
Everything You Need To Know About The TFT B Patch

fragster Stalingrad 29. March 2024

Teamfight Tactics has released a quick B-patch to address some of the most overpowered team compositions and augment combinations in the new Set 11 Inkborn Fables. The 14.6B patch aims to tone down the dominance of Mythic trait comps like Reroll Kog’Maw and Reroll Bard who have been taking over the meta since the set’s launch.

The Mythic Nerfs

Everything You Need To Know About The TFT B Patch

At the core of the B-patch are nerfs to the Mythic trait itself. This powerful origin trait grants units bonus Attack Damage (AD) and Ability Power (AP) stats based on how many Mythic units are activated. However, with comps like Kog’Maw and Bard abusing the offensive stats, Riot has reduced the AD and AP granted:

  • Mythic AP/AD: 12/22/35/35 ⇒ 10/20/32/32

This should make the late-game Mythic spiked units slightly less oppressive on the offensive front. However, given how strong these comps are in the early and mid-game due to their reroll nature, it remains to be seen if the nerfs will be enough to knock them down a peg.

Augment Adjustments Target the Strongest Comps

Everything You Need To Know About The TFT B Patch (2)

In addition to the Mythic nerfs, Riot has also adjusted several augments that were providing too much power and enabling the Mythic reroll carries. Several of the most universally powerful augments like Sharing is Caring, Built Different II, and Epoch Augments took hits:

  • Sharing is Caring Gold per turn: 2 ⇒ 1
  • Built Different II AS: 40-60% ⇒ 40-55%  
  • Built Different II Health: 250-500 ⇒ 220-480
  • Epoch Free rerolls: 3 ⇒ 2

This should prevent players from getting too much free value and resources to easily level and roll for their premium capped units. The Built Different nerfs, in particular, will make it harder to reroll carries like Kog’Maw unstoppable late-game raid bosses.

Neeko’s Hero Augment Buffed

Everything You Need To Know About The TFT B Patch (1)

In an interesting move, Riot has actually buffed the Drop Blossom (Neeko) Augment that grants bonus stats to a player’s “Neekoed” hero unit:  

  • Drop Blossom (Neeko) Heal increase: 25% ⇒ 35%
  • Drop Blossom (Neeko) Damage increase: 30% ⇒ 35% 

This could potentially enable new carry options revolving around Neeko’s hero augment, injecting some diversity into the meta.

Other Notable Changes

Everything You Need To Know About The TFT B Patch (3)

Some other smaller but noteworthy changes in 14.6B:

  • Extended Duel (Duelist) Starting stacks: 3 ⇒ 2
  • Lucky Ricochet (Trickshot) Damage of extra bounce: 50% ⇒ 40%
  • Three’s a Crowd Health: 75 ⇒ 66
  • Accomplice Gold: 8 ⇒ 4
  • Pumping Up III Base AS: 12% ⇒ 10%

The nerfs to Duelist and Trickshot augments should make those trait-based vertical comps a bit weaker in the early and mid game. Meanwhile, Three’s a Crowd and Accomplice gold nerfs prevent players from getting too many free stats and economy to stabilize.

Bug Fixes and Looking Ahead

Everything You Need To Know About The TFT B Patch (4)

In addition to the balance changes, the 14.6B patch addressed some frustrating bugs:

  • Fixed a bug where some units lost traits when traveling to a board with multiple Tactician’s Crowns
  • Improved diversity of encounters in Hyper Roll games
  • Fixed an issue causing Irelia to stop attacking after Udyr’s CC

While not an overhaul, these are welcomed quality-of-life improvements. According to the TFT developers, this B-patch was primarily motivated by the need to fix these critical bugs quickly, rather than a full rebalancing so soon after Set 11’s launch. They opted to make some measured adjustments to the most egregious offenders, with more significant balance changes likely coming in the next full 14.7 patch.

The meta is still fresh, and the developers want to avoid over correcting and causing too much volatility this early. However, players should expect a more thorough shakeup in the next major update as Riot aims to further diversify the popular team comps and augment choices in Teamfight Tactics Set 11: Inkborn Fables.