
Enchantress Dota 2: A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the Hero

Enchantress is a support hero in Dota 2 who enchants neutral creeps to do her bidding. She is a... Fragster | 20. October 2023

Enchantress is a support hero in Dota 2 who enchants neutral creeps to do her bidding. She is a ranged hero who excels at slowing and charming enemies and allies. Enchantress has a unique ability called Impetus, which places an enchantment on each attack while activated, causing it to deal additional damage based on how far away the target is. The farther the target, the greater the damage dealt. Deals double damage to creeps and illusions.

Enchantress is a versatile hero who can be played in various roles, including support, disabler, durable, pusher, and ranged. She has a 43.15% win rate and is the 82nd most popular hero in Dota 2. Enchantress has a talent tree that allows players to customize her abilities and stats to suit their playstyle. Her equipment and item builds can also be adjusted to fit the needs of the team.

Enchantress is a hero that requires skill and strategy to play effectively. She is not a hero that can be played passively, as her abilities require active use and management. However, a skilled Enchantress player can be a valuable asset to any team, providing crowd control, healing, and damage-dealing abilities.

Enchantress Overview

Role in the Game

Enchantress is a ranged intelligence hero in Dota 2 who is primarily played as a support. She has the ability to control neutral creeps and use them to her advantage in the jungle or in ganks. Enchantress is known for her ability to sustain herself and her allies in fights with her healing abilities. She is also a strong damage dealer with her ultimate ability, Impetus, which deals more damage the farther away the target is.

In the early game, Enchantress can be played as a roamer or a jungler. As a roamer, she can use her enchant ability to control neutral creeps and gank enemy heroes. As a jungler, she can use her abilities to quickly clear jungle camps and gain gold and experience. Enchantress can also be played as a lane support, where she can harass enemy heroes with her long range and slow them with her Enchant ability.

In the mid to late game, Enchantress can transition into a pusher or a team fighter. With her healing abilities, she can sustain her team in fights and push down towers. She can also use her ultimate ability, Impetus, to deal massive damage to enemy heroes from a safe distance.


Enchantress has four abilities: Enchant, Nature’s Attendants, Untouchable, and Impetus.

  • Enchant allows Enchantress to take control of a neutral creep for a short period of time. The creep gains increased movement speed and attack damage, and can be used to scout, push lanes, or gank enemy heroes.
  • Nature’s Attendants creates a cloud of wisps that heal Enchantress and nearby allies over time. This ability is useful for sustaining allies in fights and pushing down towers.
  • Untouchable slows the attack speed of enemy heroes that attack Enchantress. This ability is useful for surviving in fights and kiting enemy heroes.
  • Impetus places an enchantment on each attack while activated, causing it to deal additional damage based on how far away the target is. The farther the target, the greater the damage dealt. This ability is useful for dealing massive damage to enemy heroes from a safe distance.

Overall, Enchantress is a versatile hero who can be played in a variety of ways depending on the situation. She is a strong support hero who can sustain her allies in fights and deal massive damage to enemy heroes from a safe distance.


Enchantress is a ranged intelligence hero in Dota 2 who specializes in controlling neutral creeps and dealing magical damage. Her gameplay style is versatile, allowing her to be played as a support or core hero. In this section, we will discuss Enchantress’s gameplay in the early, mid, and late game.

Early Game

During the early game, Enchantress’s primary role is to control neutral creeps and harass enemy heroes with her Impetus ability. She can also provide vision with her Enchant ability, which allows her to temporarily take control of an enemy or neutral creep. Enchantress should prioritize farming and securing experience to level up her abilities.

Enchantress’s starting items should include Tango, Healing Salve, Clarity, Iron Branch, and Smoke of Deceit. She can also consider purchasing a Ring of Basilius to increase her mana regeneration. Enchantress should focus on jungling and ganking enemy heroes in the early game.

Mid Game

In the mid game, Enchantress should have acquired her core items, such as Power Treads, Dragon Lance, and Hurricane Pike. She can now take on a more active role in team fights and push towers with her team. Enchantress should use her Impetus ability to deal damage from a safe distance while her team engages in fights.

Enchantress can also use her Enchant ability to control enemy creeps and use them to push lanes or defend towers. She should prioritize farming and pushing lanes to create space for her team to farm and secure objectives.

Late Game

In the late game, Enchantress’s role is to provide sustained damage and control in team fights. She should have acquired her core items, such as Aghanim’s Scepter and Scythe of Vyse, to increase her damage output and crowd control abilities.

Enchantress should prioritize positioning and staying alive in team fights to deal damage from a safe distance. She can also use her Enchant ability to control enemy heroes and prevent them from initiating on her team.

Overall, Enchantress is a versatile hero who can be played as a support or core hero. Her ability to control neutral creeps and deal magical damage makes her a valuable asset to any team.

Skill Builds

Core Skills

Enchantress is a versatile hero in Dota 2, and her skill builds can vary depending on the situation. However, there are some core skills that are essential for her to be effective in any game.

