When you enter a game of Call of Duty: Warzone 2 with friends, you might encounter a squad of streamers of a spectacular level that will try to hunt you down in order to get some good content.
We’ve all been in this situation, even if we might not realize it.
The primary mission of some of these content creators is to get as many kills as possible with their friends in the games. Al Mazrah offers an ideal setting for this group of streamers and creators to drop in together and set new records.
While it is true that chasing nuclear weapons is the main attraction for players in the new Warzone 2, the best players will always try to over old kill records and set new ones.
Below, we’ll show you the most impressive kill records in Warzone 2.
Solo – 42 kills
Twitch and YouTube streamer Rallied holds the record for the game with the most kills in Warzone 2, with 42 kills out of 146.
This record was set on December 11, 2022, and as we can see in the following video, Rallied swept all players with Fennec 45, the current meta SMG.
Trios – 87 kills
Later on December 14, streamers Yungstaz, Gangstaz, and uavs combined their strength to kill impressive 87 opponents in trio mode.
The group led by Yungstaz pulled off an incredible game in which they took out virtually every squadron in Al Mazrah.
Squads – 80 Kills
On November 17, just one day after the launch of Warzone 2, professional gamers, content creators, and tournament stars UnRationaL, HusKerrs, ScummN, and Newbz combined for 80 kills during one match.
These four players are without doubt a part of Warzone royalty, as they are among the most popular and best individual-level players in the world. This record, set just one day after the game’s release, has yet to be broken by anyone else.
Undoubtedly, these Warzone 2 records will eventually be surpassed, perhaps even by the players who set them. As the days go by, players understand better how the game works, and the level of play increases significantly.
Another point to make is that players already know the map and have their favorite weapons, which means they undoubtedly feel like fish in water.
Header: Activision