
League of Legends 2024 Champions Roadmap Unveiled

In the ever-evolving world of League of Legends, anticipation runs high as players eagerly await the release of new... Aleksandar | 3. February 2024

In the ever-evolving world of League of Legends, anticipation runs high as players eagerly await the release of new champions in 2024.

Riot Games, the masterminds behind this globally beloved multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game, have unveiled their champions’ roadmap for the year, offering players a glimpse into the future of the Summoner’s Rift.

As we dive into this exciting journey, we’ll explore the upcoming champions and reworks that promise to reshape the League of Legends experience.

Smolder Sets the Stage

Smolder - League of Legends

The year 2024 kicked off with a bang as Riot Games introduced Smolder, the latest addition to the League of Legends roster.

This fiery champion made its grand entrance on January 31, 2024, and quickly captured the attention of players worldwide. Smolder’s arrival also introduced new gameplay dynamics and strategies for players to master, adding more depth and excitement to the already popular game.

As we look ahead, it’s only natural to wonder who will follow in Smolder’s footsteps and join the League of Legends cast.

Freljord Huntress: A Frosty Revelation

One of the most highly anticipated additions is the enigmatic Freljord Huntress, whose arrival is rumored to be imminent. Hailing from the icy landscapes of the Freljord, this champion is expected to make a splash in the top lane or bot lane, dealing physical damage with a unique and brand-new weapon.

While the specifics remain shrouded in mystery, League of Legends enthusiasts can’t help but speculate on the design and abilities that will define this champion.

“Big Bad Bear,” a reputable leaker within the League of Legends community, hints at more details about the Freljord Huntress emerging in late April or early May. This upcoming champion has sparked excitement, particularly among fans of the Freljord region, who have patiently awaited a new addition since Ornn’s release nearly seven years ago.

Vastaya in the Freljord: A Lone Wanderer

The League of Legends universe is also set to welcome a new Vastaya champion residing in the depths of the Freljord’s forest. While limited information is available, it’s plausible that this mysterious character could take on the role of a huntress, venturing out to secure sustenance from the wilderness.

With the release date drawing closer, fans are eagerly waiting to see what this new champion brings to the table and how it will affect the current meta.

The Puzzling Skarner Rework

Waiting for a Skarner rework

Skarner mains have been on the edge of their seats as Riot Games meticulously works on his visual and gameplay update (VGU). This project was propelled by the League of Legends community’s desire to see Skarner evolve, and Riot has risen to the occasion. Recent updates provide a sneak peek into Skarner’s abilities and his shift from Shurima to Ixtal.

Notable changes include the removal of spires, a shift towards earth magic, and a tantalizing teaser of his ultimate ability, which will be area-of-effect (AoE), capable of targeting multiple foes.

Skarner’s transformation into an earth-rune scorpion imbued with earth-bending abilities promises a fresh and exhilarating gameplay experience. Fans can anticipate the release of Skarner’s VGU in early 2024.


As the League of Legends 2024 Champions Roadmap unfolds, players find themselves on the brink of excitement and anticipation.

With Smolder’s fiery debut and the promise of new champions such as the Freljord Huntress and the enigmatic Vastaya, the Summoner’s Rift is poised for a dynamic transformation. The long-awaited Skarner VGU, replete with earth-shattering abilities, adds to the fervor.

League of Legends enthusiasts can’t help but look ahead to a thrilling year filled with fresh challenges and champions to master. Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this exciting journey through the League of Legends universe.