
A Guide to the Best Champions in LoL Wild Rift for Each Role in 2024

Picking the right champion is crucial for your success in Wild Rift. This article aims to guide you through... Aleksandar | 6. April 2024

Picking the right champion is crucial for your success in Wild Rift. This article aims to guide you through the best champions in LoL Wild Rift for each role as of 2024.

We’ve kept the explanations simple and clear, making it easy for you to understand why these champions stand out.

Whether you’re new to the game or looking to refine your choices, this guide is designed to help you make informed decisions on the battlefield.

The Best Champions in Dragon Lane (ADC and Support)

Lucian - Best Champions in LoL Wild Rift

In Dragon Lane, teamwork and strategy are key. Here’s a look at the top champions, chosen for their ability to control the game’s pace and secure victories for their team.

League of Legends ADCs

ADCs are pivotal for dealing massive damage in fights. Let’s explore who excels in this role in the Dragon Lane.


Xayah is a champion who can really turn a battle around. She’s great at catching enemies off guard with her feather attacks. By throwing and calling them back, she can hurt many opponents at once. She becomes even stronger later in the game, making her a solid pick.


Tristana is known for getting stronger as the game goes on. Early on, she might not seem very powerful, but you shouldn’t be fooled.

With each level she gains power, her attack range increases, allowing her to hit enemies from safer distances. She’s perfect for players who like to start slow and finish strong.


Lucian is all about fast moves and quick attacks. He’s great for players who like to be in the thick of the action. His ability to dash and shoot twice after using a skill makes him tricky for enemies to catch. Lucian is a good choice if you like keeping your opponents guessing.


Caitlyn is one of the best champions in LoL Wild Rift for controlling the lane. Her long-range attacks let her hit enemies from far away, keeping her safe while she weakens her targets. Setting traps can also catch enemies by surprise, helping her team win fights.


Zeri is like a lightning bolt on the battlefield. She moves super fast and can dodge a lot of attacks. When she gets the right items, she becomes very strong and can take down enemies quickly. Zeri is fun to play if you enjoy moving around a lot and surprising your opponents.


Jinx is all about chaos and big explosions. She loves causing trouble with her guns and rockets. As the game goes on, she can do a lot of damage to many enemies at once. If you like watching things blow up and taking down lots of opponents, Jinx is the way to go.


Varus is great at hitting enemies from a distance. He can shoot powerful arrows that hurt a lot. He also has a special attack that can stop enemies from moving, making it easier for his team to win fights. Varus is one of the best champions in Wild Rift for players who like being precise and strategic.

League of Legends Supports

Pyke - best supports in league of legends wild rift

Supports play a crucial role in Dragon Lane, focusing on keeping their teammates safe and setting up opportunities to win fights.


Nautilus is like a big, tough guard. He uses his anchor to pull enemies close and then keeps them there so his team can take them down. Also, he’s very hard to hurt, making him a great partner to protect his ADC and control the fight in Dragon Lane.


Lux shines by keeping her distance and helping from afar. She can stun enemies with her light, making it easy for her team to catch them. Moreover, Lux has a powerful beam that can hit multiple enemies at once. She’s perfect for teams that like to fight from a safe distance.


Pyke is all about surprise attacks. He can become invisible, sneak up on enemies, and take them out quickly. When Pyke helps defeat an enemy, he and his teammate both get extra gold. He’s great for aggressive plays and helping his ADC get ahead in the game.


Sona helps her team by playing different tunes on her instrument. Each song can heal her friends, make them move faster, or hurt enemies. She doesn’t need to be right in the middle of the fight to be helpful. Sona is best for players who like to support their team in many ways.


Alistar is like a big, strong bull who protects his friends and knocks enemies away. He can also jump into a group of enemies and scatter them, making it easier for his team to win fights. Alistar is tough and can take a lot of damage, making him a great bodyguard for his ADC in the Dragon Lane.

The Best Champions in Baron Lane (Top Laners)

Camille - the best champions in baron lane in league of legends wild rift

In Baron Lane, champions need to be tough and self-reliant. Here are the best picks for dominating this solo lane and impacting the game from the top.


Fiora is known for her quick moves and strong one-on-one fights. She can dodge attacks and strike back hard, making her tough to beat. Her ability to heal during battles also lets her stay in the fight longer, making her one of the best champions in LoL Wild Rift for Baron Lane.


