
Hexa Kill League of Legends: How to Achieve this Rare Feat

Hexakill is a unique game mode in League of Legends that is played with six players on each team... Fragster | 28. October 2023

Hexakill is a unique game mode in League of Legends that is played with six players on each team instead of the regular five. This mode was first introduced in 2014 and has since become a popular choice among players. It offers an exciting layer of strategy, chaos, and innovative champion combinations that make it a thrilling experience for all players.

In Hexakill, players have to kill six enemy champions in a short timeframe to earn the rare achievement of Hexakill. This mode adds a new level of complexity to the game, requiring players to think on their feet and come up with new strategies to outsmart their opponents. With six players on each team, there are more opportunities for teamwork and coordination, making Hexakill a great option for players who enjoy working together to achieve a common goal.

Overall, Hexakill is a fun and challenging game mode that offers a fresh take on the traditional League of Legends experience. It is a great way to mix things up and keep the game exciting for both new and experienced players alike.

Hexa Kill: The Basics

Hexa Kill is a special game mode introduced in League of Legends where two teams of six players battle it out on Summoner’s Rift. This mode was first playable by beta testers on January 25, 2014, on the Public Beta Environment (PBE). It was later made available to all players on February 20, 2014.

The objective of Hexa Kill is to kill all six members of the enemy team within a short timeframe, resulting in a Hexa Kill achievement. This is one kill more than a Penta Kill, which is already a rare feat in the game.

In Hexa Kill mode, each team has an additional player, which adds an exciting layer of strategy, chaos, and innovative champion combinations. The game mode can be played on Summoner’s Rift, the most popular map in League of Legends, and it follows the same rules as the regular 5v5 mode, with a few exceptions.

One of the most significant differences in Hexa Kill mode is the increased gold and experience gains, which allows players to level up and buy items much faster than in the regular game mode. This feature makes the game more fast-paced and action-packed, as players can reach their full potential much quicker.

Overall, Hexa Kill is an exciting and challenging game mode that requires players to work together, strategize, and execute their plans flawlessly to achieve the rare Hexa Kill achievement.

Hexa Kill Gameplay Mechanics

Hexa Kill is a unique game mode in League of Legends that adds an extra player to each team for a total of six players per team. This change in team composition has a significant impact on the overall gameplay mechanics of the game. In this section, we will discuss the specific gameplay mechanics that are unique to Hexa Kill.

Champion Selection

One of the most significant changes in Hexa Kill is the champion selection process. With six players on each team, there are more opportunities for unique champion combinations and strategies. Players must carefully consider their team composition and choose champions that complement each other’s abilities. This can lead to some exciting and unexpected team compositions.

Map Changes

The Summoner’s Rift map is slightly altered in Hexa Kill mode to accommodate the additional player on each team. The lanes are wider, and the jungle is more extensive, providing players with more opportunities to farm and gank. The extra space also means that there are more opportunities for team fights, making Hexa Kill games more action-packed than standard games.

Objective Control

With six players on each team, objective control becomes even more critical in Hexa Kill mode. Teams must work together to secure objectives like Dragon and Baron, as well as defend their own objectives from the enemy team. The additional player on each team means that there are more opportunities for steals and counter-plays, making objective control even more challenging and exciting.

Hexa Kill Achievement

Finally, Hexa Kill mode introduces a unique achievement that is only available in this game mode. To earn a Hexa Kill, a player must kill six enemy champions within a short timeframe. This achievement is incredibly challenging to earn, but it adds an extra layer of excitement to Hexa Kill games.

Overall, Hexa Kill mode is an exciting and challenging game mode that offers a unique experience for League of Legends players. With the additional player on each team, players must adapt their strategies and playstyles to succeed in this game mode.

Champion Selection in Hexa Kill

In Hexa Kill, champion selection is crucial to winning the game. As there are six players on each team, there are more opportunities to create unique and powerful team compositions. Players should consider the strengths and weaknesses of each champion, as well as their own playstyle and the playstyle of their teammates.

One popular strategy in Hexa Kill is to choose champions with strong crowd control abilities. This can help players control the map and prevent the enemy team from advancing. Champions like Malphite, Amumu, and Ashe are excellent choices for this strategy.

Another strategy is to choose champions with high mobility and burst damage. These champions can quickly move around the map and take out enemy champions before they have a chance to react. Champions like Zed, Yasuo, and LeBlanc are great choices for this strategy.

