
How to Score More Goals in EA Sports FC 24 and Win More Games

Hitting the back of the net in EA Sports FC 24 brings unmatched excitement, doesn’t it? But the fun... Aleksandar | 13. March 2024

Hitting the back of the net in EA Sports FC 24 brings unmatched excitement, doesn’t it? But the fun might start to fade when scoring goals feels like a rare event.

That’s where this guide steps in. It’s packed with tips and tricks aimed at helping you find the net more often. Think of it as your personal coach for upping your game.

No more watching the ball sail wide or into the keeper’s hands. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear plan on how to score more goals in EA Sports FC 24, turning those close matches into victories. Let’s get your scoring streak started.

The Foundations of Goal Scoring

Before you can become a top scorer in EA Sports FC 24, it’s important to get the basics right. The game’s settings play a big part in how well you can control your players and the ball. By adjusting your game settings, you can get more control over your shots.

This means checking and tweaking options like shot assistance and passing styles. It’s like making sure that your tools are sharp before starting a job, which can help you aim better and decide how powerful each shot should be. Think of it as setting up your game to match how you play.

Scoring goals isn’t just about pressing buttons. It’s also a mind game between you and the game’s goalkeeper. Imagine trying to outsmart the keeper, guessing if they will move left or right or stay in the middle – it’s about making quick decisions.

Should you go for power or place the ball carefully into a corner? Understanding this mental duel can give you an edge. If you can keep calm and think quickly, you’ll find yourself scoring more often.

Mastering Shooting Techniques

To know how to score more goals in EA Sports FC 24, sharpening your shooting skills is important. Let’s break down some techniques to help you beat goalkeepers more often. We’ll cover the essentials, from precision shots to using power with style.

Precision Shooting: The Accuracy Game

Setting up Precision Shooting in Ea Sports FC 24

Precision shooting in EA Sports FC 24 is a game-changer. It’s a new feature that lets you control where your shots go with more detail.

Here’s how it works: in your game settings, you can adjust shot assistance to be more precise. When playing, this means that you aim your shots using the game controller, focusing on where the goalkeeper isn’t.

It’s like guiding the ball into the net with your hands. Getting this right needs practice, but once you do, you’ll score more goals by hitting those hard-to-reach spots away from the goalkeeper.

To activate this feature, make sure to go to Settings -> Game Settings -> Shot Assistance -> Change to Precision.

Power and Finesse: Striking with Style

Now, let’s talk about power shots and finesse shots. Power shots are all about strength. You hit the ball hard to get it past the goalkeeper before they can react. It’s useful for long-range shots or when you’re not directly in front of the goal.

Finesse shots are different. They’re more about accuracy and curling the ball around the goalkeeper. This is great for when you’re closer to the goal or at an angle. The key is to know when to use each type. Power shots are good for distance, while finesse shots work best up close.

By holding L1, R1, and the shoot button simultaneously, you can unleash a powerful shot aimed precisely where you want it, adding another layer of threat to your attacking play.

The Art of Timed Finishing

Timed finishing is another skill that can make your shots unstoppable. This is when you press the shoot button a second time just before your player hits the ball.

Get it right, and your shot will be much harder for the goalkeeper to save. It’s like giving your shot an extra boost of power or curve at the last second.

But it’s not easy. Press too early or too late, and your shot could go wildly off target. Practice is important to get the timing down. Once you do, you’ll see your goals start to increase.

Specialty Shots for Special Moments

Shooting with less power in EA Sports FC 24

Sometimes, a standard shot won’t do. That’s when specialty shots come into play. Low-driven shots are perfect when you’re close to the goal and want to keep the ball low to make it harder for the goalkeeper. 

All you need to do is to just tap the shoot button with less power.

Chip shots are for when the goalkeeper is coming towards you. You lightly lift the ball over them and hope that it works out just fine. The Trivela shot is a bit fancier. You use the outside of your foot to curl the ball, which is great for when you’re at an angle and want to surprise the goalkeeper.

Mastering these shooting techniques will take your game to the next level in EA Sports FC 24. Remember, it’s not just about knowing what to do but practicing until it becomes second nature.

Mixing up your shots and knowing when to use each type will keep goalkeepers guessing and increase your chances of scoring. With time and practice, you’ll find yourself scoring more goals and enjoying those winning moments even more.

Tactical Play: Setting Up the Shot

In EA Sports FC 24, knowing how to finish is crucial, but setting up the shot is just as important. This part of the game is all about strategy:

  • Moving from defense to attack.
  • Using your players wisely.
  • Creating space to take your shot.

Let’s dive into how you can build your attacks, make the most of player movement, and use controlled sprints and dribbling to get past defenders.

From Defense to Offense: Building Your Attack

From Defense to Offense Building Your Attack in EA Sports FC 24

A solid defense isn’t just about stopping the other team from scoring. It’s the first step in setting up your own attacks. Good defense gives you control of the ball and the chance to start an attack.

