
What Your Main Role in League of Legends Says About You?

Have you ever wondered what your choice of role in League of Legends reveals about your personality and style?... Aleksandar | 18. March 2024

Have you ever wondered what your choice of role in League of Legends reveals about your personality and style? League of Legends, a game that captivates millions worldwide, isn’t just about champions and their abilities. 

It’s about you, the player, and how you see the game. Let’s check out what your main role in League of Legends says about you. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to the Rift, this exploration might just give you a new perspective on your gaming identity.

The Strategic Thinkers: Top Laners

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  • Independent
  • Resilient
  • Strategic thinker
  • Patient 

Top laners are indeed the game’s stoic strategists, often seen as the fortress of solitude where the battle of wits and wills takes place. This role is not for the faint-hearted. 

It requires a player who relishes the challenge of going solo, understanding that their performance can significantly influence the game’s outcome.

When you play top lane, patience is not just a virtue; it’s a strategy. Top laners often find themselves in drawn-out battles, where patience and tactical retreats can be as crucial as aggressive advances. 

Independence helps people develop special skills. For example, top laners get good at making decisions when they don’t have a lot of help from their teammates right away.

The role demands a player who can adapt to different champions and playstyles, switching from tanky bruisers to agile fighters depending on the team’s needs. 

It extends to game phases – knowing when to push your lane when to join team fights, or when to hold back and defend.

Top laners also develop a keen sense of map awareness and timing, understanding that their isolated duels can turn into multi-player skirmishes with little warning. 

Their strategic decisions, whether to split-push to draw enemy attention or to teleport into a brewing team fight, can turn the tide of the entire game.

The Fast-Paced Players: Junglers


  • Multitasker
  • Proactive
  • Quick decision-maker
  • Team player

Junglers are the roamers, constantly moving and keeping an eye on the entire map. You’re the team’s backbone, making crucial decisions that can lead to victory or defeat.

The role is dynamic, challenging, and immensely rewarding for those who master it.

Proactivity and Multitasking: As a jungler, your role is to be everywhere at once. You’re farming jungle camps, securing buffs and objectives, ganking lanes to provide advantages, and warding to protect against enemy movements. 

It requires a proactive mindset, always thinking a few steps ahead of the enemy jungler, and multitasking abilities that are second to none. The jungle is unpredictable, and junglers must be able to react in an instant. 

Do you want to counter-jungle, save a teammate from a gank, or initiate a game-changing dragon or Baron Nashor fight? Quick thinking and decisiveness are essential. 

Your choices directly impact the flow of the game, and hesitation can lead to missed opportunities or, worse, the snowballing of your opponents.

Junglers also embody the spirit of self-sacrifice. Often, you’ll find yourself giving up resources for your laners, setting them up for success even if it means falling behind individually. 

This role teaches you the importance of vision, both literally in terms of warding and metaphorically in understanding the bigger picture of the match.

The Heart of the Team: Mid Laners


  • Confident
  • Versatile
  • Bold
  • Leadership-oriented

Mid laners, often considered the stars of the show, command the battlefield from the heart of the map. If you’re drawn to this role, you probably enjoy being in the limelight, making those high-stakes plays that turn the tide of the game. 

This role is not just about craving attention; it’s about thriving under the pressure it brings. You’re the type of player who isn’t afraid to shoulder the responsibility of leading your team to glory.

As a mid laner, your champion pool might include mages with devastating area-of-effect spells, assassins ready to eliminate key targets, or even utility champions that can turn the tide of battle with a single well-placed ability. 

If this is your main role in League of Legends it means you’re adaptable and capable of changing your playstyle based on what your team needs most. 

It takes a bold player to switch gears so fluidly, moving from aggressor to protector as the situation demands. Your confidence allows you to make these decisions quickly, stepping up to challenge opponents head-on when it counts.

Beyond your versatility on the battlefield, your role as a mid laner naturally positions you as a leader. 

You’re often at the epicenter of team fights, making split-second decisions that can lead to a victorious skirmish or a strategic retreat. 

Your eagerness to engage not only puts you at the center of the action but also positions you as the one who can best assess the state of play and guide your team accordingly. 

Leadership in the mid lane goes beyond just calling shots; it’s about inspiring confidence in your teammates, showing them that with you at the helm, victory is within reach.

The Sharpshooters: ADC (Attack Damage Carry)

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  • Precise
  • Risk-taker
  • Focused
  • Determined

ADCs, the archers and marksmen of League of Legends, hold the power to clinch victory with their sustained damage output from a safe distance. If the ADC role is your calling, you are someone who understands the importance of positioning, timing, and teamwork. 

You know that your moment in the spotlight comes when you can safely unleash hell on the opposing team, turning the tide of battle with your precision and patience.

The life of an ADC is one of calculated risk. With every auto-attack and skill shot, you’re making decisions that could lead to a triumphant team fight or a costly setback. 

This role demands precision—not just in landing attacks but in knowing when to engage and when to hold back. 

Your patience is your strength, allowing you to wait for the opportune moment to strike, even if that means biding your time while the chaos of battle swirls around you. 

It’s this ability to stay focused and deliberate in the heat of the moment that sets you apart.

Yet, being an ADC isn’t just about playing it safe. There’s a fine line between caution and cowardice, and as the team’s primary source of sustained damage, you’re often called upon to toe this line daringly. 

Taking risks comes with the territory—no matter if it’s positioning yourself within range of the enemy to land the final blow or choosing to push a lane solo for that crucial turret. 

Your willingness to take these calculated risks for the greater good of your team is what can turn an even match into a decisive victory.

The Supportive Souls: Support Players


  • Communicative
  • Selfless
  • Empathetic
  • Observant

The foundation of every successful League of Legends squad is its support players. Often going unnoticed but always making the crucial plays that lead to victory.

If the support role is your go-to, you’re the type of person who finds joy in assisting others, setting up plays, and protecting your teammates. 

The role is for those who take pride in their team’s success over personal glory. As a support, you’re the guardian angel of your team, always ready to save the day.

Your main objective isn’t to rack up kills but to ensure your team’s safety and success. This might mean warding to provide vision, healing and shielding your allies, or making sacrificial plays to secure objectives. 

Your keen observance allows you to read the battlefield, anticipate the enemy’s moves, and react accordingly. You’re always thinking one step ahead, ensuring your team has the advantage.

Perhaps the most crucial aspect of being a support is your inherent sense of teamwork. 

You understand that League of Legends is a team game, and your interactions and synergy with your teammates, especially your ADC, can make or break a match. 

Your ability to communicate effectively, whether through pings, calls, or simply being in the right place at the right time, is what makes you invaluable. 

Support players know that every small action—be it a well-placed ward, a timely heal, or a game-changing ultimate—can have a significant impact on the game’s outcome.


So, you’ve got your main role in League of Legends, but what does it really tell the world about you? 

Each role, from top laner to support, tells a story about how you play and what you like. It’s pretty cool how your choice shines a light on your gaming style. 

Whether you’re all about teamwork, love making big plays, or enjoy having the game’s fate in your hands, it’s all about having fun and doing what you do best. 

So, the next time you pick your role, remember it’s more than just a game position; it’s a little peek into your gaming personality.