
Ethereal Blades Shen Teamfight Tactics Comp Explained

The Ethereal Blades Shen comp in Teamfight Tactics Set 11 combines the Whispers and Ethereal traits for a tanky,... Stalingrad | 24. March 2024

The Ethereal Blades Shen comp in Teamfight Tactics Set 11 combines the Whispers and Ethereal traits for a tanky, resilient team.

Ethereal Blades Shen Teamfight Tactics Comp Set 11 Explained

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Set 11 arrives for Teamfight Tactics, Riot Games ‘ever-evolving auto-battler. As players dive into the new meta, an all-new comp – the Ethereal Blades Shen comp–has emerged as a force to be reckoned with. This synergistic build combines the Whispers and Ethereal qualities to form a tanky team that can take on the toughest challenges.

The Whispers and Ethereal Traits

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At the heart of the Ethereal Blades Shen comp lie the Whispers and Ethereal traits, which form the backbone of this team’s strength. The Whispers trait grants powerful bonuses based on the number of Whispers units fielded. With two Whispers, your team gains a shield that absorbs a percentage of incoming damage, while four Whispers provide an additional source of magic damage.

The Ethereal trait, on the other hand, introduces a unique mechanic where a portion of the damage taken by an Ethereal unit is shared among the rest of your team. This trait becomes especially potent when paired with beefy frontline units that can absorb the shared damage effectively, ensuring your team’s longevity in extended fights.

Key Units and Synergies

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To assemble the Ethereal Blades Shen comp, you’ll need to focus on acquiring the following key units and traits:

  • Shen (Whispers, Bruiser)
  • Jax (Guildmaster, Bruiser)
  • Ashe (Whispers, Ranger)
  • Karma (Whispers, Mystic)
  • Zoe (Whispers, Mage)
  • Yone (Guildmaster, Warrior)
  • Soraka (Mystic, Dragonmancer)

The core of this comp revolves around Shen, Jax, Ashe, Karma, and Zoe, which provide the crucial Whispers and Ethereal traits. Yone is a valuable addition as a secondary carry alongside Jax, granting the Guildmaster trait. Soraka rounds out the team, offering the Mystic trait for additional magic resistance.

Early Game Strategy

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Like any successful TFT comp, the Ethereal Blades Shen requires a solid early-game strategy to ensure a smooth transition into the late-game powerhouse. Here’s a general guideline for the early stages:

  • Start by prioritizing Whispers units like Karma and Zoe for their early-game power.
  • Look for Bruiser units like Shen and Jax to beef up your frontline.
  • Consider grabbing early-game carriers like Olaf or Ezreal to help you win the streak.
  • Keep an eye out for Jade units like Ashe to gain access to the Jade trait’s bonus HP.

Mid-Game Transition

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As you progress into the mid-game, your focus should shift towards completing the Whispers and Ethereal traits, as well as securing the necessary synergies:

  • Prioritize finding Shen and Ashe to activate the Whispers trait.
  •  Look for Jax and Yone to complete the Guildmaster trait.
  • Consider adding Soraka for the Mystic trait if facing heavy magic damage.
  • Build defensive items like Gargoyle Stoneplate, Bramble Vest, and Dragon’s Claw on your frontline units.
  • Equip Jax and Yone with offensive items like Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Quicksilver, and Hand of Justice.

Late Game Dominance

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Once you’ve assembled the full Ethereal Blades Shen comp, you’ll have a formidable team that can withstand prolonged fights and dish out significant damage. Here’s what you can expect in the late game:

  • The Whispers trait will provide your team with a shield and additional magic damage, making it harder for opponents to burst you down.
  • The Ethereal trait will distribute incoming damage across your units, allowing your beefy frontline to absorb the brunt of the damage.
  • Shen and Jax will act as the primary damage dealers, supported by Yone and the rest of the team.
  • The Mystic trait from Soraka will mitigate incoming magic damage, further bolstering your team’s survivability.
  • The Bruiser and Guildmaster traits will enhance your team’s overall “tankiness” and offensive capabilities.

While the Ethereal Blades Shen comp may require some finesse to execute, its potential for dominance in the late game makes it a force to be reckoned with in the current TFT Set 11 meta. With the right positioning, item choices, and synergy management, you’ll be well on your way to securing victory after victory.