
Top 10 things everyone hates about League of Legends

Every gamer knows League of Legends. It’s one of the most successful games ever and also one of the... Fragster | 14. May 2023

Every gamer knows League of Legends. It’s one of the most successful games ever and also one of the biggest Esports titles in the world. But sometimes our relationship with the game is… a bit complicated, you could say.

It’s like a love-hate relationship: even though we’ve had some really nice moments with the MOBA, every now and then there are situations where we hit the table and start flaming the game developers because of an absurd champion design, for example.

When the lobby is bugged again, our favorite champ gets generated, or Riot doesn’t ban toxic players we’ve reported – here are the 10 things everyone really hates about League of Legends.

10. Balancing champions

Actually, the champion meta in LoL changes a bit with every patch. If a champ is hardly picked or his win rate drops to the basement, Riot takes this as a reason to buff this champion. That’s perfectly fine, too. But unfortunately, the balancing team sometimes goes overboard, and every now and then you wonder if the developers are even playing the same game. Of course, fine-tuning the champs isn’t an easy thing to do either, you have to hand it to them. But why buff Yuumi so much that her win rate explodes, then fairly nerf her again, only to buff her again in a hotfix????

9. No peel for the carrys

If you also like to take on the carry role sometimes, then you’ll probably know it: you’ve been farming super diligently as a bot laner and only missed a few last hits, give your all when kiting your opponents, and then get knocked out cold by an assassin because your supporter somehow forgot about you. It’s just bad when you play carefully as an ADC so that you don’t get cached and then you throw yourself into the team fight and actually expect some support from your own team. But they chased the enemy supporter instead of taking care of your safety. If only you had a faker who peels you like that!

8. New champion designs

LoL now has 162 champions and Riot releases about 4 new ones every year. But if you take a look at the designs of these champions, you’ll notice that the younger champions definitely have more modern abilities than their old counterparts. Sometimes you really wonder if the champion design team has been boozing paint, because the new champions almost all have a Dash, a bit of CC, and really wild mechanics, like K’Sante. His Ulti most still don’t understand and what’s with the XP advantage on Nilah? How are old champions supposed to keep up with that?

7. Unfair LP grind

Do you guys like to take steps backwards when moving forward? That’s exactly how the LP grind feels in LoL. You win your solo queue match and get an extra 12 LP, which you really earned sweating after a highly concentrated match. Then in the next match you have a Griefer or the opponents have a Smurf that takes you apart and you lose 10 LP on the Loss. Sometimes the system that determines how much LP we get just doesn’t seem fair. For example, if you have a losing streak, it’s more common to lose LP even if you’ve been performing well. But the system only tries to take into account recent events when estimating our skill. Is the system then perhaps the problem?

6. Smurfs

Everyone knows the problem with smurf accounts that players create to play at a lower Elo. When things don’t go well in the solo queue and you have the feeling that you are playing against much stronger opponents, a Smurf could be the reason. The player actually belongs in a higher Elo, but because he is probably hardstuck, he simply griefed a few times and was then automatically matched for games with a lower Elo. Here the Smurf tries hard again and feels like he is the greatest, just because he can beat the other players, who actually don’t belong in his Elo. Smurfs exist for a variety of reasons, but maybe Riot will eventually manage to rank them in the right Elo.


5. Snowballing champions

You have managed to not feed your enemy Akali and she stands 1/3. You have farmed well, finished a few items, and think you are equally strong and can fight this Akali now. And then comes the surprise: she shreds you mercilessly, and you die and no longer understand the Riot Games world! No matter if Yasuo experiences his 1/10-Powerspike, Yone can carry after three Items at once or Master Yi reints Mal, but then makes a Penta-Kill out of nowhere in the next team fight. Snowball champs can be very frustrating. The ways of the Riot Game are sometimes unfathomable.

4. Blame the jungler

Jungle-Mains could sing a song about it! How many times they have been victims of flaming for not flaming, flaming wrong, flaming too early, flaming too late and sometimes for flaming at all! For the other laners, it’s a clear case of who’s to blame when the match doesn’t go well. The Jungler! He’ll probably also wonder how he can be to blame for his 3 lanes losing. But hey, he could just clone himself and be everywhere! At least the difficulty of the Jungle role has since been lowered and access for new players has been improved. What else can go wrong when you have a Jungle Pet and Path Recommendations?


3. We all play a different match

We all need to realize that we can’t read the minds of our mates and everyone on the team has their own idea and perspective. Unfortunately, we all tend to tune that out and assume that everyone thinks the same way we do. You notice this most on the bot lane when you want two strangers to harmonize. For example, as an ADC, you want to freeze the wave that is currently being pushed to you. Unfortunately, the supporter didn’t understand that and pushed against it. In their head, this may make sense, but it will drive the ADC to white heat! This can also happen at the gank, if the jungler waits patiently for you to engage, but you wait patiently for the jungler to engage. Just communicate more or read your mind.

2. Griefer

Of course, the Griefer must not be missing from this list! Everybody knows them: they mostly hang around in the solo cue and are just waiting to take out their frustration on their teammates! If the bot lane is not intent, it often happens that the top laner loses senseless trades, wants to duel with his opponent permanently or pushes the lane without a ward and gets ganked by the jungler. The LoL world doesn’t end when your top lane is 0/2, but apparently, it does for him. Reasonable players know that you can win games that didn’t go so well. But Griefer is not reasonable, they will now screw up your game and intentionally feed the opponent if they don’t just leave the match.


1. Perpetrator and victim

When it comes to the things everyone hates about League of Legends, we can’t leave out the toxic community. We’ve probably all had our fair share of abuse, and we’re all guaranteed to have been upset, pinged, and probably insulted our teammates at some point. Each of us has been a perpetrator and a victim. In LoL, unfortunately, it happens quickly that you have the feeling that you know everything better than the others and your own teammates are of course always to blame for their own mistakes. Over time, it has also become established to use the “Enemy Missing” ping – a question mark – to flame your mates when they have just made questionable plays. The insulting, toxic interaction in the game is really one of those things that everyone hates and that just makes the game worse. Fortunately, you can now mute chat and pings, but really, that’s not the point of a team game.