Enchant, her first skill, allows her to take control of an enemy creep or neutral unit and use it to her advantage. This skill is especially useful in the early game, as it allows her to secure last hits and denies, as well as harass the enemy.

Nature’s Attendants, her second skill, provides a burst of healing to herself and nearby allies. This skill is useful in team fights and can also be used to sustain herself in lane.

Finally, her ultimate ability, Impetus, allows her to deal additional damage based on the distance between her and her target. This skill is especially powerful in the late game, as it allows her to deal massive damage from a safe distance.

Situational Skills

In addition to her core skills, Enchantress has several situational skills that can be useful in certain situations. Enchanted Mango, for example, can be used to provide mana regeneration in the early game when Enchantress is low on mana.

Enchantress can also benefit from items such as Power Treads, which can provide her with additional attack speed and survivability, and Aghanim’s Scepter, which can increase the range and damage of her ultimate ability.

Overall, Enchantress is a hero that requires careful consideration when it comes to skill builds. By focusing on her core skills and adapting to the situation at hand, players can maximize her effectiveness and help their team to victory.


Starting Items

Enchantress is a jungler hero who relies on her abilities to deal damage and control creeps. To start the game, she needs items that can help her sustain in the jungle and gank effectively. Therefore, she usually buys Tango, Healing Salve, Clarity, and Iron Branch. Tango and Healing Salve help her recover health, while Clarity restores her mana so she can keep using Enchant to control creeps. Iron Branch gives her cost-effective attribute bonuses, which can help her stay alive in the jungle.

Core Items

Enchantress’s core items depend on her role and playstyle. If she is playing as a support, she usually goes for items that can help her team, such as Arcane Boots, Urn of Shadows, and Force Staff. Arcane Boots provide mana to her and her allies, while Urn of Shadows can heal allies and deal damage to enemies. Force Staff can help her and her allies escape or initiate fights.

If Enchantress is playing as a core, she usually goes for items that can increase her damage output and survivability, such as Power Treads, Dragon Lance, and Hurricane Pike. Power Treads can give her attack speed and damage, while Dragon Lance and Hurricane Pike can increase her attack range and mobility.

Luxury Items

If Enchantress has a good early game and can farm well, she can go for luxury items that can make her even stronger. These items include Scythe of Vyse, Black King Bar, and Aghanim’s Scepter. Scythe of Vyse can disable an enemy hero for a long time, while Black King Bar can make her immune to most spells. Aghanim’s Scepter can upgrade her ultimate ability, Impetus, to deal more damage and pierce through spell immunity.

Enchantress can also go for items that can help her team in team fights, such as Shiva’s Guard, Lotus Orb, and Guardian Greaves. Shiva’s Guard can slow down enemies and reduce their attack speed, while Lotus Orb can reflect spells back to the caster. Guardian Greaves can heal allies and remove debuffs.

In conclusion, Enchantress’s itemization depends on her role, playstyle, and the situation of the game. She needs items that can help her sustain in the jungle, increase her damage output, and provide utility to her team. By choosing the right items, she can become a formidable force in the game.

Strengths and Weaknesses


Enchantress is a versatile hero with a unique set of skills that can be used in various ways. Her ability to control neutral creeps allows her to jungle efficiently and gank other lanes, making her a strong support hero. Enchantress has a high movement speed, which makes her difficult to catch and allows her to chase down enemy heroes. Her Impetus ability deals significant damage, especially to heroes who are far away, making her a potent damage dealer.

Enchantress has a natural resistance to physical damage, which makes her a tough target for enemy carries. Her passive ability, Untouchable, slows down enemy attackers, making them less effective against her. Enchantress also has a high base intelligence and mana pool, which allows her to cast spells frequently without running out of mana.


Enchantress has a low base health pool, which makes her vulnerable to burst damage and nukes. She relies on her speed and mobility to avoid getting caught out of position, which can be a disadvantage in team fights. Enchantress is also weak against magic damage, which can quickly deplete her health pool.

Enchantress’s reliance on neutral creeps can be a double-edged sword. While it allows her to jungle efficiently and gank other lanes, it also makes her vulnerable to counter-jungling and stealing her creeps. Enchantress’s abilities are mainly focused on dealing damage, which means she lacks crowd control abilities, making her less effective in team fights.

In summary, Enchantress is a versatile hero with unique strengths and weaknesses. Her ability to control neutral creeps and deal significant damage makes her a potent support hero, but her low health pool and vulnerability to magic damage can be a disadvantage. Enchantress’s strengths lie in her speed, mobility, and damage output, while her weaknesses lie in her low health pool and lack of crowd control abilities.

