
NRG Head Coach Slams LCS Management’s Communication

fragster 22. December 2023

Thinkcard, the esteemed head coach of NRG, recently took to the digital platform Twitter to shed light on the intricate dynamics and communication gaps prevailing within the LCS (League of Legends Championship Series) management and the coaching fraternity. His candid remarks underscore a growing sentiment among coaching staff that their expertise and insights are often sidelined, overshadowed by unilateral decisions from higher-ups.

Historically, the LCS ecosystem has grappled with issues of transparency and collaboration between its various tiers. Despite some attempts to bridge the divide, notably through player-driven movements and protests, the underlying tensions persist. These tensions have been exacerbated by decisions made at the organizational level that directly impact players and coaching staff alike. Notably, players associated with EG and GG have felt the repercussions of abrupt organizational departures from the LCS, leaving many questioning the transparency and decision-making protocols of these entities.

Thinkcard demands transparency from LCS team managers

NRG stands as a beacon of success within this tumultuous landscape, thanks in no small part to its dedicated and effective coaching staff. The team’s triumphant run during the Summer Split of 2023 stands testament to the strategic prowess and dedication of its members. However, the celebrations were bittersweet, marred by the departures of several players due to budgetary constraints. Amidst these challenges, Thinkcard emerged as a linchpin, providing stability, direction, and vision to the team. His extensive experience, spanning both coaching and competitive play, has been instrumental in shaping NRG’s trajectory, making his concerns all the more poignant.

Delving deeper into his grievances, Thinkcard highlighted the perplexing unpredictability surrounding practice schedules, particularly scrim blocks. He expressed profound dissatisfaction with the absence of collaborative discussions between coaches and management, emphasizing the detrimental impact on player performance and team cohesion. In a poignant tweet, Thinkcard humorously yet pointedly commented on the erratic scheduling: “The constant shifts between two sessions of three hours or a solitary five-hour stint leave us scratching our heads. As the head of a premier team, this lack of influence over such critical decisions is both perplexing and concerning.”

Moreover, Thinkcard’s revelations didn’t stop at his own experiences. He hinted at a pervasive issue across the LCS, suggesting that multiple unnamed teams frequently sideline the invaluable perspectives of their coaches and players when formulating crucial strategies and schedules. This sidelining not only undermines the expertise and insights of those directly involved but also jeopardizes the overall competitiveness and integrity of the league.

In advocating for change, Thinkcard articulated a pressing need for genuine inclusion and collaboration. Mere tokenism, wherein his opinions are acknowledged but not genuinely considered, falls short of addressing the root concerns. He fervently believes that for the LCS to thrive and maintain its status as a premier esports league, decision-making processes must be more inclusive, transparent, and collaborative. By ensuring that essential stakeholders, including coaches and players, are actively involved in discussions and decisions, the LCS can foster a more harmonious, effective, and competitive environment. Anything less risks perpetuating existing tensions and undermining the league’s long-term viability and success.