
Norra League of Legends: Everything You Need to Know

Norra is a character in the popular multiplayer online battle arena game, League of Legends. She is a Yordle... Fragster | 23. October 2023

Norra is a character in the popular multiplayer online battle arena game, League of Legends. She is a Yordle mage from Bandle City who enjoys exploring both the physical and spiritual realm. Norra was the previous owner of Yuumi, a magical cat who can travel through portals. According to Yuumi’s lore, Norra disappeared, leaving Yuumi behind.

Norra is an exclusive champion added to Legends of Runeterra, a virtual card game based on the world of League of Legends. In Legends of Runeterra, Norra is capable of using the Book of Portals to teleport between different areas of Runeterra. Her unique ability, Nexus Strike, allows her to plant a Mysterious Portal randomly in the top four cards of her deck. When Norra levels up, she has summoned six or more created allies.

Despite being a relatively new addition to the League of Legends universe, Norra has already captured the attention of players with her intriguing backstory and unique abilities. As players continue to explore her character and abilities, Norra is sure to become a popular pick in both League of Legends and Legends of Runeterra.

History of Norra in League of Legends

Norra is a Yordle mage from Bandle City, known for her expertise in Yordle magic and portal conjuration. Her name has been increasingly mentioned in hushed tones, and she has become a popular topic among League of Legends fans.

According to Yuumi’s lore, Norra was the previous owner of the magical cat and disappeared, leaving Yuumi behind. However, it is still unclear what happened to her and why she vanished.

Although Norra has not yet been added to the League of Legends roster, she was introduced as an exclusive champion in Legends of Runeterra, the Riot Games-created virtual card game based on the world of League of Legends.

In the latest image relating to the Sentinels of Light event, Norra is seen in the corner, and it has been speculated that she will have a prominent role in this event. However, it is impossible to tell if Norra will be the next League of Legends champion, as Riot Games has not made any official announcements yet.

Despite her mysterious disappearance and lack of presence in League of Legends, Norra’s entry into Legends of Runeterra has sparked interest among players. Her Yordle Physiology abilities, such as immortality and natural yordle magic, make her a formidable opponent in the game.

Overall, the history of Norra in League of Legends is still shrouded in mystery, but her popularity among fans and her introduction in Legends of Runeterra suggest that she may have a significant role to play in the future of the game.

Character Description

Norra is a Yordle mage from Bandle City, known for her love of exploration and travel. She is described as an enchantress with a mischievous personality, and a talent for yordle magic.

As a Yordle, Norra possesses several abilities natural to her species. She is immortal and does not age the same way as normal humans. Additionally, she has the ability to perform yordle magic, which allows her to conjure portals and other magical effects.

Norra’s most notable connection in the League of Legends universe is to Yuumi, the magical cat champion. According to Yuumi’s lore, Norra was her previous owner, but disappeared, leaving Yuumi behind. This connection has led to speculation that Norra may be a future champion in League of Legends.

Despite being a character in the lore of League of Legends for over three years, Norra has only recently gained more attention due to her appearance in the card game, Legends of Runeterra. While she is not currently a playable champion in League of Legends, fans are eagerly anticipating her potential arrival in the game.

Abilities and Skills

Norra is a Yordle who possesses unique abilities and skills that make her stand out in League of Legends. Her abilities are focused on dealing damage and controlling the battlefield. Here are some of her abilities:

  • Piercing Strike: Norra lunges forward, dealing physical damage to all enemies in a line. This ability can also apply on-hit effects.
  • Bouncing Bomb: Norra throws a bomb that bounces up to three times before exploding, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit. The bomb can also be detonated mid-air by reactivating the ability.
  • Mysterious Portal: Norra summons a portal that spawns a random creature card from her deck. The creature can be a follower or a champion and will fight for Norra until it dies.
  • Yordle Agility: Norra gains increased movement speed and can pass through units for a short duration.

Norra’s skills complement her abilities, making her a formidable opponent on the battlefield. She is a skilled fighter who can hold her own in close combat, but also has the range and versatility to deal with enemies from a distance. Her agility allows her to dodge attacks and reposition herself quickly, making her difficult to pin down. Overall, Norra is a well-rounded champion who can adapt to different situations and playstyles.

