
Npl is one of the worst players at Paris Major

fragster Eduardo 17. May 2023

NaVi’s loss to FaZe Clan in the Legends Stage of the Paris Major has only set off many alarm bells within the community that loves this organization. However, many agree with one thought: Andrij “npl” Kukharsjkyj, the 17-year-old, has not met expectations since joining the team. Moreover, after the team’s elimination, npl ranks as the fifth worst player in the Legends Stage of the Paris Major.

There is no doubt that when a big team is eliminated from a major tournament, many in the community set themselves the task of looking for culprits or possible reasons why the team has been disappointed. But, on the other hand, it is no secret that NaVi has failed to find an ideal replacement for Kirill “Boombl4” Mikhaylov and that their venture with Viktor “sdy” Orudzhev and npl has not turned out as they would have dreamed.

Npl shows pressure on the stage

While it is true that Ukrainian players tend not to show many expressions on stage, there is no doubt that the look of seriousness that npl shows leads us to believe that the player is under great pressure. Moreover, this was seen in NaVi’s loss to FaZe Clan last May 16, as he was practically not present in any of the maps.

While it is true that in the third map, the player showed some flashes of great quality to help his team to a big 15-9 lead, the Ukrainians completely wasted the opportunity and conceded in Overtime.

Speaking of stats, we should note that npl was his team’s worst player in the tournament, especially in the loss to FaZe. The 17-year-old had a K/D of 10-20 in Overpass and 7-17 in Mirage. As a result, npl had a terrible 0.78 rating in the series.

However, this Rating does nothing more than mirror the player’s entire performance throughout the Paris Major. During the tournament, NaVi had to play eight maps; npl scored 0.75, 0.66 Kills per round, and an appalling K/D difference of -51.

Does naVi need to make drastic changes?

During the tournament, team coach Andrij “B1ad3” Ghorodensjkyj mentioned in an interview that npl was not playing at the same level as his teammates. Moreover, that can also be seen in the videos where Oleksandr “s1mple” Kostyljev reprimanded him for some bad decisions in the rounds.

Finally, for many, the main problem of NaVi is that they don’t have a natural Fragger who can help s1mple in tough matches. The talent of Denis “electroNic” Sharipov, Ilya “Perfect” Zalutskiy, and Valerij “b1t” Vakhovsjkyj is undisputed, but the team seems to need an additional piece to get the gears running perfectly.

That’s why many in the community believe it’s time for NaVi to make some change, whether drastic or minimal, that will help the team return to being that force feared by many in the scene.

Header: VaKarM