
The Best Champions in LoL That You Can Play in Patch 14.7

Picking the right champion in League of Legends is important, especially with the new changes in Patch 14.7. The... Aleksandar | 4. April 2024

Picking the right champion in League of Legends is important, especially with the new changes in Patch 14.7. The game changes a lot with each update.

Some champions become stronger and can help you win more games. This means if you choose the best champions in LoL, you have a better chance to climb up in the ranks.

It’s like picking the right tool for a job. You want champions that make winning easier and more fun. So, it’s good to know which ones are the best to play right now.

The Best Top Laners in Lol in Patch 14.7

In Patch 14.7, mastering the top lane means knowing which champions can dominate from the first minute to the last. Here are some of the best top laners in the game right now:


Garen in League of Legends

Garen in LoL is one of the best champions for anyone who wants to jump in and play without fuss. He’s tough and keeps going strong after others might have to back off.

With an easy-to-get fighting style, he’s great whether you’re just starting out or have been playing for ages. Garen proves you don’t need a complex plan to win. Just get in there and show them what you’re made of.


Darius Toplane Getting More Ganks

Darius in League of Legends stands out in the top lane, where he really takes control. Right from the start, he can push others around, and if he gets going, there’s hardly stopping him.

Moreover, Darius in LoL turns small wins into big leads, making him a force to reckon with. For those who like to be in charge and push the enemy to their limits, Darius is a go-to among the best champions in LoL.


Mordekaiser in league of legends

Mordekaiser in LoL is one of the best champs for picking one enemy and making it a one-on-one fight, thanks to his special skill. He can take an enemy away from their team and battle it out, just the two of them.

This makes him super scary in fights where teams come together or even when he’s just facing another person. With this cool move, he turns any fight to his advantage.


Illaoi's Ban Rate Surge in Patch 14.3

Illaoi is amazing at changing the course of a fight with her tentacle powers. She throws down her tentacles, hitting many enemies at once and controlling the area.

This makes it hard for the other team to move around or fight back without getting smacked. Her ability to control space and hit hard makes her one of the best in the tier list for ADCs.



Malphite in LoL is the champion you want when the other team has a lot of attack damage. His big move comes down like a comet, making a huge impact in fights, and can really mess up the other team’s plan.

Plus, he’s super tough against attacks that hurt a lot of other champions. Malphite is a solid wall, making him one of the best champions in LoL to stand against teams that hit hard.

The Best Mid Laners in Patch 14.7

In Patch 14.7, the mid lane is where the magic happens, and picking a strong champion is key to dominating. Here are the best mid laners in this patch to master the art.


Riot League of Legends Ahri

Ahri in LoL is all about moving fast and making plays. She dashes around, making her hard to catch. Her charm skill stops enemies in their tracks, setting up big plays.

Additionally, Ahri in League of Legends shines in moments where quick thinking and fast moves lead to wins. She’s one of the best champions in LoL for players who like to be in the middle of the action and turn the tide of battle.


Lux in league of legends

Lux shines brighter on the battlefield now, thanks to recent buffs that have powered up her abilities. Her passive now packs more punch, with magic damage getting a boost from 25% AP to 30% AP.

Even her Light Binding (Q) is fiercer, with its magic damage ratio up from 60% AP to 65% AP. These enhancements mean Lux can safeguard her team from a distance even more effectively and turn the tide of team fights with her devastating laser ult. 

With increased damage, Lux in LoL is a formidable force, perfect for moments that demand a game-changing play.

Aurelion Sol

Aurelion Sol Nerfs in patch 14.3

Aurelion Sol brings a bit of the cosmos to the fight. His stars expand and contract, hitting enemies from a distance. This lets him control where foes can go, making it tough for them to get close without taking hits.

He’s not just about damage but also about making space on the map where his team can win. Aurelion Sol is a unique choice for players who like to think big and control the game.


Diana in league of legends best champions in lol

Diana is a champion who jumps into fights with ease. Her ability to dash at enemies quickly makes her a threat they can’t ignore. 

Once in the fight, her skills let her deal lots of damage fast, especially with her Moonfall, pulling everyone in close.

This move not only surprises her foes but also sets the stage for her team to jump in and finish the job. She’s great for players who like to lead the charge and make big plays.


Veigar - simple mid laner for begginers in lol

Veigar is like a tiny master of magic with a huge punch. The more he fights, the stronger he gets, thanks to his ability to stack power endlessly. His magic cages trap enemies, setting them up for a big blast from his dark energy.

This little guy might look cute, but he turns into a monster the longer the game goes on. Playing Veigar means waiting for the right moment to unleash incredible power, turning the tide in an instant.

The Best Junglers in LoL Patch 14.7

Choosing the best jungle champions is your first step to dominating the map in Patch 14.7.


Briar in league of legends

Briar steps into the jungle with the power to twist and turn the battle in her favor. She uses nature to trap and attack, making it tough for enemies to see what’s coming.

Her skills let her control the fight and help her team from anywhere on the map. For those who like to surprise their foes and support friends, Briar is a top pick among the best champions in LoL.

Master Yi

MasterYi - great jungle for begginers

Master Yi is all about speed and striking power. Once he starts moving, good luck trying to catch him. He slices through the jungle and enemies alike, making him perfect for quick wins.

Master Yi is the go-to guy for players who enjoy charging in and out, cutting down anyone in their path before they even know what hit them.


Shaco in league of legends

Shaco loves playing tricks, turning the jungle into his personal playground. He sets traps that can turn an enemy’s day from bad to worse in a blink.

