
New Tank Items in LoL Season 14: Become Unstoppable

League of Legends (LoL), the dynamic and ever-changing arena of online gaming, has unveiled an exciting array of new... Aleksandar | 29. January 2024

League of Legends (LoL), the dynamic and ever-changing arena of online gaming, has unveiled an exciting array of new tank items in its Season 14 update. These new additions are set to change the way tank champions engage in the game, infusing their roles with unprecedented versatility and strategic depth.

The introduction of these new tank items in LoL marks a significant milestone, as it promises to improve the gaming experience for players of all skill levels. From novice gamers to seasoned veterans, everyone can anticipate a more nuanced and engaging gameplay.

This development not only enriches the roles of tank champions but also broadens the strategic possibilities within the game. With these new tools at their disposal, players are now empowered to explore a variety of tactical approaches, ensuring that each battle is as unique as it is thrilling.

New Tank Items in LoL

Introducing new tank items in League of Legends Season 14 brings a fresh dynamic to the game’s strategic landscape. 

These items bolster the traditional tank role with enhanced durability and unique abilities and offer more nuanced gameplay options. 

Let’s investigate these items’ cost, components, stats, and unique passives.

Hollow Radiance

Hollow Radiance New tank item in LoL

Hollow Radiance is an item for bolstering a tank’s endurance in extended combat scenarios. This item is meticulously crafted to augment a tank’s ability to withstand sustained damage over time. 

It offers a robust combination of high health, substantial magic resistance, and significant health regeneration. 

These features collectively make Hollow Radiance an exceptional choice for tanks consistently in the thick of battle.

  • Cost and Recipe: 2800 gold; Bami’s Cinder + Spectre’s Cowl + 550 gold.
  • Stats: 600 Health, 40 Magic Resistance, 100% Base Health Regeneration.
  • Passives:
    • Immolate: Causes magic damage per second to nearby enemies when taking or dealing damage.
    • Desolate: Deals magic damage in an area upon killing an enemy.

Unending Despair

Unending Despair tank item in season 14

Unending Despair is an optimal choice designed for tanks who actively immerse themselves in confrontations with enemy champions. 

This item distinguishes itself by its remarkable capacity to both inflict damage and provide healing simultaneously, rendering it a versatile dual-threat asset during skirmishes and team-based encounters. 

Tailored to enhance the performance of tanks, Unending Despair amplifies their offensive capabilities and fortifies their survivability, making it a strategic cornerstone in the heat of battle. 

  • Cost and Recipe: 2800 gold; Kindlegem +  Chain Vest + Ruby Crystal + 800 gold.
  • Stats: 400 Health, 55 Armor, 10 Ability Haste.
  • Passive – Anguish: Deals magic damage to nearby enemy champions and heals for a portion of the damage dealt in combat every 7 seconds.

Kaenic Rookern

Kaenic Rookern latest addition to LoL

Kaenic Rookern emerges as a formidable force on the defensive front, showcasing unparalleled effectiveness, particularly in countering magic damage. 

What sets this item apart is its distinctive passive ability, which bestows a substantial magic shield upon the wearer. 

This characteristic makes Kaenic Rookern particularly well-suited for tanks with the strategic prowess to navigate combat situations and mitigate incoming damage, creating an ideal synergy with champions capable of avoiding harm for short durations. 

  • Cost and Recipe: 2900 gold; Spectre’s Cowl + Negatron Cloak + 750 gold.
  • Stats: 400 Health, 80 Magic Resistance, 150% Base Health Regeneration.
  • Passive – Magebane: Grants a magic shield after not taking damage from champions for 12 seconds.


Trailblazer great support tank item

Trailblazer stands as a quintessential item at the intersection of mobility and team-oriented strategy, serving as a dynamic asset that extends its benefits to the individual user and the entire team. 

With a primary focus on enhancing mobility, this item transcends the conventional limits of personal advantage, offering a symbiotic relationship with teammates in battle. 

Its versatility shines in both combat initiation and escape phases, presenting a unique tactical advantage that can be strategically leveraged.

  • Cost and Recipe: 2400 gold; Winged Moonplate + Chain Vest + 700 gold.
  • Stats: 250 Health, 40 Armor, 5% Bonus Movement Speed.
  • Passive – Lead the Way: Builds bonus Move Speed while moving, leaving a trail that increases allies’ speed. The next attack discharges built-up speed and slows the target for melee champions.

Jak’Sho the Protean

Jak’Sho the Protean rework in season 14

Jak’Sho the Protean presents a comprehensive and well-rounded array of attributes, comprising a harmonious blend of health, armor, and magic resistance. 

This amalgamation of defensive qualities positions it as a highly adaptable and versatile choice, capable of meeting the diverse challenges presented in various in-game scenarios. 

The careful balance between health, armor, and magic resistance fortifies the user’s survivability and ensures an effective response to a spectrum of threats on the battlefield.

  • Cost and Recipe: 3200 gold; Negatron Cloak + Chain Vest + Ruby Crystal + 1100 gold.
  • Stats: 300 Health, 50 Armor, 50 Magic Resistance.
  • Passive – Voidborn Resilience: Details are not fully provided but are expected to offer unique defensive capabilities.

Impact on Gameplay

Let’s delve into the strategic depth these Tank items in LoL bring to the forefront, transforming the role of tanks from mere damage absorbers to savvy tacticians.

Strategic Depth

Introducing these new items significantly influences how tank players approach the game, adding layers of strategic depth to their playstyle. 

One notable example is “Hollow Radiance,” a perfect fit for tanks engaged in prolonged battles, emphasizing durability and sustained resilience. 

On the flip side, “Unending Despair” caters to those tanks who prefer frequent clashes with enemy champions, offering a dual-threat dynamic of dealing damage and healing simultaneously.

Versatility in Builds

These items bring a refreshing level of versatility to tank builds, allowing players to tailor their item choices based on specific team compositions and the threats posed by the opposing side. 

Take “Kaenic Rookern,” for instance, which proves to be an excellent counter against teams heavily reliant on magic damage. 

Meanwhile, “Trailblazer” enhances mobility, providing tanks with the flexibility to engage or disengage strategically according to the situation’s needs.

Meta Shift

The advent of these items brings about a potential shift in the tank role within the current meta. Tanks are no longer confined to merely absorbing damage; instead, they now hold the potential to be active contributors in team fights, assuming the role of tactical playmakers. 

This shift in dynamics implies that tanks, armed with these new tools, can significantly impact the flow of battles. 

As a result, the tank role becomes not just about resilience but also about strategic decision-making, potentially reshaping the overall landscape of the game’s meta.


Introducing these new tank items in LoL Season 14 brings fresh excitement and possibilities to the tank role. 

By understanding these items’ functionalities and strategically incorporating them into gameplay, tank players can significantly enhance their impact on the battlefield. 

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer, exploring these new options will undoubtedly enrich your gaming experience.