
Massive changes coming with patch 12.19

With the World Championship underway, Riot doesn’t have to balance League for the professional scene anymore.  The entire tournament... Scott Kostov | 5. October 2022

With the World Championship underway, Riot doesn’t have to balance League for the professional scene anymore. 

The entire tournament will be played out on patch 12,18 which means some champions can finally see the light of relevance. Riot knows better than to make major champion changes heading into international events, so the Syndra update got pushed to this patch. 

Fizz, Ekko, and other AP “assassins” getting buffed

Ever since the durability update, assassins have been in the dirt, so now is the time to make them a bit more viable. Ekko will receive a flat damage increase on his ultimate ability at every rank and it will also scale better with ability power. His passive also got a damage increase and will grant more movement speed early on. Fizz has been in the same boat as Ekko, so buffing the AP scalings on his E ability by 15% should bring some wind to his sail.  

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12,19 buffs. Credit: Riot Phroxzon

The magic damage on Kaisa’s passive is getting another buff similar to a few patches ago, while Nunu’s ultimate ability will now hit even harder when he build ability power. Malphite joins Nunu as another tank getting increased AP scalings on their ultimate abilities, which should make ARAM more unfun for everyone. Rakan is another supportive champion receiving damage buffs to his abilities, with his passive and Q ability now healing and shielding for more when building ability power. 

Ryze and Tahm Kench are getting AP scaling buffs on their Q and W abilities, so maybe they stop building tank items as well. Sona will hurt and slow more with her Q and E abilities being buffed, while Twitch is also receiving ability power buffs on his passive and E ability. I guess patch 12,19 will be a good time to start experimenting with some interesting builds.

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Spirit Blossom Master Yi hitting the rift on 12,19. Credit: Riot Games

Master Yi and Reksai nerfs

Master Yi has seen nothing but success ever since his mini rework and players have only gotten better at him ever since. That’s why Riot are taking away 0,3% of his attack damage growth and some of the true damage on his E ability. Reksai is also getting a base attack damage nerf, while the item Eclipse now gives less attack damage and lethality than before.

Garen’s E ability now scales a lot better with critical chance and damage, While Jinx gets a base attack damage increase of two points, and her ultimate ability will now do more damage. The Udyr changes from the previous patch hit him a bit harder than intended so now all of his abilities will do more damage to minions, to help him find a palace in the top lane.

Header: Riot Games