
Riot teases League patch 12.14

Riot Games have teased the changes coming to League of Legends in Patch 12.14, with game dev Matt “Phroxzon”... Benjamin Mock | 19. July 2022

Riot Games have teased the changes coming to League of Legends in Patch 12.14, with game dev Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison revealing a handful of details on Twitter

Phroxzon teases have become a staple of the League patch cycle and 12.14 is no different, with the dev showing some general outlines of the upcoming patch on Twitter.

Patch 12.14 general overview

According to Phroxzon, 12.14 will be the last major patch before the “Worlds Patch” in late September.

Expect smaller patches as we head towards the end of the year (outside of World’s patch).

Phroxzon’s tweet also revealed that 12.14 originally included changes to teleport, namely increasing the cooldown. However, those tweets have been dropped.

The patch will also address a number of champions, as well as general healing and drake mechanics

Buffs and nerfs

Phroxzon tweeted out an image showing the proposed list of buffs, nerfs, and adjustments in 12.14.

Jarvan, Teemo, Alistar, LeBlanc, and Varus will all receive buffs, as will Pantheon in regards to his jungle viability. As found by Fragster, Pantheon has all but been abandoned by both pro players and high-rank players. The changes will be Riot’s attempt to make the champion more viable.

On the other side of things, Sivir will be nerfed following her rework in 12.13. Yuumi will once again be nerfed as Riot desperately tries to figure out how to make the magical feline slightly less god-tier. Seraphine also receives nerfs to try and depress her white-hot win rate when played as an ADC. Gnar, Zeri, and Renata will also receive nerfs.

Wukong, Aatrox, Kayn’s alter-ego Rhaast, Janna, and Gangplank will all receive adjustments in order to ensure their kit is properly balanced.

A follow-up tweet from Phroxzon appeared to show that the intention was to nerf Gangplank pretty heavily as part of the patch.

Healing and drakes

Healing is also getting an overall nerf in 12.14, with healing potions and potions of corruptions providing slightly less healing. Amongst a flurry of rune changes, biscuits will also do less healing/mana restoration.

Drakes are also being adjusted in 12.14. All individual drake buffs are being boosted, as is the cloud soul buff. However, the cost of this is that drakes will now have more health, making them more difficult to take down. To balance this out, drakes will also deal slightly less damage to players.

Elsewhere on the map, the Rift Herald will now award local gold, allowing players who help take Herald to get a small reward for it. The second summoned Herald will also have 75% more health, making it a much more pivotal objective in the late early game.

Patch 12.14

Patch 12.14 is due to be released on July 27. The details listed here are an early indication of the patch and should not be taken as objective fact. The full details of 12.14 will be released close to the launch of the patch.

Header: Riot Games