
Prone Call of Duty: Understanding the Tactical Advantage of Going Prone in Modern Warfare

Prone is a popular position in the Call of Duty series that allows players to lie down and make... Fragster | 24. October 2023

Prone is a popular position in the Call of Duty series that allows players to lie down and make the best use of long-ranged guns like snipers. It is a basic movement that can be performed in various Call of Duty games, including Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Call of Duty Mobile. In Modern Warfare 2, players can go prone by pressing the crouch button twice quickly, while in Call of Duty Mobile, players can perform the prone action by tapping the crouch button.

Going prone in Call of Duty games has several advantages. It makes players harder to spot by enemies, especially when they are in grass or bushes. It also reduces recoil and improves accuracy, making it easier to hit targets from a distance. However, going prone also makes players vulnerable to grenades and other explosive devices, as they cannot move quickly and are an easy target for such attacks.

Overall, prone is a useful position in Call of Duty games that players can use to gain tactical advantages and improve their gameplay. Whether players are sniping from a distance or trying to hide from enemies, going prone can be a valuable tool in their arsenal.

Prone Position Basics in Call of Duty

In Call of Duty, the prone position is a basic movement that can give players an advantage in certain situations. By going prone, players can make themselves a smaller target and reduce their visibility to enemies. However, players should note that when in the prone position, they are vulnerable from behind since enemies can hit them while they are laying down looking elsewhere.

To go prone in Call of Duty, players must press and hold the crouch button until their character is crouched, and then press and hold the prone button until their character is lying flat on the ground. On PC, players can press and hold the CTRL button to go prone. To get back up, players can tap the crouch button again.

It’s important to use the prone position wisely in Call of Duty. While it can provide cover and reduce visibility, it can also make players an easy target if they are not careful. Players should avoid going prone in open areas where they can be easily spotted by enemies and should only use the prone position when it is necessary.

In addition, players should be aware that the prone position can slow down their movement speed and make it harder for them to get up quickly. Therefore, players should only use the prone position when they are in a safe and secure location and have a clear view of their surroundings.

Importance of Prone Position

The prone position in Call of Duty can be a game-changer in certain situations. Here are some reasons why it’s important to know how to go prone:

  • Increased accuracy: When a player is prone, they have a more stable shooting platform. This means that their shots are more likely to hit their intended target.
  • Reduced movement noise: Going prone makes a player’s movement almost silent. This can be useful when trying to sneak up on an enemy or when trying to avoid detection.
  • Lower profile: When a player is prone, they present a smaller target to their opponents. This can make it harder for enemies to hit them, especially at longer ranges.
  • Harder to track: When a player is moving while prone, they can be harder to track for their opponents. This can give them an advantage in gunfights, especially if they are using a weapon with a slower rate of fire.

Overall, the prone position is an important tool in a player’s arsenal. Knowing when and how to use it effectively can give them an edge in combat.

Prone Position Techniques

In Call of Duty, the prone position is a useful technique for players who want to take cover or aim at long distances. Here are some tips and techniques for using the prone position effectively:

  • Crawl: When prone, players can crawl to move around more quietly and avoid detection. To crawl, players can press the movement button in the direction they want to move.
  • Aim Down Sights: Players can aim down their sights while prone to increase accuracy and stability. This is especially useful when using long-ranged guns like snipers.
  • Quick Stand: Players can quickly stand up from the prone position by pressing the jump button. This can be useful for quickly escaping danger or changing positions.
  • Use Cover: When prone, players can use cover like walls or rocks to shield themselves from enemy fire. It’s important to note that some cover may not be high enough to fully protect players while prone.
  • Stay Alert: While prone, players are more vulnerable to enemy fire and may not have a full view of their surroundings. It’s important to stay alert and aware of potential threats.

By using these techniques, players can effectively use the prone position to their advantage in Call of Duty.

