
Janna Carry Teamfight Tactics Comp Explained

Among the many viable “reroll” compositions in the current Teamfight Tactics meta, the Janna Carry comp has emerged as... Stalingrad | 15. April 2024

Among the many viable “reroll” compositions in the current Teamfight Tactics meta, the Janna Carry comp has emerged as a powerful and unique strategy. By building Janna as a hyper-scaling auto-attack carry, this off-meta approach allows her to take advantage of powerful item synergies and trait bonuses to dish out surprising amounts of damage. Let’s dive into why you’d want to play Janna as a carry, how to play the comp, and what to watch out for.

Why Go Janna Carry?


The idea behind this comp is to use Janna’s abilities and itemization differently than her intended support role. By equipping her with Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Spear of Shojin, and Archangel’s Staff, Janna gains massive attack speed and ability power stacking potential. With proper frontline tanks to buy time, she ramps up to a terrifying auto-attacking threat that demolishes teams while constantly shielding allies.

Janna herself provides the Invoker trait which grants 5 mana per 3 seconds to all units. Combined with the Altruist bonus granting 25 bonus AR/MR, it allows Janna and her team to survive and cast abilities more frequently. Dragonmancer gives 18% attack speed, Bruiser provides 100 bonus HP, and Heavenly pumps out AP and AS bonuses. With all these synergistic traits, Janna transforms into an unstoppable self-sustaining damage machine.

Rolling and Leveling Strategy


The primary carry targets are 3-star Janna alongside 3-star Diana for additional AP and shields. To hit these odds, you’ll want to stay at level 7 and roll aggressively for upgrades. Level 6 can work but level 7 shop odds for 2-costs like Janna are more consistent.

If you manage to three-star Janna but are still 2-3 Diana copies away from 3-star, feel free to go levels 8 or even 9 to strengthen your board while continuing to look for those last Diana upgrades. Having those two 3-starred is essential for Janna Carry’s damage potential.

Supporting Cast of Champions


While Janna is the centerpiece hyper-carry, the rest of this comp brings powerful synergistic bonuses to further boost her damage and survivability:

  • Kayle provides an Armor/MR shred debuff with her Talisman of Aid ability
  • Zyra inflicts Wounds before passing combat over to Annie 
  • Front-line Bruisers like Idas and Renata provide the Sage Omnivamp trait
  • Back-line heroes like Lulu and Nami empower Janna with the Sage AP boost

Beyond the sheer combined stat boosts, this team has solid anti-burst protection with shields, heals, and a beefy frontline to give Janna time to ramp up. The primary goal is cycling shielding/healing abilities to constantly keep Janna alive and unleashing uninterrupted attacks.

Potential Counters and Positioning


There are some notable counters and positioning considerations to keep in mind when playing Janna Carry:

  • Watch out for Yone reroll comps that can quickly jump on your backline. Position Janna on the far opposite corner or use bait units around her.
  • Alune’s AOE ultimate will target the row with your clumped units, so spread out vertically.  
  • Against heavy sniper threats like Caitlyn, have bait units to block shots before they hit Janna.
  • Put tankier units on opposite sides to prevent getting quickly collapsing.

Overall, the key is using good spacing and positioning to make it difficult for enemy assassins or AOEs to quickly focus Janna down before she can build up.

While a bit unorthodox, the Janna Carry composition in TFT is a powerful unexpected force. By abusing item synergies and stacked traits, this support unit transforms into an unstoppable sustained damage threat. With proper setup and positioning to buy time for scaling, the Janna Carry comp can easily melt even the most threatening lobbies. If you’re looking for a unique off-meta strategy, give this one a try!