In the upcoming Dragon’s Dogma 2 sequel, fans have discovered a secret Pawn Affinity system buried within the companion mechanics of the action RPG.
The Pawn Affinity System Explained
The Pawn Affinity system in Dragon’s Dogma 2 determines how much a Pawn cares for their Arisen (the player character). By maxing out a Pawn’s affinity, players can unlock special benefits, including new idle poses, affectionate voice lines, and even a unique dialogue option after completing the game’s true ending.
According to players who have delved into the system, a Pawn’s affinity maxes out at 1000 points. Once a Pawn reaches 620 affinity or more, they will “fall in love” with their Arisen, displaying more emotional behavior and interactions.
Raising Affinity with Your Main Pawn
To increase the affinity between the player and their main Pawn, there are several actions that can be taken:
- Talking with your Pawn (+2 Affinity)
- High-fiving your Pawn (+5 Affinity)
- Taking your Pawn to the Hot Spring (+10 Affinity)
- Taking your Pawn to the Barber (+50 Affinity)
- Picking your Pawn during the Sphinx Quest (can only be done once, +20 Affinity)
It’s important to note that the only actions that will lower a Pawn’s affinity are death or “brining” (a mechanic where Pawns can be sent back to their original world). Each of the affinity-raising actions also has a 10-minute cooldown before it can be used again.
Manage Pawns for Maximum Efficiency
Beyond the hidden Pawn Affinity system, there are other useful tricks and hints players should know about Pawn Management in Dragon’s Dogma 2: Guardian of the Pawns.
- Gear Up Your Pawns: As important as equipping the Arisen properly with gear, players must equip their Pawns with proper armor and weapons. Pawns will die in battle without proper gear.
- Recruit Pawns with Different Specializations: In Dragon’s Dogma 2, Pawns have Specializations that allow them to do certain things, like curative work or Elvish translation. Players can build a balanced party by selecting Pawns with different Specializations.
- Pawn Commands: Pawn commands can be important in combat and non-combat situations. Players should study the various commands and their usage carefully.
- Rotate Pawns Frequently: Recruited Pawns do not level up during travel with the Arisen – so keep adding new Pawns every few levels for a combat-effective party.
- Beware of Dragonsplague: This condition can also affect Pawns, turning them into hostile dragons. Players must constantly check their Pawns for symptoms and dismiss or sacrifice those affected.
- Make All Pawns Receive Healing: Injured allies may not be able to recover without curatives or a Mage or Chirurgeon Pawn – which could lead to party wipes.
Mastering the Pawn Affinity system and these Pawn Management tips will help players maximize the efficiency of their party and tackle Dragon’s Dogma 2 with greater ease.