
Why Juggernaut is spammed in Dota 2 patch 7.33d

Currently, in Dota 2 patch 7.33d, Juggernaut is picked in more than 20% of all matches. This means that... Radu M. | 30. June 2023

Currently, in Dota 2 patch 7.33d, Juggernaut is picked in more than 20% of all matches. This means that on average, you’ll encounter him once every five matches. And his win rate is 51%. But what makes him so appealing to so many people? Why pick a Jugg when heroes like Spectre and Bloodseeker exist?

Juggernaut received great buffs in Dota 2 patch 7.33. And those buffs have ensured that he remains a powerful carry. His early game is solid compared to that of most carry heroes and his ability to scale into the late game is also great. These things make Juggernaut a very stable position 1.


Valve Corporation

Qualities of Juggernaut

Juggernaut has a toolkit that allows you to fight well, escape certain death, dodge powerful spells, farm quickly, and lane well against most offlaners.

His Blade Fury deals 165 damage per second at level 4 and 140 damage at level 5. This means that a level 5 Jugg will quickly kill an enemy who’s foolish enough to come close. Keep in mind that the duration of this ability is 5 seconds. While he spins, he gains +75 movement speed, which guarantees that he can stay close to his target.

The total amount of magical damage dealt by a level 3 Blade Fury is 700. This alone will deter most offlaners to keep their distance. Otherwise, Juggernaut can engage in a duel, attack until the target is below 700 HP, and then start spinning. If he has HP problems himself, he can just use Healing Ward.

This is his second ability and will heal him for 2-5% of his maximum HP per second. Assuming a health pool of 1000, you will get at least 20 HP per second on top of the regen you already have.

Most offlaners cannot kill you through that healing and will need to kill the ward first. But you can move it around. By the time the ward is destroyed, your enemy is dead.

Blade Dance is Juggernaut’s passive ability and will deal 190% critical damage 20%-35% of the time. So on average, one attack out of three will deal twice the damage. That’s a huge bonus.

The ultimate is phenomenal and guarantees that you will deal a lot of damage in fights. On top of that, you’ll be safe while using it because it makes you untargetable.

Header: Valve Corporation