
Riot Considers Bringing Back Duo Queue for Apex Ranks

In League of Legends, the competitive scene is always buzzing. Until recently, high-ranking players, known as Apex tiers, couldn’t... Aleksandar | 23. January 2024

In League of Legends, the competitive scene is always buzzing. Until recently, high-ranking players, known as Apex tiers, couldn’t team up in a duo queue, making the climb to the top a solo mission. 

But now, there’s a big change on the horizon. Riot Games is thinking about bringing back the duo queue for these elite ranks. This means players might once again join forces with a partner to tackle the game’s toughest challenges. 

It’s a move that could shake up strategies and gameplay at the highest levels. Will this shift bring more teamwork and excitement to the Apex tiers? League’s community is eagerly waiting to see what happens next.

Background on Duo Queue and Its Removal

Duo queue in League of Legends lets two players team up in ranked matches, a favorite feature for many. But for the Apex tiers – Master, Grandmaster, and Challenger – Riot Games decided to remove this option. 

Their goal was to level the playing field, ensuring that individual skills shine without the advantage of coordinated team play. This change made the top ranks a solo challenge, altering the dynamics of high-tier matches. 

Players had to adapt to relying solely on their skills and strategies without a trusted partner. This shift sparked debates among players about the balance between teamwork and individual talent in the game’s elite echelons.

Riot’s New Consideration: Reintroducing Duo Queue

Riot Games is rethinking their previous decision and might allow the duo queue again for Apex ranks in League of Legends. Design Director Iksar has spoken about this, highlighting ongoing debates within the company. 

They’re considering player opinions and the need for balanced gameplay. Player feedback plays a big role in this decision. Gamers have voiced their thoughts on the duo queue, and Riot is listening. 

1 — Duo queue in high-tier play. Considering opening up duo-queue for masters tier in addition to diamond and below. Consulting with different regions who tend to have different opinions on this topic. We’re open to different regions having different rules if necessary.

The main goal is to keep the game fair and fun for everyone. So, they’re weighing the pros and cons carefully. Will the duo queue make a comeback? It’s a hot topic among players, and Riot’s decision could really mix things up.

Implications for Apex Tier Players

Bringing the duo queue back into Apex-tier gameplay in League of Legends could really shake things up. For starters, players would enjoy the thrill of teaming up, leading to more strategic plays and fun in-game moments. It’s about pairing up with a buddy and taking on tough opponents together. 

But there’s a flip side. Fairness in matchmaking could get tricky. When players team up, it might make games harder for solo warriors, as they face coordinated duos. Balancing this is key. Riot has to make sure everyone, whether playing solo or in a duo, gets a fair and enjoyable gaming experience.

Regional Variations and Community Reactions

Riot Games is considering a unique approach for the duo queue: different rules in different regions. This idea has sparked various reactions in the League of Legends community. 

Some players are excited, thinking it could spice up the game. Others are cautious, worrying about fairness and consistency across regions. Pro players and game analysts have joined the conversation, too, sharing their expert insights. 

What stands out is how Riot is really listening to this feedback. The community’s opinions are playing a big part in shaping the future of the duo queue. It shows that in the world of League, every player’s voice matters.

Will Teamwork Triumph in Apex Tiers Again?

Right now, the big question in League of Legends is whether the duo queue will return for Apex-tier players. Riot Games is deep in thought about this, knowing they need more research and testing to make the right call. 

The community is buzzing with anticipation, eager to see how this decision could change high-tier gameplay. Will the duo queue bring more teamwork and excitement? Or will it challenge the balance of fair play? 

Everyone’s waiting on Riot’s final verdict. This decision isn’t just about a feature but about shaping the future of competitive play in one of the world’s most popular games.