With Shaco, it’s all about the surprise. He pops up where you least expect him, making plays that leave the other team scratching their heads. For those who enjoy a bit of mischief and chaos, Shaco brings fun to the game.


Diana in league of legends best champions in lol

I picked Diana again because she’s the star in the jungle, moving fast and clearing camps quickly. She doesn’t just take down monsters easily but is also great at diving into fights.

With her ability to jump into battles and deal a lot of damage, she turns any skirmish in her favor. Players who like getting into the action and making big impacts will find Diana a perfect fit for their game plan.


The Ruined King Rises Viego Is Coming to Wild Rift

Viego has a trick up his sleeve, using his enemies’ powers against them. He’s all about flexibility, fitting into many team setups and roles in fights.

In the thick of battle, he can change outcomes by taking over fallen enemies and using their abilities to turn the tide. Viego is for those who enjoy a bit of strategy, mixing up their playstyle mid-game to surprise and outsmart the other team.

The Best ADCs in League of Legends Patch 14.7

Choosing the best champions in LoL in the bot lane is crucial for securing early leads and scaling into late-game powerhouses. Here’s how to win with the top ADC picks.


Jinx How to Play Bot Lane in League of Legends

Jinx is all about turning up the heat in fights. When she gets going, her speed and power shoot up, making her almost unstoppable. This boost lets her chase down anyone trying to flee and take them out.

Her role in team fights is massive, with just one win turning her into a wrecking ball. That’s why she’s one of the best champions in LoL for turning games around.


Twitch in league of legends

Twitch has a sneaky way of fighting, hiding and then striking when least expected. His ultimate lets him hit multiple enemies at once, dealing tons of damage.

This surprise attack can wipe out teams before they even know what hit them. Twitch’s way of battling is perfect for players who like to set up big plays and watch the enemy team scatter in panic.


Kog'Maw in league of legends

Kog’Maw is the champion you pick when you want to keep your enemies at arm’s length. His ability to hit targets from far away and deal with a mix of damage types makes him a nightmare in the later stages of the game.

As time passes, he gets scarier, becoming a monster that can tear through any defense. Kog’Maw’s unique skills make him a top choice for players who enjoy watching their foes struggle to get close.



Vayne is a champion who shines when she’s up close and personal. She’s a pro at one-on-one fights, thanks to her ability to deal true damage. This means she can take down even the toughest enemies, making her a go-to for battling those big, armored tanks.

Her skills let her dodge and weave through fights, making her hard to pin down. It’s her mix of agility and power that places her among the best for taking down the biggest threats.

Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune - great ADC in lol

Miss Fortune rules the lane with her ability to control where her enemies can safely stand. Her rain of bullets keeps them guessing, and when the time is right, her ultimate ability can change the game.

This powerful move sends out a wide barrage, damaging anyone caught in it. It’s perfect for big team fights or for clearing out enemies trying to push.

Miss Fortune’s ability to dominate the lane and her game-changing ultimate make her a top pick for players who like to lead the charge.

The Best Support Champions in Patch 14.7

Support champions play a big role in LoL, helping their team win with smart plays and crucial saves. Let’s look at the best ones to pick to boost your team’s chances of winning.


Lux in lol


Lux from LoL excels both in the mid lane and as support, making her a name we mention twice for her versatility. Her skills allow her to immobilize opponents with her light or shield allies from harm, offering valuable flexibility.

Whether advancing or defending, Lux in LoL adapts, showcasing her dual capability to attack and defend. This adaptability places her among the best champions in LoL, shining in roles that require a mix of offense and support.


Blitzcrank in League of Legends

Blitzcrank has a move that really mixes things up. He throws out his arm to grab someone from the other team and pulls them right into the middle of his own team.

This can surprise enemies and mess up their plans big time. Blitzcrank in LoL is great for catching people off guard and making it easier for his team to take them down.


Janna 27

Janna has a bunch of cool spells that keep her teammates safe and mess up the enemy’s attacks. She can throw up a storm that knocks enemies away or create a shield to protect her friends.

Additionally, Janna in LoL is like a guardian, always there to stop the other team from landing their big moves and helping her team stay in the fight. Her knack for keeping everyone safe makes her a top pick this season.


Pyke 0

Pyke is like a shadow moving across the map, hard to spot until it’s too late. His ability to sneak around unseen lets him help out his teammates in other lanes, catching enemies off guard.

But what really sets him apart is his ultimate move. When he takes out an enemy with it, he and his ally both get extra gold. This can give his team a big edge in getting stronger – faster.

Pyke’s mix of stealth, mobility, and bonus gold makes him one of the best champions in LoL for turning the tide in his team’s favor.


Brand in lol

Brand is like a wildfire, hard to control once he gets going. His spells burn over time, hurting enemies even after he’s hit them.

During big team fights, his ultimate ability is to bounce between enemies, dealing massive damage to everyone he touches. This makes him super dangerous in close battles.

Brand’s ability to dish out damage to multiple foes at once and keep them burning puts him high up in the tier list, making him a hot pick for those who like to see their enemies’ health bars melt away.

Final Thoughts

Did you find your next champion to dominate the game? Remember, the best champions in LoL are those that match your playstyle and help your team shine.

Whether you’re taking control of the jungle, holding down the lanes, or supporting your team to victory, each pick can make a huge difference.

So, choose wisely and get ready to make your mark in the next match. Victory awaits those who play smart and play together – if possible.