
From Novice to Pro – Tips for League of Legends: Wild Rift Players

With League of Legends: Wild Rift, you can enjoy all the fun of the famous PC game in the... Aleksandar | 15. March 2024

With League of Legends: Wild Rift, you can enjoy all the fun of the famous PC game in the palms of your hand. 

However, learning how to play Wild Rift well takes skill and planning. It doesn’t matter if you’re coming from the desktop version or are new to the League world. 

This guide is full of tips for League of Legends: Wild Rift that will help you get better at the game and move up the ranks.

Learning the Basics

Before you charge into battle, it’s crucial to understand the core mechanics of Wild Rift. The game is a condensed version of its PC counterpart, designed for quicker matches but with the same strategic depth.

  • Choose your champion wisely: Your champion is your avatar in the game world, each with unique abilities and roles. Experiment with different champions to find those that match your playstyle.
  • Learn the map: Familiarize yourself with the layout of Wild Rift’s map, including key locations like lanes, jungles, and objectives. Knowing the terrain can be the difference between victory and defeat.

Prioritize Champion Mastery

Fizz - Prioritize Champion Mastery in wild rift

While it’s tempting to play a wide array of champions in Wild Rift, focusing on mastering a select few can significantly improve your performance. 

Becoming intimately familiar with a champion’s strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and optimal item builds allows you to maximize your potential in various situations.

Champion mastery goes beyond just understanding your role in team fights; it includes knowing how to adapt your playstyle based on the matchup.

It doesn’t matter if you’re likely to dominate your lane or if you’ll need to farm cautiously. 

Moreover, mastering a champion means you’ll be better prepared to exploit the mistakes of your opponents because you understand the limits of what your champion can achieve. This deep knowledge can lead to more consistent and impactful gameplay.

Strategic Gameplay Tips

Wild Rift isn’t just about individual skill but about how you contribute to your team’s success.

Focus on Objectives

Focusing on objectives such as baron in lol wild rift

Securing objectives like turrets, dragons, and the mighty Baron Nashor isn’t just about the immediate benefits they provide. These pivotal points on the map are catalysts for team success, offering gold, territorial control, and powerful buffs. 

Always weigh the risk of pursuing an enemy kill against the potential rewards of taking down these objectives. A downed turret opens the map further for your team, while dragon and Baron buffs can be decisive in team fights and sieges.

Map Awareness

Keeping a vigilant eye on the minimap is a skill that distinguishes good players from great ones. It’s not just about spotting enemy movements; it’s about understanding what those movements mean. Is the enemy jungler on the opposite side of the map? 

That’s your cue to play aggressively or take an objective. No enemies visible? Then it’s time to be cautious, as they might be planning an ambush or a major objective like Baron Nashor.

Adapt Your Build

Ahri Lol Wild rift build

One of the beauties of Wild Rift is the flexibility it offers in building your champion’s items. Sticking rigidly to a pre-determined build can sometimes lead to your downfall. Instead, adapt your item choices based on how the game is unfolding. Facing a team heavy on magic damage? Invest in magic resistance. 

Finding yourself easily taken down in team fights? Maybe it’s time to consider more defensive items. The right build at the right time can significantly impact your effectiveness in game.

Mastering Your Role

Each role in Wild Rift comes with its responsibilities. Here are quick tips for each role to maximize your impact:

  1. Top Lane: As a solo laner, sustain and durability are key. Focus on controlling your lane and being ready for team fights.
  2. Mid Lane: Mid laners have access to both lanes for ganks. Balance farming with roaming to support your team.
  3. Jungle: The jungle role is crucial for setting up ganks and securing objectives. Keep tabs on the enemy jungler and communicate with your team.
  4. ADC (Attack Damage Carry): Positioning is everything. Stay behind your team during fights and focus on dealing damage safely.
  5. Support: Protect your ADC and control vision around objectives. Your utility can decide team fights and secure victories.

Knowing Economic Efficiency

Continuing our tips for League of Legends: Wild Rift we have another important aspect of the game. Managing your in-game economy wisely means you equip your champion for success.

