
Call of Duty Prop Hunt: A Fun and Unique Game Mode for Players of All Levels

Call of Duty Prop Hunt is a popular multiplayer mode that has been included in several titles in the... Fragster | 31. October 2023

Call of Duty Prop Hunt is a popular multiplayer mode that has been included in several titles in the Call of Duty franchise. The mode is based on the popular mod of the same name, which was originally available on the PC version of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Prop Hunt is a party mode that is defined by deception and random objects coming to life. It is a Call of Duty version of hide-and-seek and has become a favorite among players.

In Prop Hunt, players are divided into two teams: the hunters and the props. The props are objects in the game, such as barrels or boxes, that can be transformed into by the players. The hunters must find and eliminate all of the props before the time runs out. The props, on the other hand, must hide and survive until the time runs out. The mode requires players to be creative with their hiding spots and movements to avoid being detected.

Prop Hunt has been included in several Call of Duty titles, including Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Call of Duty: WWII, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. The mode has evolved over the years, with new features and improvements added to enhance the gameplay experience. Prop Hunt is a fun and entertaining mode that adds a unique twist to the traditional Call of Duty multiplayer experience.

History of Prop Hunt in Call of Duty

Prop Hunt is a multiplayer game mode in the Call of Duty franchise that has been around for several years. It originated as a mod on Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and was later included officially by the series’ developers in various titles.

The game mode is unlike any other in Call of Duty history and has gained a significant following among players. In Prop Hunt, one team disguises themselves as random props on the map, such as trash cans, trees, and paint buckets. The opposing team must find and kill each member of the hiding team before time runs out.

Prop Hunt was first introduced as a Weekend Warfare game mode in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered. It was later featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Call of Duty: WWII, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.

The popularity of Prop Hunt can be attributed to its unique gameplay, which combines elements of hide-and-seek and first-person shooter games. It requires players to use strategy, teamwork, and quick reflexes to succeed.

Over the years, the game mode has undergone several changes and improvements, including new maps, props, and weapons. With each new release, players eagerly anticipate the return of Prop Hunt and the chance to master this returning favorite.

Understanding the Gameplay

Prop Hunt is a multiplayer mode in Call of Duty that has been around for several years. It started as a mod on Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and has since been included officially by the series’ developers in various titles. The gameplay is simple yet challenging, and it requires players to use their creativity and cunning to outsmart their opponents.

In Prop Hunt, players are divided into two teams: the props and the hunters. The props are inanimate objects that can be found in the game environment, such as chairs, tables, and crates. The hunters, on the other hand, are armed with weapons and must find and eliminate all the props before time runs out.

The game is played in rounds, and each round begins with the props hiding and the hunters searching for them. The props can move around and change their shape to blend in with the environment, making it difficult for the hunters to find them. The hunters must use their weapons to shoot the props and eliminate them. If the hunters fail to find all the props before time runs out, the props win the round.

Prop Hunt is a game of strategy and deception. The props must use their creativity to find the best hiding spots and blend in with the environment, while the hunters must use their wits to uncover the props’ hiding places. It is a game that requires teamwork, communication, and quick reflexes.

Overall, Prop Hunt is a fun and challenging game mode that adds a new level of excitement to the Call of Duty franchise. It is a game that can be enjoyed by players of all skill levels, and it provides a unique and entertaining experience that is unlike any other game mode in the series.

Strategies and Tips

Prop Hunt in Call of Duty is a game mode that requires both strategy and skill to win. Here are some tips to help players on both sides of the game:


  • Choose a small prop that can blend in with the environment easily. This will make it harder for the hunters to find you.
  • Move around often. Staying in one place for too long can give away your position.
  • Use the decoy ability to distract hunters and make them waste their time.
  • Use the flash ability to blind hunters and make it harder for them to see you.


  • Be patient. Rushing around the map can make it harder to find props.
  • Listen for sound cues. Props make noise when they move, and this can help you locate them.
  • Use your abilities wisely. The ping ability can help you locate props, while the stun ability can make it easier to hit them.
  • Work together with your team. Splitting up can make it harder to find all of the props in time.

Overall, the key to winning in Prop Hunt is to be aware of your surroundings and use your abilities wisely. With practice and patience, players can become skilled at both hiding and seeking in this entertaining game mode.

Common Locations and Props

Prop Hunt is a game mode in Call of Duty where players disguise themselves as random objects on the map. Here are some common locations and props that players can use to blend in and avoid detection:


  • Outdoors: Trees, bushes, rocks, and other natural objects can be used to hide in plain sight. Players can also hide in corners or behind buildings.
  • Indoors: Furniture, boxes, and other objects can be used to hide. Players can also blend in with the environment by standing in dark corners or behind doors.


  • Crates: Wooden crates can be found in many maps and are a popular prop for players to use. They can be stacked and moved to create new hiding spots.
  • Barrels: Metal barrels are another common prop. They can be found in many maps and can be used to hide behind or inside of.
  • Traffic Cones: These small orange cones can be found in some maps and are a popular prop for players to use. They can be placed on top of the player’s head to blend in with other cones on the map.

It’s important to note that players can only disguise themselves as certain props on each map. For example, a player cannot disguise themselves as a traffic cone on a map that does not have any traffic cones. Additionally, players must be careful not to move or act suspiciously, as this can give away their position to the opposing team.

Role of Teamwork

In Call of Duty’s Prop Hunt mode, teamwork plays a crucial role in winning the game. The team that works together and communicates effectively has a higher chance of success.

The team that plays as the hunters must coordinate their efforts to locate and eliminate the enemy team, which is made up of players disguised as various props. They must communicate with each other to ensure that they cover all possible locations and check every potential hiding spot.