Players should also consider the map itself when choosing champions. The Twisted Treeline is smaller than Summoner’s Rift, so champions with long-range abilities may not be as effective. Instead, players should choose champions that can quickly move around the map and engage in close combat.

Overall, the key to success in Hexa Kill is to choose champions that complement each other and fit the overall strategy of the team. By considering the strengths and weaknesses of each champion, players can create a powerful team composition that can dominate the battlefield.

Strategies for Hexa Kill Success

Hexa Kill is a special game mode in League of Legends that requires a different approach to achieve success. Here are some strategies that players can use to improve their chances of winning:

1. Champion Selection

Choosing the right champion is crucial in Hexa Kill. Players should aim to pick champions that complement their team’s composition and strategy. Some champions that are good for Hexa Kill include:

  • Assassins: These champions are great for taking out enemy champions quickly and efficiently.
  • Tanks: Tanks can absorb a lot of damage and protect their team, making them an important addition to any Hexa Kill team.
  • Mages: Mages deal a lot of damage from a distance, making them ideal for taking out enemy champions from afar.

2. Communication

Communication is key in Hexa Kill. Players should communicate with their team to coordinate their strategy and make sure everyone is on the same page. This can be done through the in-game chat or through voice communication software like Discord.

3. Map Awareness

Map awareness is essential in Hexa Kill. Players should be aware of their surroundings at all times and keep an eye on the minimap to track enemy movements. This can help players avoid ganks and ambushes and give them an advantage in team fights.

4. Objectives

Objectives are important in Hexa Kill. Players should focus on taking down turrets, inhibitors, and the enemy nexus to win the game. They should also prioritize objectives like dragon and baron buffs to gain an advantage over the enemy team.

5. Teamwork

Teamwork is crucial in Hexa Kill. Players should work together to achieve their goals and support each other during team fights. They should also be willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of the team if necessary.

By following these strategies, players can improve their chances of winning in Hexa Kill and unlock the chaos of 6v6 battles.

Popular Champions in Hexa Kill

Hexa Kill is a game mode in League of Legends that pits two teams of six players against each other on Summoner’s Rift. The game mode features a unique set of challenges and strategies that require players to adapt their gameplay style accordingly. In Hexa Kill, players need to choose champions that can provide a mix of damage, crowd control, and survivability to succeed.

Some of the most popular champions in Hexa Kill include Alistar, Nidalee, and Sona. These champions are known for their ability to heal teammates, deal damage, and provide crowd control. Alistar, for example, is a tanky champion that can initiate fights and peel for his teammates. Nidalee, on the other hand, is a versatile champion that can deal damage from range or up close. Sona is a support champion that can heal her teammates and provide crowd control with her abilities.

In addition to these champions, there are several other champions that are popular in Hexa Kill. Katarina, Fiddlesticks, and Sivir are all strong picks that can deal significant damage in team fights. Katarina, for instance, can jump in and out of fights, dealing damage with her abilities while avoiding enemy attacks. Fiddlesticks can silence and fear enemies, making it difficult for them to fight back. Sivir, on the other hand, can deal damage with her boomerang blade and ricochet abilities.

Overall, there are many champions that can be successful in Hexa Kill, and players should choose champions that can provide a mix of damage, crowd control, and survivability. By working together and utilizing their champion’s strengths, players can dominate their opponents and emerge victorious in Hexa Kill.

Understanding the Hexa Kill Map

Hexakill is a special game mode in League of Legends that adds an exciting layer of strategy, chaos, and innovative champion combinations. In Hexakill, players play a standard game on Summoner’s Rift, except each team has 6 players instead of the usual 5, for a total of 12 players on the map instead of 10. There are no additional rule changes.

The Hexakill map is the same as the standard Summoner’s Rift map, but with an extra player on each team. This means that the map is slightly more crowded, and players need to be more aware of their surroundings. The extra player also means that there are more opportunities for ganks and team fights, as well as more opportunities for players to get caught out of position.

One of the key strategies in Hexakill is to take advantage of the extra player on your team. This can be done by focusing on team fights and ganks, as well as by using innovative champion combinations to catch the enemy team off guard. It’s also important to be aware of the enemy team’s strategy, and to adapt your own strategy accordingly.

Overall, the Hexakill map is an exciting twist on the classic Summoner’s Rift map, and offers players a unique and challenging experience. By understanding the map and using innovative strategies, players can dominate the game and achieve the rare achievement of a Hexakill.

Hexa Kill Scoring System

In Hexa Kill game mode, a Hexa Kill is achieved when a player kills six enemy champions in a short time frame. This achievement is rare and requires exceptional skill and strategy. The scoring system for Hexa Kill is unique, and it is essential to understand it to succeed in this game mode.

