
Valorant agents you should play if you’re not good at aiming

Aiming is a crucial part of playing the FPS genre, but Valorant’s roster of unique agents makes this much... Scott Kostov | 19. August 2022

Aiming is a crucial part of playing the FPS genre, but Valorant’s roster of unique agents makes this much less noticeable.

There are 19 different agents you can choose to play in Valorant, each with a unique skill set and purpose. Some are suited towards explosive players who love to take duels and top frag their way into a win. Others like to play mind games, outsmarting their opponents en route to gaining that sweet RR. This means that you can make a positive impact regardless of your aim proficiency.

Apart from creating exciting and variable gameplay, these agents also specialize in certain traits which help them excel without landing the first headshot. This is where Sentinels and Controllers come in, and these are agents you should play to climb if you can’t aim.


Killjoy setup on Bind


The role of a Sentinel in Valorant is to be a defensive specialist — an agent that will anchor an entire site or area by themselves, using their abilities to defend it. By design, they are so well equipped to do this that they don’t need teammates to help them. And since the attacking players are coming to you, you naturally have the upper hand.

What makes Killjoy deadly are the combinations of utility she can set up and how she plays around them. Her Turret is great for scouting and can do decent damage at any range if not cleared immediately. Aggressive Killjoy players will peek from an opposite angle from the Turret as the enemies are destroying it, because nobody can shoot two places at once. But you don’t have to do that.

Once they get into the site, Killjoy’s Alarm Bot and Grenades pose a serious threat. The Alarm bot alerts you of the enemy’s location, but more importantly, makes them vulnerable. This means that they lose their armor and some of their health points, which makes them easier to kill.

Killing with two shots instead of five makes your job a lot easier, and even then, you still have grenades. You can equip two of them and once activated, they will cover a huge area and do tons of damage. If enemies are unfortunate enough to be caught in all three layers of defense, they will die before you even fire a shot. And we are yet to talk about her ultimate ability, Lockdown, which after a 13-second equipment period stuns and disarms all enemies caught in its radius. They can’t move, shoot or use abilities, making easy targets for you.


Viper setup on Icebox


What makes Viper special and one of the most unique Controllers is her passive ability. Every enemy that comes in contact with her abilities immediately becomes vulnerable due to her poison. Her wall can cut sites in half and anyone that goes through it, losses their armor, health, and probably also life. Her orb can be used as a one-way smoke, applies the same debuff, and can be picked up to reposition. Her mollies are great for clearing corners and buying time because they do damage on top of applying the debuff and can be used as lineups in post-plant scenarios.

And she has one of the most valuable ultimates in the game, considering it covers entire sites, blocking off vision and taking any enemy in it to 1 HP. Viper in her ultimate can kill an entire team with one shotgun shot. You definitely don’t need Aim Labs to do that.

Header: Riot Games