Strategies and Gameplay

Norra is a unique champion in League of Legends, with a set of abilities that require a different approach than most other champions. Here are some strategies and gameplay tips to help players make the most of Norra’s kit:


Norra’s abilities are focused on creating and utilizing Mysterious Portals, which can be used to summon creatures and deal damage to enemies. Here’s a breakdown of Norra’s abilities:

  • Mysterious Portal (Passive): Norra’s basic attacks and spells create a Mysterious Portal on the target, which lasts for 3 seconds. When a creature enters the Portal, it is teleported to a random location near Norra.
  • Portal Strike (Q): Norra sends a wave of energy towards a target location, dealing damage to all enemies in its path. If the wave hits a Mysterious Portal, it explodes, dealing additional damage and creating a new Portal.
  • Portal Summon (W): Norra creates a Mysterious Portal at a target location, which lasts for 8 seconds. If an ally or enemy enters the Portal, they are teleported to a random location near Norra.
  • Portal Bomb (E): Norra sends a creature through a Mysterious Portal, dealing damage to all enemies near the Portal’s exit point. If the creature is a summoned creature, it explodes on impact, dealing additional damage.
  • Portal Master (R): Norra creates a ring of Mysterious Portals around herself, which last for 4 seconds. While inside the ring, Norra gains increased movement speed and her abilities have reduced cooldowns.

Tips and Tricks

  • Norra’s abilities are all centered around her Mysterious Portals. Players should focus on creating and utilizing these Portals to gain an advantage over their opponents.
  • Norra’s Q ability can be used to create new Portals, which can then be used to teleport allies or enemies to different locations on the map.
  • Norra’s W ability can be used to quickly move around the map, either by teleporting to a new location or by using the Portal to escape from danger.
  • Norra’s E ability can be used to deal damage to enemies who are hiding behind walls or other obstacles, as the Portal can be used to send a creature through the obstacle to reach the enemy.
  • Norra’s ultimate ability, Portal Master, can be used to create a ring of Portals around herself, which can be used to quickly move around the battlefield and avoid enemy attacks.

Overall, Norra is a unique champion in League of Legends, with a set of abilities that require a different approach than most other champions. Players who can master Norra’s abilities and use them effectively will be able to gain a significant advantage over their opponents.

Norra’s Impact on the Meta

Norra, the yordle enchantress, has made a significant impact on the Legends of Runeterra meta since her release. Her ability to create Mysterious Portals has made her a valuable addition to many decks.

One popular deck that has emerged is the Poro Cannon + Boom Baboon package, which synergizes well with Norra’s ability to create Mysterious Portals. This deck has proven to be effective in both ranked and tournament play.

Another deck that has seen success with Norra is the Nightfall Aggro deck. Norra’s Elusive ability makes her difficult to block, and her ability to create Mysterious Portals can help players draw key cards to maintain pressure on their opponent.

Overall, Norra’s impact on the meta has been positive. She has introduced new strategies and synergies to the game, and has become a staple in many decks. It will be interesting to see how the meta continues to evolve with the addition of new cards and champions.

Popular Builds for Norra

Norra is a champion in Legends of Runeterra that has seen a resurgence in popularity with the recent 3.19.0 balance patch. Here are some popular builds for Norra that players have been using:

Nami Norra

One of the best performing Norra decks for the new champion is Nami Norra, with a 53% win rate. This deck utilizes the onboard pressure of Norra and Nami, alongside Curious Shellfolk, to maximize the potential of each of its win conditions. Against slower opponents, the deck will look to play control and use the duo’s abilities to create board presence. Against faster opponents, the deck can use its spells to control the board and deal damage.

Veigar Norra

Veigar Norra is a powerful option that utilizes the high damage output of Veigar and the board presence of Norra. This deck can quickly overwhelm opponents and deal massive amounts of damage. It also has a lot of control options, including spells that can deal damage, remove enemy units, and draw cards.

Swain Norra

Swain Norra is another popular build that uses the board presence of Norra and the high damage output of Swain. This deck has a lot of control options, including spells that can stun enemy units, deal damage, and draw cards. It can also quickly overwhelm opponents with its high damage output.