On the other hand, the team that plays as the props must work together to find the best hiding spots and blend in with the environment. They must also communicate with each other to ensure that they do not all hide in the same area, making it easier for the hunters to find them.

Effective teamwork also involves using the right equipment and perks. For example, hunters can use UAVs to locate the enemy team, while props can use decoys to distract the hunters.

Overall, teamwork is a vital component of success in Call of Duty’s Prop Hunt mode. Players who work together and communicate effectively have a higher chance of winning the game.

Popular Maps for Prop Hunt

Prop Hunt is a game mode that can be played on various maps in different Call of Duty titles. However, some maps are more popular than others for this game mode. Here are some of the most popular maps for Prop Hunt:

  • Nuketown: This map is a fan-favorite for many game modes, including Prop Hunt. Its small size and varied terrain make it an ideal map for hiding and seeking.
  • Rust: Rust is a small, tight map that is perfect for Prop Hunt. Its many nooks and crannies provide plenty of hiding places for props, while its open areas make it easy for hunters to spot their targets.
  • Shipment: Another small map that is perfect for Prop Hunt, Shipment is known for its chaotic gameplay. Its many shipping containers and other obstacles provide plenty of hiding places for props, while its open areas make it easy for hunters to spot their targets.
  • Vacant: Vacant is a medium-sized map that features a lot of indoor areas, making it ideal for Prop Hunt. Its many rooms and corridors provide plenty of hiding places for props, while its open areas make it easy for hunters to spot their targets.
  • Highrise: Highrise is a large map that features a lot of vertical space, making it a unique choice for Prop Hunt. Its many floors and rooftops provide plenty of hiding places for props, while its open areas make it easy for hunters to spot their targets.

These are just a few of the most popular maps for Prop Hunt. Of course, players can also create their own custom maps and game modes, so the possibilities are endless.

Game Settings and Customization

In Prop Hunt, players can customize their game settings to tailor their experience to their liking. These settings include the number of rounds, time limit, and number of players per team. Players can also choose which maps they want to play on.

Additionally, players can customize their loadouts before the game starts. This includes choosing their weapons, attachments, and perks. It is important to note that some weapons and attachments may not be available in Prop Hunt mode.

Players can also customize their appearance by choosing their character skin and emblem. These customization options are purely cosmetic and do not affect gameplay.

In terms of game rules, players on the “prop” team are given a set amount of time to hide as an object on the map. The “hunter” team must then search the map and shoot any objects that they suspect are players in disguise. The game ends when either all of the props have been found or the time limit has expired.

Overall, the game settings and customization options in Prop Hunt allow players to personalize their gameplay experience and add an extra layer of fun to the already entertaining game mode.

Community and Competitive Scene

Prop Hunt has become a beloved game mode among the Call of Duty community, and it has also found a place in the competitive scene. The mode’s unique gameplay and mechanics make it a refreshing addition to the usual Call of Duty multiplayer experience.

Many players enjoy Prop Hunt for its casual and lighthearted nature. It provides a fun break from the intensity of other game modes, and it allows players to let loose and have a good time. The mode also encourages creativity, as players must come up with clever hiding spots that will fool their opponents.

On the competitive side, Prop Hunt has been featured in various Call of Duty tournaments and events. It requires a different set of skills than traditional game modes, as players must be able to quickly identify which objects are actually players in disguise. The mode also requires strong teamwork and communication, as players must work together to find and eliminate all of the hidden props.

Overall, Prop Hunt has a strong presence in both the casual and competitive Call of Duty scenes. Its unique gameplay and mechanics have made it a fan favorite, and it will likely continue to be a popular game mode in future Call of Duty titles.

Future of Prop Hunt in Call of Duty

Prop Hunt has become a beloved multiplayer mode in the Call of Duty franchise since its inception as a mod in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. With its unique gameplay mechanics and hilarious moments, it’s no wonder why players keep coming back to it.

As of now, there is no official word from the developers on whether Prop Hunt will be included in future Call of Duty titles. However, given its popularity and fan demand, it’s likely that we will see it return in some form.

One potential direction for Prop Hunt in the future could be the addition of new maps and props. This would keep the mode fresh and exciting for players who have been playing it for years.

Another possibility is the integration of Prop Hunt into the Call of Duty League. While it may not be a competitive mode, it would be interesting to see professional players compete in a more lighthearted game mode.

Overall, the future of Prop Hunt in Call of Duty is uncertain, but it’s clear that it has a dedicated fanbase and continues to bring joy to players.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I play Prop Hunt in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2?

Prop Hunt is not available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. However, it is available in other Call of Duty games such as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Call of Duty: WWII, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.

What is Prop Hunt in Call of Duty?

Prop Hunt is a game mode in Call of Duty where players are divided into two teams: props and hunters. Props are objects in the map that can blend in with the environment, while hunters are tasked with finding and eliminating the props. The game mode is known for its unique gameplay and hilarious moments.

What do I need to play Prop Hunt in Call of Duty?

To play Prop Hunt in Call of Duty, you need a copy of the game that has the game mode available. You also need an internet connection to play online and a compatible gaming platform such as Xbox, PlayStation, or PC.

Can I still play Prop Hunt in Call of Duty?

Yes, you can still play Prop Hunt in Call of Duty. The game mode is available in several Call of Duty games, and it is often featured as a special event mode or a permanent feature.

What Call of Duty game has Prop Hunt?

Prop Hunt is available in several Call of Duty games, including Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Call of Duty: WWII, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.

Is Prop Hunt available on Xbox/PS5?

Yes, Prop Hunt is available on Xbox and PlayStation platforms, including the latest generation consoles such as Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5.