Strategies for Using Prone Position

Prone position in Call of Duty can be a powerful tool for players who want to stay hidden and take accurate shots. Here are some strategies for using prone position effectively:

  • Use prone position to take cover. When under heavy fire, going prone can be a lifesaver. It makes you a smaller target and can help you avoid enemy fire. However, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and not go prone in an exposed area.
  • Use prone position for long-range shots. Prone position can be especially useful when using long-range weapons like snipers. It allows you to stabilize your aim and take more accurate shots. However, it’s important to stay aware of your surroundings and not get caught off guard.
  • Combine prone position with other tactics. Prone position can be combined with other tactics like leaning and crouching to make yourself a harder target to hit. For example, you can lean around a corner while prone to take a shot and quickly go back into cover.
  • Be aware of your movement speed. Going prone slows down your movement speed, so it’s important to use it strategically. Don’t go prone in the middle of a firefight or when you need to move quickly. Instead, use it when you have time to plan your next move.

Overall, prone position can be a powerful tool for players who want to take accurate shots and avoid enemy fire. However, it’s important to use it strategically and be aware of your surroundings to avoid getting caught off guard.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Prone Position


In Call of Duty, the prone position can provide players with several advantages. Firstly, it allows players to use their weapons with better accuracy. When a player is in the prone position, the mass and surface area behind the firing line are increased, which helps to stabilize the weapon and reduce recoil. This can be particularly useful when trying to take out enemies at a distance.

Secondly, going prone can reduce movement noise. When a player is crawling on the ground, they make less noise than when they are running or walking. This can make it harder for opponents to track and kill them, giving the player a tactical advantage.

Lastly, going prone can also make a player harder to spot. When a player is lying flat on the ground, they blend in better with their surroundings, making it more difficult for opponents to see them.


While the prone position can provide players with advantages, it also has its disadvantages. Firstly, a player in the prone position is more vulnerable to grenades and other explosive devices. When a player is lying on the ground, they have less mobility and are unable to quickly dodge incoming grenades.

Secondly, going prone can make it harder for a player to move quickly. Crawling on the ground is slower than running or walking, which can make it difficult to quickly move to a new location or escape from danger.

Lastly, going prone can also make a player more exposed to enemy fire. When a player is lying on the ground, they have less cover and are more exposed to enemy fire. This can make it easier for opponents to take them out, especially if they are not paying attention to their surroundings.

In summary, while the prone position can provide players with advantages, it also has its drawbacks. Players should weigh the benefits and risks of using the prone position in different situations and use it strategically to gain an advantage over their opponents.

Prone Position in Different Call of Duty Games

Call of Duty is a popular first-person shooter game that has been around for over a decade. One of the most important positions in the game is the prone position, which allows players to lie down and take cover while shooting. In this section, we will discuss the prone position in different Call of Duty games.

Prone Position in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, the prone position is an essential part of the gameplay. Players can go prone by pressing the crouch button twice or by holding down the prone button. Once in the prone position, players can move around slowly and take cover behind objects. The prone position is particularly useful for snipers who need to take long-range shots.

Prone Position in Call of Duty: Warzone

Call of Duty: Warzone is a free-to-play battle royale game that is set in the same universe as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. In Warzone, the prone position is just as important as it is in Modern Warfare. Players can go prone by pressing the crouch button twice or by holding down the prone button. Once in the prone position, players can move around slowly and take cover behind objects. The prone position is particularly useful for snipers who need to take long-range shots.

Prone Position in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is the latest game in the Call of Duty franchise. In Black Ops Cold War, the prone position is just as important as it is in other Call of Duty games. Players can go prone by pressing the crouch button twice or by holding down the prone button. Once in the prone position, players can move around slowly and take cover behind objects. The prone position is particularly useful for snipers who need to take long-range shots.

Overall, the prone position is an essential part of the gameplay in Call of Duty. Players who master the prone position can take cover and take out enemies from a safe distance.

