
Esports abuse can cause health problems

A large number of people play esports daily, where they are required to have speedy reflexes, great skill, and... Maria | 14. March 2023

A large number of people play esports daily, where they are required to have speedy reflexes, great skill, and strategy. However, physical and mental health can suffer if they spend too much time in the same place and repeat the same moves.

Esports require players to get better and better if they want to reach the professional scene. Therefore, it is necessary to practice for many hours a day; even if they practice from the comfort of their home, several aspects must be considered not to put their health at risk in the long run.

Proper posture

To begin with, one of the most important aspects that all esports athletes should take care of is posture. Correct posture can reduce stress and minimize injuries. In addition, players should look for ergonomic positions to avoid physical problems as much as possible; they must spend hours and hours in front of the screens.

Therefore, this is a crucial factor that can generate some problems if not considered.

Pain in various parts of the body

The first symptoms of poor posture are reflected in muscle and joint pain. However, it doesn’t end there; players can also suffer neck, back, and shoulder strains.

In addition, repetitive movements with the mouse and keyboard can lead to injuries in the elbows, wrists, and hands.

It should be noted that the chronic stiffness in the joints mentioned above can lead to contractures and even carpal tunnel.

On the other hand, long hours of exposure to the screen’s light can generate visual fatigue, dry eyes, headaches, and even blurred vision; it can also affect sleep and make gamers feel very tired.

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Credits: Yan Krukau | Pexels

Mental health

The abuse of esports can affect mental health, generating a greater risk of sadness, staleness, and other emotional problems. There is already talk that video game addiction is an increasing problem worldwide.

We bring some recommendations to try to avoid the problems generated by the abuse of esports.


Prevention protocols such as warm-up and cool-down exercises can help minimize the risk of injury.

  • Warming up your joints before a game or training session is a great help.
  • Taking active breaks from time to time can help relieve muscle tension and rest your eyes. For example, you can leave your chair and walk around a bit.
  • Doing strengthening and mobility exercises outside of the sessions can help the body in a very positive way.
  • Use ergonomic equipment that suits your needs and provides a comfortable position for your wrist, back, and elbows. Comfort when training and competing can make a big difference.
  • If you already have some health problems, you should go to the doctor; in this way, a professional can provide the necessary tools for optimal health.

Header: Yan Krukau | Pexels