Gold Management

Every piece of gold you earn is a step toward gaining an edge over your opponent. The most reliable way to increase your gold is by last-hitting minions. This is essential for all roles, not just carries. 

Efficient gold management allows you to purchase critical items faster, giving you an advantage in lane and team fights.

Spend Wisely

Investing in the right items can make or break your game. You need to choose items that improve your champion’s strengths and address the threats posed by the enemy team. 

Sometimes, opting for defensive items can be more strategic, especially if you’re frequently targeted in skirmishes. Balancing offense with a defense based on the game’s flow is a skill that can greatly contribute to your team’s success.

Playing With Teamwork

league of legends: wild rift - teamplay

No tip for League of Legends: Wild Rift surpasses the importance of effective teamwork. Here’s how you can be a better team player:

  • Communicate: Use pings and quick chat options to stay in sync with your team. Planning and coordination are critical.
  • Adapt to your team’s needs: Sometimes, you may need to fill a role you’re less familiar with. Be flexible and focus on the team’s overall strategy.
  • Support your teammates: Celebrate their successes and provide constructive feedback when things go wrong. A positive attitude can boost team morale and performance.
  • Team dynamics: Sometimes, swapping lanes can surprise your opponents and exploit their weaknesses. Communicate with your team if you think a switch could give you an edge.

Vision Control in Wild Rift 

Gaining and denying vision is a team effort that can secure wins by providing valuable information on enemy movements.


Jungle warding in league of legends

Wards are not just the support’s responsibility. Every player should contribute to the team’s vision by placing wards in key locations. 

This includes areas around objectives like the Dragon or Baron Nashor, as well as paths leading into the jungle where enemies are likely to pass. Proper warding can prevent ganks and ambushes, giving your team a significant strategic advantage.


Removing enemy wards is just as important as placing your own. Using sweeper trinkets to clear out enemy vision can open opportunities for your team to safely secure objectives or set up ambushes. 

Denying vision limits the enemy team’s information, making it harder for them to respond to your team’s movements and plans.

Psychological Aspect of Playing

Mechanical skills and knowledge don’t go without the mental aspect. You might be the best in any game, but with the wrong attitude, it can all result in zero.

Mind Games

Sometimes, the best strategy involves getting into the heads of your opponents. Feigning a retreat only to circle back can catch an enemy off guard. Simulating a Baron Nashor attempt to lure the enemy into a bad position can lead to a game-winning fight.

Pressure Points

Identify which enemy player is underperforming and apply pressure to them. Forcing them to make mistakes can create opportunities for your team.

Adapt in Strategy

Don’t stick to a single game plan. Be ready to adapt your strategy based on how the match is progressing. If your initial plan isn’t working, consider shifting your focus to different objectives or altering your team’s composition during champion selection.

Learning from Defeat

Each loss is a lesson. Take a moment post-game to reflect on what went wrong and how you can improve. Did you overextend too often? Was your team composition unbalanced? Identifying these factors can enhance your gameplay.

Practice and Improving

Consistent practice is the foundation of improvement. Here are ways to refine your skills:

  • Replay analysis: Review your matches to identify mistakes and learn from them. Focus on decision-making, positioning, and execution.
  • Stay updated: Meta changes can affect champion strength and game strategy. Keep up with the latest patches and pro play to stay informed.
  • Experiment: Don’t be afraid to try new champions and strategies. Learning from diverse experiences enhances your versatility and understanding of the game. 
  • Keep playing: More games mean more experience. Each match is a new learning opportunity. The more you play, the better you’ll get at executing your champion’s abilities with precision. Continuous play enhances your game sense, too.

Final Thoughts

Upping your game in League of Legends: Wild Rift is a journey of constant learning and application. 

By using our numerous tips for League of Legends: Wild Rift in your gameplay, you’re setting the stage for more impactful plays, smarter decisions, and, ultimately, more victories. 

Always keep an open mind, and remember, the key to success is not just in your hands but also in playing well with your team. Good luck, and have fun!