
Dota 2 Patch 7.35d Lowest Win Rate Heroes

Dota 2 patch 7.35d brought numerous changes to the game and some of the heroes are now considered unpickable... Radu M. | 9. April 2024

Dota 2 patch 7.35d brought numerous changes to the game and some of the heroes are now considered unpickable by most players. Their win rates are abysmally low. That doesn’t mean you can’t win with them. It simply means that you need to be highly skilled and preferably a specialist with these heroes to have a fair chance of winning.

In this guide, I will explore some of the lowest win rate heroes in Dota 2 patch 7.35d and try to explain why they are strong despite their success scores, if you know how to play them properly.

Batrider: 43.3% win rate



Batrider is one of the most picked heroes in professional matches. At the community level, his win rate is the lowest in the game and his pick rate is 1.7%. So you’ll probably encounter him in only one game out of 50. But when you do see this hero, don’t assume that he can’t do anything. Because he can.

Against certain heroes, such as Templar Assassin, Batrider is very powerful, especially in the laning phase. His starting HP is great: 736. He also has 4.5 HP regen, which makes it easy for you to bring it up to 7 or 8. At 8 HP regen, you gain 480 HP per minute without any other form of regeneration. This allows you to play aggressively.

Sticky Napalm is very powerful because it slows movement speed by 1.5 – 6% per stack and you can apply up to 10 stacks. The duration of the debuff is 6s and you can refresh it every 3s thanks to the low cooldown of this ability. The target also loses turn rate speed and becomes much easier to damage. For some heroes, anything above 3 stacks is lethal.

Thanks to his phenomenal mobility, Batrider can easily overrun a target and get lane kills using Firefly, which deals 30 – 120 damage per second and lasts for 15s. Keep in mind that a lot of heroes start with 290 movement speed. Batrider has 330.

If you purchase Boots of Speed and a Wind Lace, you get to 395. Doing this before your opponent has his boots will give you a 100 MS advantage. Combined with the slows applied by Sticky Napalm, the advantage becomes deadly in the hands of a skilled player. All you need is level 3 or 4 to start getting kills with this hero.

If you play him mid, you will see that most mid heroes choose to buy a Bottle very quickly and a Magic Wand. This delays their boots.

Batrider’s best ability is his ultimate. Using Flaming Lasso, you can initiate with ease and ensure the death of an enemy hero. The disable lasts for 2.25 – 3.25s. The cooldown is 90 – 60s.

In professional matches, players usually blink in using a Blink Dagger and initiate. And this combo is regarded as being one of the strongest in the game, which is why the hero is picked so often despite his apparent weaknesses.

Terrorblade: 44.7% win rate



Terrorblade is another hero that fell into disfavor in recent patches. His pick rate is only 2.24% and almost nobody knows how to play him properly. Meanwhile, professional players love this monster and often win with him by abusing his ability to farm quickly, his enormous damage, and his survivability, which comes from his high armor and ultimate.

The key when playing Terrorblade is to build damage quickly and then outfarm the opposition using your illusions. If you manage to buy Manta Style fast enough, you will farm incredibly fast. By the 25-minute mark, when most carry heroes are still struggling to get a few more big items, you will be ready to go on the offensive.

After Manta and Skadi, this hero is very hard to kill and deals a lot of damage in fights. You can build all kinds of other major items after becoming unkillable. But the first thing that you should do is to buy items that greatly increase your farming speed and then your survivability.

If TB survives the initiation of the enemy team, he can cast his ultimate or activate his Satanic and he will live, often turning the fight around and gaining a massive advantage. In that sense, Terrorblade is like Morphling and Slark. He needs to be able to survive and anticipate that the focus of the enemy team will be on him. If you can survive, you will often win with ease.

Apart from the use of your ultimate, which is not very hard to time correctly, another important thing is the use of your Metamorphosis, which is almost like a second ultimate for this hero. Its cooldown is 150s, which can be decreased by 20s using the level 15 talent. But even after that, it remains longer than 2 minutes, which is a very long time in this game.

Make sure you don’t waste this ability because without it, you will be easy prey in most cases. To further enhance it, you will need a Dragon Lance. TB’s natural attack range is quite short, so a small upgrade can help a lot.

Pangolier: 44.8% win rate



Pangolier’s pick rate is 3.1%, which makes him difficult to find in pubs. You’d have to play around 30 matches to see one Pangolier, either on your team or on the enemy team. And in most cases, you will want to see him on the enemy team because of the general impression that he’s quite weak in the current meta.

In reality, Pangolier is a strong hero that received important buffs in Dota 2 patch 7.35d. His Swashbuckle now strikes just 3 times instead of 4 but with greater damage. This means that he’s less likely to miss some of his strikes.

