
Cheater Alert: Rising Rates in League of Legends Matches

League of Legends is facing a big cheating issue, which affects the fairness of gameplay. Riot Games is rolling... Aleksandar | 13. April 2024

League of Legends is facing a big cheating issue, which affects the fairness of gameplay. Riot Games is rolling out a new anti-cheat system named Vanguard in hopes of curbing this problem.

The Impact of Cheating

League of Legends with a cheater Weekly

Source: Riot Games

Recent insights from Riot Games highlight that approximately one in 15 matches are tainted by cheaters. This rate suggests that cheating is more common than many players might assume.

Some regions even report as troubling a statistic as one cheater in every five games. These cheaters use scripts or bots to gain unfair advantages over other players, which impacts the game’s integrity and player experience negatively.

Why Is Cheating a Big Deal?

League of Legends - Ranked Games with a Scripter by Tier

Source: Riot Games

Cheating disrupts the level playing field in League of Legends. It can lead to frustration and unfair losses for players who abide by the rules.

The statistics show that players using cheats like scripting tools win up to 80% of their ranked matches, which unfairly skews competitive rankings.

In response, Riot Games is deploying Vanguard, a sophisticated anti-cheat software developed to detect and block cheaters more effectively than previous systems.

Vanguard aims to delve deeper into detecting cheats by monitoring the game at a core level, making it harder for cheat creators to adapt or bypass the system.

However, the introduction of Vanguard has not been without controversy. Some players worry about privacy since the software requires deep access to users’ systems to operate effectively. 

Riot Games assures that this level of access is crucial to effectively fight the sophisticated cheating tools in use today.

A Never-Ending Battle?

Even with advanced anti-cheat systems, the challenge continues. Cheaters often find new ways to circumvent measures, and as soon as one cheat is blocked, another appears.

This ongoing battle requires continuous updates and vigilance from Riot Games to keep the gameplay fair and enjoyable for everyone.

The introduction of Vanguard by Riot Games is a big step in their ongoing effort to maintain fairness in League of Legends. While the battle against cheaters is far from over, this new tool is a hopeful advancement towards a cleaner, more competitive gaming environment.

As the system rolls out, both players and developers will be watching closely to see the impact it has on reducing the cheat rates in games worldwide.