
WZM: WSP Swarm best-for-mobile loadout!

For a time, the WSP Swarm ruled both Warzone Mobile and Modern Warfare III as a fast-firing, hard-hitting submachine... Paolo | 15. April 2024

For a time, the WSP Swarm ruled both Warzone Mobile and Modern Warfare III as a fast-firing, hard-hitting submachine gun that allows for opening up different fronts.

While it may have no longer been in the meta, this SMG pick may be one that can suit someone wanting a fast-firing weapon. We tested it out during both the Limited Release and the current play and found this build to work!


UNDERBARREL: Bruen Heavy Support Grip (unlocked by leveling the Striker SMG to Level 8)

One of two greatly performing grips in Warzone Mobile, the Bruen Heavy Support Grip ensures overall horizontal recoil control and firing aim stability. The grip also does not employ any sprint-to-fire penalties, so make the most out of the grip to ensure good hits and recoil control at close range with your WSP Swarm. This can especially be helpful when using the WSP Swarm as a stable frontline piece.


MUZZLE: Sonic Suppressor S (unlocked by leveling the WSP-9 at Level 24)

The SMG version of the Sonic Suppressor functions very much like its bigger brothers by greatly increasing bullet velocity and adding a small damage range increase, allowing you to engage enemies at better distances. 

MAGAZINE: 50 Round Mag (unlocked at Level 17)

The WSP Swarm’s fire rate can easily shred opponents, especially at very close ranges. Any use of the Swarm at longer ranges is definitely non-essential. The HRM-9’s fast fire rate will leave you hungry for more ammunition to bring down opponents in intense, close quarter gunfights. Use the 50-round drum mag attachment to make the most out of your WSP Swarm’s flexible potential!

LASER: Point G3P-04 (unlocked by leveling up the Expedite 12 shotgun to Level 11)

The Point G3P-04 is a green hipfire-centered laser which can also help reduce the overall sprint to fire time of your WSP Swarm. This allows your build to be used effectively whenever you’re aiming down sights or firing from the hip at close quarters.


AMMUNITION: 9mm High Grain Rounds (unlocked by leveling up the AMR9 to Level 29)

9mm High Grain Rounds can be used to further increase the potency of your HRM-9 by adding a range and damage buff per shot, at the cost of some recoil control which the Bruen Tactical Vertical Grip can mitigate. 


OPTIC: Slate Reflector [to replace Laser] 

In place of a laser, the Slate Reflector can help WSP Swarm users focusing on ADS to have a much clearer sight picture and lesser visual recoil. This can help for faster and more precise target acquisition, especially in those crucial final zones.

LASER: VLK LZR 7mw (unlocked by leveling the STB 556 to level 5)

The VLK LZR 7mw ensures that your WSP Swarm can have a faster ADS and sprint to fire speed while also providing much-needed aiming stability.


These attachments can help you utilize a flexible, easy-to-use SMG which can definitely help you clean house!