Counters and Synergies

Hero Counters

Enchantress is a versatile hero that can be played in various roles. However, she has some weaknesses that can be exploited by certain heroes. Below is a list of heroes that can counter Enchantress in Dota 2:

  • Razor: Razor’s Static Link can drain Enchantress’ damage, making her less effective in team fights. Also, Razor’s Plasma Field can deal significant damage to Enchantress and her creeps.
  • Broodmother: Broodmother’s spiderlings from Spawn Spiderlings can overwhelm Enchantress. Enchantress can only control one of them with Enchant, and she has no good waveclear. Additionally, Broodmother can easily escape from Enchantress’ Impetus with her webs.
  • Chen: Chen’s Holy Persuasion can convert Enchantress’ creeps, making her less effective in team fights. Additionally, Chen’s Hand of God can heal his team and negate Enchantress’ Impetus damage.
  • Lycan: Lycan’s Howl can provide his team with bonus damage and health, making them more resistant to Enchantress’ Impetus. Additionally, Lycan’s wolves can easily kill Enchantress’ creeps.

Hero Synergies

Enchantress can also be a strong hero when paired with certain allies. Below is a list of heroes that can synergize well with Enchantress in Dota 2:

  • Lina: Lina can provide burst damage and crowd control with her spells, allowing Enchantress to follow up with her Impetus. Additionally, Lina’s Light Strike Array can set up Enchantress’ Enchant.
  • Crystal Maiden: Crystal Maiden can provide mana regen and crowd control with her spells, allowing Enchantress to spam her Impetus. Additionally, Crystal Maiden’s Frostbite can hold enemies in place, making it easier for Enchantress to land her Impetus shots.
  • Juggernaut: Juggernaut can provide physical damage and healing with his spells, making him a good frontliner for Enchantress to follow up with her Impetus. Additionally, Juggernaut’s Blade Fury can protect Enchantress from physical damage.
  • Omniknight: Omniknight can provide healing and magic immunity with his spells, making Enchantress more durable in team fights. Additionally, Omniknight’s Purification can deal significant damage to enemies and heal his team, making him a good partner for Enchantress.

Tips and Tricks

Enchantress is a versatile hero with a unique set of abilities that can be used in a variety of ways. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of this hero in Dota 2.

Early Game

In the early game, Enchantress excels at roaming and ganking. She can use her Enchant ability to take control of neutral creeps and use them to harass enemy heroes. Her Nature’s Attendants ability allows her to heal herself and her allies, making her a valuable support hero.

When playing Enchantress, it is important to prioritize her abilities based on the situation. For example, if you are facing a lot of physical damage, you may want to max out her Untouchable ability first to reduce the attack speed of enemy heroes.

Mid Game

In the mid game, Enchantress can transition into a semi-carry role. Her Impetus ability deals pure damage based on the distance between her and her target, making her a powerful ranged attacker.

To maximize the effectiveness of Enchantress in the mid game, it is important to build the right items. Items like Dragon Lance and Hurricane Pike can increase her attack range, while Aghanim’s Scepter can improve the effectiveness of her abilities.

Late Game

In the late game, Enchantress can continue to be a powerful force on the battlefield. Her abilities scale well into the late game, and she can be a formidable damage dealer with the right items.

When playing Enchantress in the late game, it is important to position yourself carefully. Her low health pool makes her vulnerable to burst damage, so it is important to stay behind your allies and use your abilities from a safe distance.

By following these tips and tricks, you can become a master of Enchantress and dominate your opponents in Dota 2.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Enchantress’s real name in Dota 2?

Enchantress’s real name in Dota 2 is Aiushtha.

What is Enchantress’s role in Dota 2?

Enchantress is primarily played as a support hero in Dota 2. She is known for her ability to control neutral creeps and use them to gank enemy heroes. She is also capable of dealing significant damage from a distance with her Impetus ability.

How does Enchantress’s Enchant ability work in Dota 2?

Enchantress’s Enchant ability allows her to take control of a neutral creep. The controlled creep gains increased movement speed and damage, and can be used to attack enemy heroes or jungle camps. The duration of the control depends on the level of the ability.

What are Enchantress’s strengths and weaknesses in Dota 2?

Enchantress’s strengths in Dota 2 include her ability to control neutral creeps and use them to gank enemy heroes, as well as her long-range damage output with Impetus. However, she is relatively squishy and vulnerable to burst damage and disables. Additionally, she is not very effective in team fights without proper positioning and support from her teammates.

What items are typically built on Enchantress in Dota 2?

Enchantress typically builds items that increase her survivability and damage output. Common items include Power Treads, Hurricane Pike, Aghanim’s Scepter, and Scythe of Vyse. She may also build support items such as Mekansm or Glimmer Cape to help her team.

How do you counter Enchantress in Dota 2?

Enchantress can be countered in Dota 2 by focusing on burst damage and disables. Heroes with stuns, silences, or high burst damage can quickly take her down before she can use her abilities. Additionally, heroes with AoE damage can be effective against her controlled creeps. It is also important to prevent her from snowballing by shutting down her early game ganks and denying her access to neutral creeps.