Tips and Tricks for Prone Position

Prone position is a useful technique in Call of Duty that can give players a tactical advantage in various situations. Here are some tips and tricks to help you make the most of the prone position:

  • Use it for cover: Going prone behind cover can make it harder for enemies to spot you, and can also provide protection from incoming fire. Be sure to choose cover that is large enough to fully conceal your body.
  • Stay mobile: While prone, players can still move slowly in any direction. Use this to your advantage by changing positions frequently to avoid being flanked or outmaneuvered.
  • Be aware of your surroundings: When prone, players have a limited field of view, making it easy to miss enemies approaching from the sides or behind. Use the minimap and sound cues to stay aware of your surroundings and avoid being caught off guard.
  • Use it for accuracy: Prone position can greatly improve accuracy, especially when using weapons with high recoil or long-range sights. Take advantage of this by using prone position to engage enemies at a distance.
  • Watch out for grenades: When prone, players are more vulnerable to grenades and other explosive devices. Keep an eye out for incoming grenades and be ready to move quickly to avoid taking damage.

By using these tips and tricks, players can make the most of the prone position and gain a tactical advantage in Call of Duty.

Common Mistakes When Using Prone Position

While the prone position can be a useful tool for players in Call of Duty, it can also lead to some common mistakes. Here are a few things to keep in mind when using the prone position:

1. Being too stationary – While the prone position can provide cover, it also makes the player more vulnerable to enemy fire. It’s important to keep moving and changing positions to avoid being an easy target.

2. Using prone in the wrong situations – Prone can be useful for snipers and players using long-range weapons, but it’s not always the best option. In close-quarters combat, for example, it can be more effective to stay on your feet and move quickly.

3. Forgetting to check surroundings – When in the prone position, it’s easy to become focused on a particular target or area. However, it’s important to remember to check surroundings regularly to avoid being flanked or surprised by enemies.

4. Not adjusting sensitivity – The sensitivity settings for prone can be different from those for standing or crouching. It’s important to adjust these settings to ensure smooth movement and accurate aim while in the prone position.

By keeping these common mistakes in mind, players can make the most of the prone position while staying safe and effective on the battlefield.


In conclusion, prone is a useful movement in Call of Duty that allows players to get a better angle on their opponents and avoid gunfire. It is a basic movement that is easy to perform, but it requires practice to use effectively in a game.

Players should be aware of the drawbacks of being prone, such as slower movement speed and the inability to use certain weapons. It is important to use prone strategically and not rely on it too heavily.

Overall, prone is an important tool in a player’s arsenal and should be used in conjunction with other movements such as sprinting and crouching to create a well-rounded playstyle. By mastering the use of prone, players can gain an advantage over their opponents and improve their chances of winning matches.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I execute a prone maneuver in Call of Duty on PC?

To execute a prone maneuver in Call of Duty on PC, the player needs to press the ‘Z’ key on their keyboard. This will cause the player’s character to lie down on the ground.

What is the meaning of ‘prone kills’ in Modern Warfare 2?

‘Prone kills’ in Modern Warfare 2 refer to the number of kills a player has achieved while lying down on the ground. This is a challenge that players can complete to earn rewards.

What is the definition of ‘while prone’ in Call of Duty?

‘While prone’ in Call of Duty refers to actions that are taken while the player’s character is lying down on the ground. This can include shooting, reloading, and moving.

What is the meaning of ‘get kills while prone’ in Call of Duty?

‘Get kills while prone’ in Call of Duty is a challenge that requires players to achieve a certain number of kills while lying down on the ground. This can be a difficult challenge to complete, but it rewards players with valuable rewards.

What is the definition of ‘prone’ in Call of Duty?

‘Prone’ in Call of Duty refers to the position that a player’s character takes when they lie down on the ground. This position can be used to provide cover and avoid enemy fire.

What is the meaning of ‘get 30 kills while prone’ in Call of Duty?

‘Get 30 kills while prone’ in Call of Duty is a challenge that requires players to achieve 30 kills while lying down on the ground. This is a difficult challenge to complete, but it rewards players with valuable rewards.