
Epic Games says Steam has implemented a block on multiplayer video games

Epic Games, looking to compete with its main rival, Steam, has introduced some modifications to its store. However, Epic... Maria | 11. March 2023

Epic Games, looking to compete with its main rival, Steam, has introduced some modifications to its store. However, Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney has expressed his annoyance against Valve, specifically with Steamworks API. He asserts that because the API is exclusive to Valve, Steam has caused a dilemma for the industry.

Blocking by Valve

In particular, Epic Games charges Valve with putting up a barrier that inhibits multiplayer video games from operating across different platforms or services.

Sweeney commented:

“At Valve, they use a traditional lock-in method, where they develop these services that are only compatible with their store; the incompatibility of the games took us by surprise. Initially, when several multiplayer games went into the Epic Games Store, we saw that Steamworks didn’t work in our store.”

Due to incompatibility, the games offered no multiplayer options or minimal selection, giving the impression that the game was missing something.

In the early days of the Epic store, Valve restricted multiplayer games to a narrow audience.

On the other hand, Sweeney adds:

“Also, remember that Call of Duty’s terrible Windows Store debut, in which players could only join other Windows Store users, was a while back. That is not how computers ought to operate.”

Game compatibility

The Epic Games store established that all Multiplayer games published on the Epic store would also be posted on Steam; this way, they could be compatible.

To solve this incompatibility problem, they have created Epic Online Services; They do not stop programmers from employing their solutions.

Another essential point to remember is that Steam limits users to using their wallets for money transactions. At the same time, the Epic Games store has total independence in that area.

In addition, the Epic Games store prohibits obscene video games, while Steam, since 2018, allows pornographic content as long as it is not real.

Change of strategy

In addition to everything above, Epic has changed its exclusivity strategy and will now focus on high-budget games. The reason for switching systems is that these games are much flashier.

The exclusive games Epic Games has acquired include Alan Wake 2 and genDESIGN and PlayDead games.

Increased number of users

Another point worth commenting on is that the Epic platform already has almost 230 million users, a significant increase over last year.

The number of people logging in monthly is up 6 million from the previous month. In addition, 99 games worth more than $2,000 has been given away as part of the free video game service.

To maintain its unique vision of open platforms, Epic Games will attempt to deploy the same strategy against Steam as it does against Apple. We must wait to see if the strategy convinces developers and new users.

Header: Epic Games Store