Renekton is great at both attacking and defending. He gets stronger as he fights, which makes him very good in long battles. His ability to stun enemies and recover health means he can handle tough situations and help his team in big fights.


Camille excels in catching enemies out of position. Her skills allow her to jump long distances and lock down targets, making it easy for her team to follow up. She’s very adaptable, which makes her a top choice for controlling the Top Lane and impacting late-game team fights.


Jax is a champion who gets stronger as the game goes on. He’s good at fighting enemies one-on-one and can also escape from dangerous situations. His ability to block enemy attacks and then strike back hard makes him a solid pick for this lane.


Aatrox is known for his ability to survive and deal damage in big team fights. His skills let him hit many enemies at once and heal from the damage he does, making him hard to take down and a powerful force in controlling the lane.

The Best Mid-laners in Wild Rift

Diana - Best Mid-laners in league of legends Wild Rift

In the heart of Wild Rift, mid-laners hold the key to controlling the game’s flow. Here are the best mid-laners who dictate the pace and sway battles in their favor.

Aurelion Sol

Aurelion Sol is a powerhouse in controlling space with his stars that orbit around him. He can deal damage to multiple enemies at once, making him great for clearing minion waves and pushing lanes.

However, he must position himself carefully in battles, as he relies on maintaining the right distance from opponents.


Kassadin becomes incredibly strong later in the game, especially against mages’ enemies. Early on, he needs to be cautious as he’s weaker and can be overpowered.

His ability to teleport short distances makes him hard to catch, allowing him to dive into fights and escape quickly, disrupting enemy lines.


Vladimir is known for his amazing survival skills. He can heal himself by dealing damage to others, which makes him tough to take down.

His pool form can avoid enemy attacks, making him slippery in fights. Additionally, Vladimir excels in prolonged battles, allowing him to wear down opponents and influence team fights.


Diana is a burst damage champion who can jump into fights and eliminate key targets quickly. She’s excellent at starting fights with her ability to pull enemies toward her.

Her reliance on getting close can sometimes put her at risk, especially if she misses her initial attack or the team can’t follow up.

Twisted Fate

Twisted Fate excels at controlling the game by affecting all lanes using his ultimate, which lets him teleport across the map.

He can quickly turn the tides of battle or secure objectives. His card attacks provide versatility, though he lacks escape mechanisms, making positioning crucial for survival.

The Best Junglers in Wild Rift

Hecarim - Best Junglers in league of legends Wild Rift

Junglers wield significant influence over the game’s outcome by controlling the map’s resources and supporting lanes. Here are the best junglers in Wild Rift, known for their exceptional ganking abilities and control over game objectives.


Kha’Zix is ideal for chaotic situations and perfect for picking off isolated opponents. His ability to become invisible and jump at enemies makes him a fearsome ganker.

In team fights, his quick damage can quickly change the game’s direction, proving why he’s one of the best champions in Wild Rift for controlling the jungle.

Lee Sin

Lee Sin is a master of mobility and precise strikes. His skills allow him to jump to friends or enemies, making him unpredictable.

This makes him excellent at starting fights or saving teammates. His high skill ceiling means he can truly shine in the hands of skilled players, impacting all areas of the map.


Hecarim charges into battle at high speed, knocking enemies aside. His strength lies in quick, powerful attacks that can turn the tide in large battles.

As a jungler, his fast movement helps him secure objectives and assist lanes efficiently, making him a relentless force in the jungle.

Xin Zhao

Xin Zhao excels in early game dominance. His straightforward attacks and ability to challenge any opponent head-on make him a potent threat in duels and small skirmishes. He’s particularly effective at securing early objectives and protecting his team’s interests across the map.


Vi packs a powerful punch with her ability to break through enemy defenses. Her skills are designed to target and disrupt key opponents, making her ideal for initiating high-stakes fights. Vi’s impact in securing objectives and controlling the pace of the game underscores her role as a leading jungler in Wild Rift.

Wrapping Up

Choosing the right champion in LoL Wild Rift can really make a difference in your games. Whether you like fighting up close or supporting from the back, knowing the best champions in LoL Wild Rift for each role helps you play better and enjoy the game more. 

Try these top picks and see how you can push your skills and help your team get those wins. Keep practicing and adapting to find your perfect match in the Rift!