
Reinhardt Overwatch: A Guide to Playing the Tank Hero

Reinhardt is a popular Tank hero in the team-based multiplayer game Overwatch. He was one of the original 21... Pablo | 11. October 2023

Reinhardt is a popular Tank hero in the team-based multiplayer game Overwatch. He was one of the original 21 heroes released with the game in 2016. Reinhardt is often described as a “knight” or “crusader” due to his appearance and personality. He wears a suit of powered armor and wields a massive rocket-powered hammer that he uses to charge into battle and protect his teammates with a large energy barrier.

Reinhardt’s playstyle focuses on being a frontline tank, soaking up damage and protecting his allies. His Barrier Field ability allows him to create a large shield that can absorb incoming fire, while his Charge ability lets him rush forward and pin an enemy against a wall, dealing damage and stunning them. Reinhardt’s ultimate ability, Earthshatter, knocks down and stuns all enemies in front of him, making it a powerful tool for initiating a team fight.

Reinhardt’s popularity among Overwatch players is due in part to his strong personality and iconic design. He is often seen as a symbol of heroism and chivalry, and his catchphrases and emotes have become fan favorites. In competitive play, Reinhardt is a staple pick in many team compositions, and his ability to protect his teammates and initiate fights can make him a game-changing hero in the right hands.

Character Overview

Role in Overwatch

Reinhardt is a Tank hero in Overwatch. He is a German veteran who wears powered armor and wields a massive hammer. Reinhardt is a protector of his team and leads a rocket-propelled charge across the battlefield. He is a formidable opponent who can deal heavy damage to his enemies while providing cover for his teammates. Reinhardt is a popular pick in competitive play due to his ability to defend his team and disrupt enemy lines.

Abilities and Skills

Reinhardt’s abilities are focused on protecting his team and disrupting enemy movements. He has a large health pool and can absorb a lot of damage with his Barrier Field ability. Reinhardt can also charge into enemies with his Rocket Hammer, dealing massive damage and knocking them back. His Charge ability can be used to quickly close gaps and knock down enemies. Reinhardt’s ultimate ability, Earthshatter, knocks down all enemies in front of him, leaving them vulnerable to attack.

Reinhardt’s skill set requires a good understanding of positioning and timing. He is best used as a frontline tank, leading his team into battle and providing cover for them. Reinhardt is a good choice for players who enjoy protecting their team and disrupting enemy movements. He is a versatile hero who can be used in a variety of situations, from attacking to defending. Overall, Reinhardt is a strong pick for any team looking for a reliable tank.

Character Backstory

Reinhardt Wilhelm is a German tank hero in the game Overwatch. He is known for his massive hammer and his protective barrier, which he uses to defend his team. In this section, we will explore Reinhardt’s backstory and how he became the hero we know today.

Early Life

Reinhardt was born into a family of crusaders, who had a long history of serving the country. His father was a soldier in the German army, and his mother was a doctor. From a young age, Reinhardt was fascinated by his family’s legacy and the idea of fighting for justice.

As a teenager, Reinhardt joined the army and quickly rose through the ranks. He became known for his bravery and his ability to inspire his fellow soldiers. However, he soon realized that the army was not the place for him. He wanted to fight for a greater cause, one that would allow him to make a real difference in the world.

Joining Overwatch

Reinhardt left the army and joined Overwatch, an international task force dedicated to protecting the world from threats. He quickly became one of the organization’s most trusted members, and he was known for his unwavering dedication to his team.

During his time at Overwatch, Reinhardt formed close bonds with many of his fellow heroes, including Ana, Torbjorn, and Brigitte. He also became a mentor to a young soldier named Fareeha Amari, who would later become known as the hero Pharah.

Post-Overwatch Life

After Overwatch was disbanded, Reinhardt returned to Germany and lived a quiet life for many years. However, when the world was once again threatened, he knew that he had to take action. He joined a new group of heroes, who were dedicated to fighting for justice and protecting the innocent.

Today, Reinhardt is known as one of the most powerful heroes in the world. He continues to fight for what he believes in, and he remains a symbol of hope and courage for people everywhere.

Gameplay Strategy

Reinhardt is a powerful tank hero in Overwatch who can protect his team from enemy fire and create space for his allies to move around. In this section, we will cover some key offensive and defensive strategies that players can use to maximize Reinhardt’s potential in battle.

Offensive Strategies

Reinhardt can be a powerful offensive force when used correctly. One effective strategy is to use his Charge ability to take out enemy heroes who are out of position. This can be especially effective against squishy heroes like supports and damage dealers. However, players should be careful not to overextend and leave themselves vulnerable to enemy attacks.

Another offensive strategy is to use Reinhardt’s Fire Strike ability to deal damage to enemy heroes from a distance. This can be especially effective against enemy tanks, who are often slower and easier to hit with the Fire Strike. Players should aim to hit as many enemies as possible with each Fire Strike to maximize its impact.

Defensive Strategies

Reinhardt is primarily a defensive hero, and his abilities are designed to protect his team from enemy attacks. One key defensive strategy is to use Reinhardt’s Barrier Field to block incoming enemy fire. Players should position themselves strategically to protect their team from enemy fire while still allowing their allies to deal damage to the enemy.

