
Best Loadout for the X13 in Warzone 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone launched with a total of 51 different weapons, and five of... Eduardo | 1. February 2023

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone launched with a total of 51 different weapons, and five of them were pistols. One pistol stands out above the rest; as expected, it is the fully automatic X13.

In Call of Duty: Warzone 2, it is an excellent choice to have a good pistol. As the game’s tooltip says, “switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading.”


We start by highlighting the game’s description of the X13 pistol:

“The X13’s highly specialized, fully automatic trigger assembly fires a staggering 20 shots per second while sacrificing great accuracy and effective range.”

There is no doubt that players do not usually arm their classes with pistols, as it is not the primary weapon with which you want to shoot all your opponents.

However, the X13 is the perfect complement to any weapon, especially assault, combat, light machine, or sniper rifles. With a specific accessory configuration, you can become a killing machine.

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Credits: Activision

These are accessories for one of the best secondary pistols in MW2.

Our approach to selecting pistols as a secondary weapon

A powerful primary weapon will win you matches in Battle Royale mode, whether a sniper rifle, an assault rifle or an LMG. But those weapons need a secondary weapon, and the x13 is a must-have. For this gun has the potential to tear enemies apart at close range.

Best loadout for X13

  • Muzzle: FT Steel Fire
  • Barrel: XRK LUC-9
  • Magazine: 33 Round Mag
  • Laser: 1MW Pistol Laser
  • Rear Grip: Akimbo X13

There is no doubt that this is the best pistol to use in Call of Duty: Warzone 2 at this time. Also, it is the best choice for your secondary weapon in classes where you are not using the Overkill perk.

Also, we recommend that you complement your class with a powerful assault rifle to cover short, medium, and long ranges.

Secondary equipment to use with the X13

  • Tactical: Flashbang or stun
  • Lethal: Semtex or throwing knife

The Flashbang is one of the most commonly used equipment, capable of blinding and slowing your opponents during battles. At the same time, the Semtex will allow you to take out players hiding anywhere, or the throwing knife allows you to eliminate downed enemies without wasting a bullet.

The best perk you can use in Warzone 2 with the P890 is the Specter, which brings with it (Double Time, Tracker, Spotter, and Ghost).

This is the most used perk pack in Warzone 2, which includes Double Time and Ghost, two of the most valuable perks in the game, so you can stay off the radar and move quickly.

Header: Activision