
What is the best Slark build in Dota 2

Slark is currently picked a lot in Dota 2 pubs and even at the professional level. Around 18.5% of... Radu M. | 21. April 2023

Slark is currently picked a lot in Dota 2 pubs and even at the professional level. Around 18.5% of all matches feature a Slark, usually in the position 1 or position 2 role. But the hero is not as successful as he could be.

Right now, his win rate at the community level is slightly less than 50%. Meanwhile, pro players win around 62% of their matches with him. This is the current DreamLeague S19 statistic and it clearly indicates that Slark’s potential is much greater than what we generally see in public games.

How to play Slark

Slark needs several things to thrive: survivability, mobility, and attack speed.

Survivability is generally obtained by purchasing stats-giving items. And fortunately, some of Slark’s best items also give him excellent stats. In many cases, you can kill two birds with one stone, which is one of the reasons why so many players love the hero at the moment.

For a lot of Dota 2 heroes, Aghanim’s Scepter is not viable. But for Slark it’s amazing. You purchase it for 4200 gold and it gives you increased leaping power and great stats.

Slark is one of those rare heroes that can make excellent use of additional mana, strength, and agility. No matter what you upgrade, it will be useful. That’s why a lot of players like to purchase items like the Eye of Skadi. They’re expensive, but they give you everything you need.

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Just like Terrorblade, Slark must be killed before he gets to use his ultimate or all of your work will be in vain. To counter this tactic, Slark players try to make themselves hard to kill. Of course, this is relative to the amount of damage that the enemy team can utilize while you are immobilized.

If you do the math and figure out that the enemy can reliably lock you down for five seconds and can deal 5000 damage in that interval, then your effective HP needs to be at least 5000. Against physical damage, that’s often easy to achieve because Slark has a lot of armor. But you need to take magical damage into account as well.

Slark farms quickly thanks to his Q. In most cases, his HP and mana pool are the biggest problem. So the key is to buy items that solve this problem but at the same time advance your build toward a more aggressive version of the hero.

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