When a player achieves a Hexa Kill, they are awarded six kills instead of one. This means that the player’s score increases by six points, and they receive six gold coins for each kill. Additionally, the player’s team gains a significant advantage, as six enemy champions are eliminated from the game, making it easier for the player’s team to push forward and win.

It is worth noting that the Hexa Kill achievement is not easy to obtain, and players need to work together as a team to achieve it. The scoring system rewards teamwork, and players who work together to eliminate enemy champions have a higher chance of achieving a Hexa Kill.

Furthermore, Hexa Kill is an exciting game mode that adds an extra layer of strategy and chaos to the game. Players need to think on their feet and adapt to the changing circumstances to succeed. The scoring system is designed to reward players who can think strategically and work together as a team.

In summary, the Hexa Kill scoring system is unique and rewards players who can achieve the rare Hexa Kill achievement. It is essential to work together as a team and think strategically to succeed in this game mode.

The Impact of Hexa Kill on League of Legends

Hexa Kill is a rare achievement in League of Legends that requires killing six enemy champions in a short timeframe. Introduced as a special game mode for 6v6, instead of the usual 5v5, it adds an exciting layer of strategy, chaos, and innovative champion combinations. The mode was first playable by Beta testers on the 25th of January, 2014 on the PBE, and was initiated between 4 pm and 5 pm on the 20th of January, 2014, GMT +0. The name comes from the new multi-kill possible with six players, where the “Hexakill” will be announced when one player eliminates six enemy champions.

Hexa Kill has had a significant impact on League of Legends. It has brought a new level of excitement to the game, encouraging players to experiment with new strategies and champion combinations. The mode has also led to the development of new tactics and playstyles, as players try to outsmart their opponents and secure the elusive Hexakill.

Since its introduction, Hexa Kill has become a popular game mode among League of Legends players. It has been featured in various events and tournaments, including the Halloween event “The Harrowing.” The mode is also available on the Twisted Treeline map, which is a smaller map compared to Summoner’s Rift.

Overall, Hexa Kill has had a positive impact on League of Legends. It has added a new layer of excitement to the game, encouraging players to experiment with new strategies and tactics. The mode has also led to the development of new playstyles and champion combinations, making the game more diverse and interesting.

Closing Thoughts on Hexa Kill

Overall, Hexa Kill is an exciting game mode that offers a unique and challenging experience for League of Legends players. With six players on each team and the potential for a Hexa Kill, the game becomes more chaotic and strategic.

While it may not be a permanent game mode, it is still available on occasion and is definitely worth trying out. It adds a layer of complexity and unpredictability that can make the game even more enjoyable for seasoned players.

However, it is important to remember that Hexa Kill is not for everyone. Some players may find it too overwhelming or frustrating, especially if they are not used to playing with six players on a team. It is important to approach the game mode with an open mind and a willingness to learn and adapt.

In conclusion, Hexa Kill is a fun and challenging game mode that offers a unique experience for League of Legends players. While it may not be for everyone, it is definitely worth trying out at least once to see if it is a good fit for your playstyle.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Heptakill in League of Legends?

A Heptakill is a rare achievement in League of Legends that requires killing seven enemy champions in a short timeframe. This achievement is even rarer than the Pentakill, which requires killing five enemy champions in a short timeframe.

What are the different game modes in League of Legends?

League of Legends offers several game modes, including Summoner’s Rift, Twisted Treeline, Howling Abyss, and ARAM. Each game mode has its own unique gameplay mechanics and objectives, making for a varied and exciting experience.

What is the League of Legends execute timer?

The League of Legends execute timer is a feature that allows players to execute minions and monsters when their health is low. This allows players to quickly clear waves of minions and monsters, making it easier to push lanes and take objectives.

When was the Hexakill game mode in League of Legends introduced?

The Hexakill game mode was introduced in League of Legends in January 2014. This game mode is played on Summoner’s Rift with six players on each team instead of the regular five.

What are some of the discontinued game modes in League of Legends?

League of Legends has had several discontinued game modes, including Dominion, Crystal Scar, and Nexus Blitz. These game modes were removed due to low player engagement or to make room for new game modes.

What is the LoL Godlike achievement?

The LoL Godlike achievement is awarded to players who achieve a kill streak of 15 or more in a single game. This achievement is one of the rarest in the game and requires skill, strategy, and a bit of luck to achieve.