
The orignal trilogy of God of War is reportedly getting remastered

fragster Shubh 25. December 2023

The original God of War trilogy is reportedly being remastered by PlayStation for the PS5, scheduled for release as early as 2024.

A leak suggests that the original God of War trilogy will be remastered on the PlayStation 5 soon. Put another way, the video games God of War (2005, PS2), God of War II (2007, PS2), and God of War III (2010, PS3) will all be coming back as early as next year.

Nick Baker, better known as Shpeshal Nick, stated on the Xbox Era podcast that a remake of Kratos’ first three excursions “might be happening.” While he was careful not to mention any precise dates, he predicts that the original God of War trilogy will be remastered and released or at least disclosed sometime in 2024.

The original trilogy of God of War can make a comeback in 2024

Sony has had great success with God of War, particularly with Ragnarok, which has sold over 15 million copies worldwide and just got the highly anticipated Valhalla DLC. Some people, meanwhile, still yearn for the God of War era, when Kratos fought Zeus and the Pantheon while voyaging over ancient Greece.

The first story follows the adventures of the youthful Kratos in six games that were made available for the PSP, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation 3. On the PS4 and PS5, an older Kratos navigates being a single father in the second story, which revitalizes the franchise. All three of the original God of War games are now officially unavailable on modern systems, except God of War 3, which was independently published on the PlayStation 4 after being remastered.

Playing some of the other God of War games is limited to cloud streaming with PlayStation Plus’s premium subscriptions, which may be accessed via the PlayStation Plus app on PCs, PS4, and PS5. There are a lot of references and callbacks to the previous games in the new titles. Since rumors about the remastered God of Waar trilogy started to circulate online, new fans who aren’t familiar with these references may have an opportunity to learn about them.

Baker has previously made a lot of noise about PlayStation rumors, but few of them have materialized. He stated that there was a “chance” that a new inFAMOUS might be shown during a PS Showcase back in 2021, but the occasion passed without the announcement.
When he stated a year later that a new Sly Cooper was also in the works, the Seattle-based developer responded by flatly refuting the rumors. Despite this, we can still hope that our Christmas wishes will come true and that a remastered God of War trilogy will be released in 2024.

Header: Sony Interactive