
Key changes of Dota 2 patch 7.33b

Less than one week after the release of Dota 2 patch 7.33, IceFrog decided to release Dota 2 patch... Radu M. | 27. April 2023

Less than one week after the release of Dota 2 patch 7.33, IceFrog decided to release Dota 2 patch 7.33b to correct some of the problems. Lots of bugs have been reported since the start of the new patch and this subpatch was a great opportunity to eliminate some of them.

But the bigger problem is that some of the heroes are now completely overpowered and the nerfs introduced by patch 7.33b are not likely to change anything. The reason is simple: what makes these heroes overpowered is a mechanism such as a combination of abilities and items, while the nerfs only slightly decrease some numbers.

Key changes

Here are some of the biggest changes introduced by Dota 2 patch 7.33b:

Blood Grenade can now be stacked in your inventory slots up to three times. This practically means that you can have +150 HP for less than 200 gold, which is not bad at all.

But you could go even higher and reserve two slots for this item. That would give you +300 HP for 390 gold. If you also buy a bit of armor on top and some HP regen, your laning stage survivability will be increased by a lot. Plus you can use the item to slow enemies down and get kills.

BoTs 2 now has a cooldown of 40s instead of 30s.

Crimson Guard’s damage block was reduced to 50%.

Phylactery was significantly buffed. The same goes for Vindicator’s Axe, which is now a surprisingly strong item against stuns because it gives you +20 armor.

Heroes like Alchemist, Ancient Apparition, and Chen got nerfed. But the nerfs are very small and they won’t change anything about these heroes. Pro players won’t feel the changes at all.

Enigma and Medusa received significant buffs. So did Batrider. These heroes looked unpickable before but now they are likely to get played again.

Meepo was nerfed for situations in which one of the Meepos gets trapped in a Duel, a Black Hole, or a Chronosphere. You can no longer save them using Megameepo.

Muerta’s agility got nerfed but nobody will feel the difference. It takes 10 levels for the nerf to result in a 5 agility decrease compared to the previous state of the game.

Pangolier got significant buffs that allow him to cast his spells cheaper and more often.

Riki got numerous nerfs but they don’t change anything about the hero. The most significant one is the Blink Strike slow duration. Now it’s 0.4s instead of 0.8s at level 4.

Header: Valve Corporation