerta is a very versatile hero that can be used for any core position. This allows teams to play mind games and trick the opposite side into thinking that a certain strategy will be used. Dota 2 is a game of timings and how each hero is played determines what can be done at each stage of the game.

If you play Muerta mid, it’s not the same as playing her in the carry role. At the highest competitive level, the consensus seems to be that Muerta is either a carry or a mid hero, but mostly a carry one.

Her strengths come from her impressive stats, which further increase by 8.3 per level. In the laning phase, that gives Muerta a significant advantage. Another plus for the hero is the attack animation, which is very satisfying and allows players to get last hits relatively easily. The right-click damage is good as well.

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As the game progresses, Muerta becomes a scary hero to play against, mainly because of her ultimate but also because of her ability to deal damage from afar. If you combine her with a few other heroes that can deal damage from a distance, the enemy team will need to have excellent initiation. Otherwise it cannot fight into your concave.

A target will die really fast and a 4v5 fight is hard to win, especially if no ultimates had to be used to secure the kill.

When she uses her ultimate, Muerta gains physical immunity for 6.35s – 8.35s, which is almost a full Black King Bar duration. During this time, her damage becomes magical and that is deadly against support heroes, whose main strategy is usually to buy a Ghost Scepter and can’t afford a BKB.

Muerta makes life hard for almost any hero composition but is particularly strong against heroes that heavily rely on right-click damage.

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