In the laning phase, Pangolier is not that hard to play well because he has abilities that give him great buffs and attack modifiers. Apart from Swashbuckle, which deals 90 – 360 damage, you also have a passive ability called Lucky Shot, which greatly reduces the attack speed and armor of a target for 2.5 – 4s. The probability is 17% and the reduction is 40 – 160 / 2 – 8.

This means that you would need to attack a maximum of six times before you start to severely incapacitate your opponent.

Using Shield Crash, Pangolier can deal 240 damage to his opponents in a 500 radius, slow them by 35% for 3s, and give himself a 200 damage barrier for 10s. This ability can be used every 12s.

The hero’s ultimate, Rolling Thunder, requires just 1.2s to activate and it will last for 10s. During this time, you deal damage to everything that stands in your way, stunning targets and being unstoppable. Just don’t pick this hero against Bloodseeker because he’ll ruin your ultimate using his.

When playing Pangolier, items like Diffusal Blade, Aghanim’s Scepter, Blink Dagger, and Maelstrom can be very effective. Ultimately, it’s up to you to choose correctly what you should focus on and augment. But in most cases, these are the items you need to maximize your chances of winning.

Rubick: 45.2% win rate



Unlike all of the other heroes with a low win rate, Rubick is often picked by Dota 2 players and you will find him in nearly 16% of your games. This hero excels because he’s unpredictable. He’s difficult to play, and on the surface he offers much less than other supports. But if you’re skilled enough to steal the best spells, you can often turn fights around on your own.

Rubick can stun enemies and keep them immobilized for more than 3s, which is enough time to get a kill if your teammates deal enough damage. He can also kill entire creep waves using his Fade Bolt. This ability allows Rubick to be more greedy than other supports and purchase items like Blink Dagger quite early.

Arcane Supremacy gives him 240 cast range and 26% spell amp. If you buy Aether Lens, which you should, you will gain an additional 225 cast range. Overall, you’ll be able to cast your spells from far away. This makes you not just a better initiator but also more survivable.

Rubick’s ultimate, Spell Steal, can be cast every 16 – 4s from 1400 range. This means that it’s relatively easy to steal spells from your opponents. You just need to pay attention to the game and catch the best spells. Or, in some cases, the most useful ones.

If you’re playing against an Earthshaker, stealing his Q could allow you to stun enemies from very far away and in a way that they don’t expect. One thing that makes Rubick so powerful is the lack of communication. Pubs are generally chaotic, which means that players don’t tell each other which spells were stolen. If an opponent forgets to check, you can surprise them.

Templar Assassin: 45.2% win rate

templar assassin


This hero has been buffed repeatedly over the last several patches. Dota 2 patch 7.35d gives TA even more damage than before, but she remains an obscure hero, picked only in 4.4% of all matches.

You’d think that beginners would love TA because of her Refraction, which greatly improves her damage and survivability. But because of her short attack range, few players know how to play this hero in a way that doesn’t make them look foolish.

When you play TA, you need to buy a Dragon Lance and ideally a Blink Dagger. If you have these two items, you’ll be able to position yourself properly in team fights, initiating kills and escaping from dangerous situations.

The thing that gives TA her edge is her ability to farm quickly from an early level. By the time you’re level 7, you can farm the jungle with ease. You can even farm Ancients, but you’ll do it a bit slowly at first. Buying Dragon Lance allows this hero to farm without getting damaged.

The combination of Refraction and Psy Blades gives TA the possibility to damage multiple opponents with one shot. Just by chance, jungle camps tend to sit in a way that allows you to do this repeatedly. The result is very impressive. You could, potentially, stack the Ancients 4 times and then kill all of them by just hitting the one in front.

This technique is often used to gain a huge gold advantage by the 15-minute mark. After that, a successful fight followed by the destruction of tier 1 towers and a Roshan kill puts you in an excellent position. By the 20-minute mark, when most carry heroes are still weak, TA is very strong and capable of sieging the enemy base.

The main limitation when playing this hero is the general lack of cohesion that characterizes pub games. You should never wait until the 40-minute mark to push with TA. By then, many carry heroes are much stronger than her and there’s nothing left to be done. But if you push early, the networth advantage will be sufficient to give you an easy win.

TA can make good use of damage items like Desolator. If you buy it early and get involved in kills, you will reap great benefits. You should also invest in a Crystalys. You can upgrade it later. But the simple act of having it will increase your damage output immensely thanks to its critical damage.

TA’s success rate increases dramatically if you learn how to farm quickly, using your Blink Dagger and Psy Blades, and how to monitor enemy movement using traps. If you don’t make good use of your traps, you’re essentially playing without your ultimate. This ability gives you the chance to establish 5 – 11 map points where you can see your opponents.

A trick that you can use is to place your traps in narrow areas such as stairs, in order to guarantee that you will spot the enemy if it passes through that area and isn’t invisible or smoked.

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