Another defensive strategy is to use Reinhardt’s Earthshatter ultimate ability to stun enemy heroes and create opportunities for his team to deal damage. Players should aim to use Earthshatter when the enemy team is grouped together and vulnerable to attack. However, players should be careful not to waste their ultimate ability and should wait for the right moment to use it.

Overall, Reinhardt is a versatile hero who can be used effectively both offensively and defensively. By using these strategies, players can maximize Reinhardt’s potential and help their team to victory.

Character Reception

Reinhardt has been a popular character among Overwatch players since the game’s release in 2016. He is often praised for his powerful abilities and his ability to protect his teammates. Despite his age, Reinhardt is seen as a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

Many players appreciate Reinhardt’s tanking abilities, which allow him to absorb a lot of damage and protect his team. His Barrier Field ability is particularly useful in this regard, as it can block incoming fire and protect his teammates from harm. Additionally, his Rocket Hammer is a powerful melee weapon that can deal a lot of damage to enemy players.

Reinhardt’s popularity has also been reflected in the game’s competitive scene, where he is often a top pick for tank players. His ability to control the battlefield and protect his team is seen as crucial to winning matches.

Overall, Reinhardt’s popularity among players and his effectiveness in the game make him a valuable addition to any Overwatch team.

In Popular Culture

Reinhardt has become a beloved character among Overwatch fans, and as such, has made appearances in various forms of popular culture.

One such appearance was in the music video for the song “Dragostea Din Tei” by O-Zone. In the video, Reinhardt can be seen dancing along with other characters from the game. The video went viral and became a meme, with Reinhardt’s dance moves being replicated and shared across social media platforms.

Reinhardt has also been featured in various fan-made artworks, comics, and videos. Many fans have created their own stories and interpretations of the character, often focusing on his background as a crusader and his relationships with other members of the Overwatch team.

In addition, Reinhardt has been referenced in other video games, such as the game “Paladins” and the mobile game “Heroes of Warfare”. These references often take the form of character skins or voice lines that pay homage to Reinhardt and his iconic armor and hammer.

Overall, Reinhardt’s popularity has transcended the world of Overwatch and has become a recognizable figure in popular culture.


Reinhardt is a popular tank hero in Overwatch, known for his powerful hammer swings and energy barriers. Here are some interesting trivia facts about Reinhardt:

  • Reinhardt was originally designed as a support hero, but the developers decided to make him a tank instead.
  • Reinhardt’s hammer has a name: Rocket Hammer. It is powered by a rocket engine that helps Reinhardt swing it with incredible force.
  • Reinhardt’s shield is called Barrier Field. It can absorb a lot of damage before breaking, and it can be used to protect Reinhardt’s teammates as well.
  • Reinhardt’s ultimate ability is called Earthshatter. It creates a shockwave that knocks down enemies and deals damage to them.
  • Reinhardt’s armor is inspired by medieval knights. It is heavily reinforced and has a distinctive lion emblem on the chest.
  • Reinhardt’s voice actor is Darin De Paul, who has also voiced other video game characters such as J. Jonah Jameson in Spider-Man and Arcturus Mengsk in StarCraft II.
  • Reinhardt has several skins that change his appearance. Some of these skins are based on other Blizzard games, such as Crusader from Diablo III and Balderich from the Overwatch animated short “Honor and Glory.”

Overall, Reinhardt is a beloved hero in Overwatch, with a unique playstyle and a rich backstory. Whether you’re charging into battle with his Rocket Hammer or protecting your team with his Barrier Field, Reinhardt is always a force to be reckoned with.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some interesting Reinhardt voice lines in Overwatch?

Reinhardt has a number of memorable voice lines in Overwatch, including “Catchphrase!” when he uses his ultimate ability, “Hammer down!” and “Bring me another!” when he eliminates an enemy. He also has a number of humorous lines such as “I’m not a young man anymore” and “I’m simply following my programming.”

What is the backstory of Reinhardt Wilhelm in Overwatch?

Reinhardt Wilhelm is a wandering knight who continues to fight for justice and defend the innocent in Overwatch. He is a former member of the Crusaders, a group of elite soldiers who fought against the Omnics during the Omnic Crisis. Reinhardt is known for his bravery, chivalry, and unwavering dedication to his cause.

What are some tips for playing as Reinhardt in Overwatch?

When playing as Reinhardt, it is important to use his shield to protect your team and create space for your allies to move forward. You can also use his charge ability to knock enemies out of position and his firestrike to deal damage from a distance. It is also important to communicate with your team and coordinate your attacks.

What is the significance of Reinhardt’s shield in Overwatch?

Reinhardt’s shield is a crucial part of his kit in Overwatch. It can absorb a large amount of damage and protect his team from enemy fire. It also allows Reinhardt to create space for his team and move forward on the battlefield. However, the shield has a limited amount of health and can be destroyed if it takes too much damage.

What is the height and age of Reinhardt in Overwatch?

Reinhardt is 7 feet tall and his age is unknown. He is considered to be one of the oldest heroes in Overwatch, but his exact age is not specified.

Who is stronger between Reinhardt and Zarya in Overwatch?

Reinhardt and Zarya are both strong heroes in Overwatch, but they have different roles and abilities. Reinhardt is a tank hero who excels at protecting his team and creating space, while Zarya is a damage hero who can deal a lot of damage and protect her team with her barriers. It is difficult to compare their strength directly as they have different roles and playstyles.