
Is it worth completing the FIFA 23 Premier League upgrade SBCs?

The developers of FIFA 23 have released a couple of challenges that could be very interesting for English Premier... Maria | 9. May 2023

The developers of FIFA 23 have released a couple of challenges that could be very interesting for English Premier League users. Users can win a Premier League upgrade card with the two new challenges in the game.

It is important to note that since the launch of the Premier League, the seasonal team has become one of the gaming community’s favorites. So today, we will tell you all the details you need to know about these two challenges.

Premier League upgrade challenges

All FIFA 23 players interested in upgrading their Premier League squad have time to complete these new SBCs until Friday, May 12.

These are the two SBCs available for Premier League upgrades:

  • Premier League Premium EXP Upgrade
  • Premier League Upgrade x11 81+

SBC Premier League Premium EXP Upgrade

To complete this SBC upgrade, players must assemble a squad where eleven unique players play. At the same time, each of the players must be exactly Gold.

Cost of the SBC Premier League Premium EXP Upgrade

To complete this SBC, players must spend approximately 10,000 coins in the market to get all the fodder. Remember that the total cost of each SBC depends on the fodder available to each player in their collection.

SBC Premier League Premium EXP Upgrade Reward

The reward for this SBC is a pack of eight Premier League gold players and three unique players. It is important to comment that this challenge can be completed as often as users wish. However, the pack reward is non-transferable.

Is it worth completing the SBC Premier League Premium EXP Upgrade?

For FIFA 23 players with quite a few non-transferable unique gold players who want to try their luck looking for some English league TOTS, this SBC is completely worth it.

SBC Premier League Upgrade x11 81+

Players must complete two tasks to complete the second SBC released by the FIFA developers.

Task 1: Squad GRL 83

To complete the first task, users must assemble a squad where a player of GRL 84 or higher plays. At the same time, the squad must have a minimum rating of 83 stars.

Task 2: Squad GRL 85

To complete the second task, users must build a squad with a rating of at least 85 stars.

Cost of the SBC Premier League upgrade x11 81+

Players must spend around 63,100 coins on the market to complete the two tasks.

SBC Premier League upgrade x11 81+ Reward

The reward of this SBC is a pack with eleven unique card players with an average of 81 or higher from the English league. It is important to note that this challenge can be repeated every 24 hours; however, the cards obtained in the pack are non-transferable.

Is it worth completing the SBC Premier League x11 81+ Improvement?

This challenge is recommended only for players with enough non-transferable average cards in their collection, and the Premier League is their favorite league.

Header: EA Sports