Poro Norra

Poro Norra is a fun and unique build that utilizes the Poro package and the board presence of Norra. This deck can quickly create a lot of Poros on the board, which can then be buffed and used to deal massive amounts of damage. It also has a lot of control options, including spells that can remove enemy units and draw cards.

Overall, Norra is a versatile champion that can be used in a variety of different builds. These popular builds are just a few examples of the many ways that players can utilize Norra’s abilities to dominate the battlefield.

Notable Professional Players Using Norra

As Norra is a newly released champion in Legends of Runeterra, there are no professional players who have yet made a name for themselves using her. However, as the champion gains popularity and more players experiment with her abilities, it is likely that some notable players will emerge.

One potential strategy for Norra is to focus on her ability to create magical portals. This ability can allow players to quickly move units around the board, which can be especially useful for setting up surprise attacks or defending against enemy assaults.

Another potential strategy is to focus on Norra’s ability to create a “mirror image” of herself. This can be a powerful tool for confusing opponents and making it difficult for them to predict Norra’s movements.

Overall, it is too early to say which strategies will be most effective with Norra, but it is likely that some professional players will find ways to make her a valuable addition to their decks. As the meta evolves and new cards are released, it will be interesting to see how Norra fits into the competitive landscape of Legends of Runeterra.

Norra’s Influence on Esports

Norra has already made an impact on the world of esports, even though she is currently only available in Legends of Runeterra. As a new champion, players are eager to test out her abilities and see how she fits into the current meta.

One potential way that Norra could influence esports is through her ability to create Mysterious Portals. This ability could potentially open up new deck archetypes and strategies, which could lead to more diverse gameplay and more exciting matches.

Additionally, Norra’s unique backstory and design could make her a fan favorite among players and viewers alike. As a gloomy yordle with a connection to Yuumi, Norra has already captured the attention of many fans. This could lead to increased interest in Legends of Runeterra and potentially even more viewership for esports events featuring the game.

Overall, it is clear that Norra has the potential to make a significant impact on the world of esports. Only time will tell how she will be used by players and how she will affect the game’s competitive scene.


In conclusion, Norra is a fascinating Yordle character in League of Legends with a rich backstory and unique abilities. As a spiritual being, Norra possesses immortality and yordle magic, which she can use to conjure portals and other powerful spells.

While Norra is not yet available in League of Legends, players can enjoy playing her in Legends of Runeterra. Her entry into the game is surrounded by layers of lore and intrigue, making her a popular choice among players.

Overall, Norra’s abilities and backstory make her an interesting addition to the League of Legends universe. Players can look forward to learning more about her and unlocking her full potential in the game.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Norra’s role in League of Legends?

Norra is not currently a playable champion in League of Legends. She was introduced as an exclusive champion in Legends of Runeterra, Riot Games’ digital collectible card game set in the League of Legends universe.

How does Norra fit into the Norra Path of Champions?

The Norra Path of Champions is a set of challenges in Legends of Runeterra that players can complete to earn rewards. Norra is one of the champions featured in this path, and players can unlock her by completing certain challenges.

What are some popular Norra decks in Legends of Runeterra?

Norra’s unique ability to create magical portals can be used to great effect in a variety of decks in Legends of Runeterra. Some popular Norra decks include those focused on creating a large number of units quickly, as well as those that use spells and other abilities to control the board.

How does Norra synergize with Yuumi in a deck?

Yuumi is another champion in Legends of Runeterra who can create portals. When used together in a deck, Norra and Yuumi can create a powerful synergy that allows players to quickly move their units around the board and take control of key areas.

Are there any furry races in League of Legends?

Yes, there are several furry races in League of Legends, including the Yordles, which Norra is a member of. Other furry races in the game include the Vastaya and the Freljordian Ursine.

What is Tristana’s role in League of Legends?

Tristana is a playable champion in League of Legends who is known for her high mobility and burst damage. She is often played as an AD carry, focusing on dealing damage from a distance with her ranged attacks. Tristana can also be played as a mid laner or a top laner in certain situations.