
Valorant Mobile beta leaks highlights exciting features and gameplay

Valorant, the beloved tactical FPS game by Riot Games, is making its way to mobile devices, and recent leaks... Shubh | 26. September 2023

Valorant, the beloved tactical FPS game by Riot Games, is making its way to mobile devices, and recent leaks have unveiled exciting gameplay features. Get a sneak peek here!

Valorant Mobile is on the horizon, and fans are eagerly awaiting its arrival. Riot Games, known for its PC first-person shooter (FPS) hit Valorant, announced plans to bring the game to mobile back in June 2021. However, there has been limited official information about the game’s global release since then. While Valorant Mobile is currently in closed beta testing in China, recent leaks have provided glimpses into its gameplay and features.

In a recent series of leaks, a YouTuber named AnakinGG shared four gameplay videos of Valorant Mobile on their channel. These videos showcased ranked gameplay, deathmatch gameplay with a handcam, a test of Raze’s double-satchel ability, and gyroscope gameplay with a handcam. These leaks have generated significant excitement among fans who are looking forward to experiencing Valorant’s tactical gameplay on their mobile devices.

Leaked videos give the first glimpse at Valorant Mobile

The first video offers a detailed look at ranked gameplay on the Bind map, featuring the Raze agent. Remarkably, the gameplay closely resembles the PC version, with agents’ abilities remaining consistent.

The second video is a handcam recording of a Deathmatch gameplay session on Ascent, mirroring the PC version’s experience. The third video focuses on a test of Raze’s double satchel ability, which requires quick reflexes and coordination, presenting an interesting challenge for mobile gamers.

Gyroscope functionality is a critical feature in mobile gaming, allowing precise crosshair control and freeing up the aiming thumb for other actions. The fourth video showcases the use of gyroscope controls in Valorant Mobile, highlighting its accuracy.

Key Features and UI

One key aspect observed in these videos is the mobile user interface (UI) and control scheme. While Valorant Mobile retains the essence of the PC UI, it introduces some mobile-specific adjustments. The on-screen interface includes buttons for scope, fire, jump, crouch, buy, settings, mute, chat, reload, map, health, and equipped weapons.

Performance is a crucial factor in any mobile adaptation, and Valorant Mobile appears to deliver smooth and responsive gameplay. This not only ensures a faithful PC-like gaming experience but also meets the demands of competitive mobile gaming.

Valorant Mobile’s potential to attract a diverse player base is becoming evident. By effectively replicating the PC experience, it is poised to establish a strong presence in the mobile esports scene. Riot Games, the developer behind Valorant, has taken a strategic approach to make Valorant Mobile appealing to a wide audience, including PC players and mobile gamers. This effort encompasses various aspects of gameplay and user experience.

The gameplay experience in Valorant Mobile appears seamless and dynamic, offering fluidity and responsiveness across various game modes, including 5v5 matches, deathmatches, and practice ranges. Customizable HUD features allow players to tailor their gaming interface according to their preferences, enhancing the personalization aspect.

To address concerns about gunfight encounters and weapon recoil management, Valorant Mobile introduces a gyroscopic mechanism similar to other gaming titles, providing players with control over recoil for smoother gameplay. The Agent Select section features comprehensive guides for Agent abilities, making it accessible to new players. Additional efforts have been made to create a newcomer-friendly environment, with visible indicators guiding players to their starting points before each round.

Riot Games’ strategic approach

While Valorant Mobile aims to capture the essence of the PC version, some differences have been noted in the closed beta, such as weapon prices and modifications to the practice range. Overall, Valorant Mobile’s development reflects Riot Games’ commitment to offering a mobile gaming experience that appeals to players across different platforms and experience levels.

As Valorant Mobile leaks continue to surface, it’s clear that Riot Games is working diligently to create a mobile gaming sensation that caters to a broad audience. The game’s successful launch could potentially elevate Valorant to new heights, offering features that have long been requested by the community, such as a replay and highlights system.

Valorant Mobile’s gameplay videos have garnered excitement within the gaming community, with players eagerly awaiting its official release. While concerns about gameplay mechanics and the balance between tactical gameplay and mobile dynamics exist, Riot Games has the opportunity to strike the right balance and make Valorant Mobile a success.

With ongoing beta testing and leaks revealing more about the game’s features, Valorant Mobile is poised to make a significant impact in mobile gaming. Fans have much to look forward to, and Riot Games has the chance to expand the player base of Valorant with the mobile version’s launch.

Header: ValorantMBIntel | Twitter