The Future Stars 8 SBC Challenge offers players another Squad Creation Challenge with double the rewards. And all users can enjoy it right now. The reward of the Squad Creation Challenge is a trade pack and a token that can be used to redeem certain characters in the game.
FIFA 23 users have reacted favorably to the announcement honoring future soccer stars. The Future Stars Challenge is a recurring one for regular players looking for a quick and cheap Squad Creation Challenge to do every day, and SBCs have proven to be a reliable source of the material.
Read on to learn all about the Future Stars Challenge 8, from how to complete the challenge to whether it’s worth doing.
All about the FIFA 23 Future Stars Challenge 8 SBC
Resource item challenges usually cost very little money and have simple requirements. Players can complete the one-time, non-repeatable Template Creation Challenge anytime over the next week to earn rewards.
Guidelines for creating the team and completing the challenge
These are all the guidelines that FIFA 23 players must follow when creating their team:
- Players in the squad: 11
- Nations represented in the squad: Minimum of 5
- Players belonging to the same club: Minimum of 4
- Non-regular players in the squad: Minimum of 5
- Team rating: Minimum of 65
- Squad chemistry requirements: 25
After completing the challenge, players get
- Ivan Romero Future Stars Swaps Token, which is not redeemable
- Rare Gold Pack not tradable
Throughout the platform, the estimated cost is 3,000 – 4,000 FUT coins.
Evaluation of SBC
The list of prerequisites is not particularly long for a single-task SBC resource; it is affordable enough for both casual and novice players. Although the market may change in the Future, it shouldn’t cost more than 4,000 FUT Coins to assemble a squad that meets all the criteria.
Due to the low squad score limit, FIFA 23 players can use cheap cards as fodder, and the challenge price is usually lower. In addition, it provides the opportunity to use considerably more of the existing feed and reduce costs. Since the challenge remains valid for another six days, players can finish them without rushing.
The TOTY promotion at the beginning of the year was in stark contrast to the Future Stars promotion, which shifted the emphasis to the less explored territory. The series features many powerful cards and has brought back the token exchange system, which allows players to accumulate and exchange tokens for rewards.
The player receives a gold pack containing a dozen rare cards from the Future Stars 8 SBC Challenge in addition to receiving one of those tokens and finishing the challenge. Therefore, FIFA 23 players should finish this worthwhile Squad Building Challenge.
Header: EA Sports