When you win the ball back, look for open spaces or teammates who are in a good position to move forward. Quick passes from your defense to midfield, then to your attackers, can catch the other team off guard.

It’s about seeing the whole field and choosing the best way to move the ball up, smoothly turning defense into offense.

Making the Most of Player Movement

Player movement is key to creating chances to score. Two useful techniques are creative runs and player lock. Creative runs let you tell a player without the ball where to go, making it easier to find space or get past defenders. It’s like giving your teammates a map to find the best spots on the field.

Player lock lets you take control of a player without the ball, running into open space while another player keeps the ball. This can open up defenses and create opportunities for passes that can lead to shots on goal. Both methods need a bit of practice, but they’re powerful tools for setting up shots.

Controlled Sprint and Dribbling: Creating Space

Controlled Sprint and Dribbling in EA Sports FC 24

Sometimes, you need to beat a defender or two to get into a position where you can take a good shot. Controlled sprints and smart dribbling can help.

Controlled sprints are short bursts of speed that can help you get past a defender or create space for a shot. The trick is not just to run straight at the defender but to use changes in speed and direction to your advantage.

Dribbling, especially with the left stick, lets you make small, quick movements to move around defenders rather than trying to outrun them. It’s more about outsmarting the defender than overpowering them. With some practice, you can use these techniques to create the space you need to get your shot off.

By focusing on building your attack from the back, making smart runs, and creating space with controlled sprints and dribbling, you’ll set yourself up for more and better shots on goal. This tactical approach to play will make your attacks more effective and your game more enjoyable.

Advanced Strategies: Beyond Basic Gameplay

To really shine in EA Sports FC 24, it’s not enough to just know the basics. You need to dive deeper into the game’s strategies. Understanding your players’ unique traits and mastering one-on-one situations with the goalkeeper can dramatically improve your scoring rate. Let’s take a closer look at these advanced tactics.

Leveraging Player Traits and Play Styles

Every player in EA Sports FC 24 is unique, with specific traits and play styles that can affect how you use them in the game. Knowing these can make a big difference in your shot selection and overall success.

For example, a player with a “Finesse Shot” trait is more likely to score from a curved shot around the goalkeeper. On the other hand, a player with a “Power Shot” is better for blasting the ball past the keeper from a distance.

Use this knowledge to your advantage. When setting up a shot, think about who’s taking it and what they’re best at. This way, you can choose the type of shot that has the best chance of scoring based on that player’s strengths.

1v1 Situations: Outsmarting the Goalkeeper

1v1 Situations Outsmarting the Goalkeeper ea sports fc 24

One-on-one encounters with the goalkeeper can be tense. The key to success in these moments is to stay calm and be creative. Don’t rush your decision. You have a few options, like using a chip shot to lob the ball over an advancing keeper or performing a quick dribble to sidestep them. 

Another effective strategy is to watch the goalkeeper’s movements. Some keepers will start to move one way in anticipation of your shot. If you can spot this, you can aim your shot in the opposite direction.

Practicing these scenarios in-game will help you feel more confident during these crucial moments. Remember, it’s about outthinking the goalkeeper, not just outplaying them.

By focusing on the unique attributes of your players and staying composed during one-on-one situations, you can unlock new levels of success in EA Sports FC 24. These advanced strategies require a bit of extra effort to master, but the payoff is worth it. With practice, you’ll find yourself scoring more goals and winning more games.

Practice Makes Perfect

Getting better at EA Sports FC 24 is a lot like learning to play an instrument or mastering a sport in real life – it takes practice. The more you play, the better you’ll get, especially when it comes to shooting and strategy.

The Importance of Repetition

Consistent practice is key to mastering shooting techniques and in-game strategies. By playing regularly, you start to get a feel for the game’s mechanics, like how much power to put behind a shot or when to make a pass. It’s about building muscle memory.

Think of it as learning to ride a bike. At first, you might wobble and fall off, but with enough practice, you’ll be able to ride without even thinking about it. The same goes for scoring goals in EA Sports FC 24 – the more you practice, the more natural it will feel.

Learning from Mistakes

Every missed shot or lost game is an opportunity to learn. Instead of getting frustrated, try to see what you can take away from each mistake. Did you rush your shot? Was there a better passing option you didn’t see? 

By asking these questions, you can start to improve your decision-making and avoid the same mistakes in the future. Remember, even the best players in the world didn’t get there without making plenty of mistakes along the way.

So, keep playing, keep learning, and you’ll see your skills grow over time.

Wrapping Up

We’ve covered a lot on how to score more goals in EA Sports FC 24. Remember, mastering shooting techniques, understanding tactical play, and leveraging advanced strategies are key.

But above all, practice, experimentation, and patience are essential. Keep practicing the tips shared, learn from every game, and don’t be afraid to try new strategies. Your journey to becoming a scoring prodigy in EA Sports FC 24 might have challenges, but with dedication, you’ll see remarkable improvement.

Take these tips, hit the virtual pitch, and start scoring goals like never before. Your transformation into a scoring legend awaits.