
Rhaast in League of Legends: Abilities and Strategies

Rhaast is a popular character in the video game League of Legends. He is a Darkin, an ancient and... Fragster | 24. October 2023

Rhaast is a popular character in the video game League of Legends. He is a Darkin, an ancient and powerful race of beings that once ruled the world. Rhaast is known for his scythe, which he wields with deadly precision. He is also known for his ability to possess and control other beings, including humans.

In the game, Rhaast is often played as a jungler, a role that involves roaming the map and ganking enemy players. His scythe allows him to deal massive damage to enemies, while his possession ability allows him to take control of enemy champions. Rhaast is also known for his healing ability, which allows him to regenerate health when he deals damage to enemy champions.

Overall, Rhaast is a complex and powerful character in League of Legends. His abilities make him a formidable opponent on the battlefield, while his backstory and lore add depth to his character. Whether you are a fan of the game or just interested in learning more about its characters, Rhaast is a character worth exploring.

Character Overview

Rhaast is a powerful character in the game League of Legends, known for his dark and ominous presence. He is a Darkin, a race of ancient and powerful beings who were once revered as gods. Rhaast’s true form is that of a scythe, which he wields with deadly precision. He is also capable of possessing human hosts, such as his current host Shieda Kayn.

Rhaast’s abilities are focused on blood magic and shadow techniques. He is able to manipulate blood to heal himself and damage his enemies, and can also use shadow techniques to become invisible and teleport short distances. In addition, he is able to transform into his scythe form, which greatly increases his damage output.

Rhaast’s personality is often described as manipulative and power-hungry. He seeks to aggrandize himself and revels in taking the lives of others. However, he is also intelligent and immortal, making him a formidable opponent.

Despite his dark nature, Rhaast has a loyal following among League of Legends players. Many appreciate his unique playstyle and the challenge of mastering his abilities. Overall, Rhaast is a complex and intriguing character that adds depth and excitement to the game.

Abilities and Skills

Rhaast is a powerful champion in League of Legends with a unique set of abilities that allow him to deal massive damage to his enemies while staying alive in the heat of battle.

Reaping Slash

Rhaast’s primary ability is Reaping Slash, which allows him to strike his enemies with his scythe, dealing significant damage and healing himself in the process. This ability is particularly effective in close-quarters combat, making it an essential tool for Rhaast in team fights.

Blade’s Reach

Another ability in Rhaast’s arsenal is Blade’s Reach, which allows him to extend the reach of his scythe, dealing damage to all enemies in a straight line. This ability is particularly useful for taking out groups of enemies or for dealing damage to enemies who are trying to escape.

Shadow Step

Rhaast’s Shadow Step ability allows him to teleport a short distance, making it an excellent tool for dodging enemy attacks or for quickly closing the gap between himself and his opponents. This ability also allows him to reposition himself in team fights, making it a valuable tool for any Rhaast player.

Umbral Trespass

Finally, Rhaast’s ultimate ability is Umbral Trespass, which allows him to enter an enemy champion’s body and deal massive damage from within. This ability is particularly useful for taking out high-value targets, such as enemy carries or tanks, and can be a game-changer in team fights.

Overall, Rhaast’s abilities and skills make him a formidable opponent in League of Legends, and a valuable addition to any team. With his unique set of abilities and his ability to deal massive damage while staying alive in the heat of battle, Rhaast is a champion that any player should consider mastering.

Gameplay Strategy

Rhaast is a powerful champion in League of Legends that can cause massive damage to enemy teams. In order to maximize his potential, players must have a solid gameplay strategy that takes into account his strengths and weaknesses. Here are some tips for playing Rhaast effectively in different stages of the game.

Early Game

During the early game, Rhaast is relatively weak and vulnerable. Players should focus on farming and avoiding early fights until they have enough gold to purchase their core items. Rhaast’s Q ability, Reaping Slash, is a great tool for clearing minion waves quickly and efficiently. Players should also use their W ability, Blade’s Reach, to poke at enemy champions from a safe distance.

Mid Game

As Rhaast gains levels and items, he becomes much more powerful in team fights. Players should look for opportunities to engage with their E ability, Shadow Step, and follow up with their ultimate, Umbral Trespass, to isolate and take down key enemy targets. Rhaast’s passive, The Darkin Scythe, allows him to heal for a percentage of the damage he deals, so players should focus on dealing as much damage as possible in order to stay alive.

Late Game

In the late game, Rhaast becomes a force to be reckoned with. Players should focus on positioning themselves well in team fights and using their abilities to disrupt enemy formations. Rhaast’s ultimate, Umbral Trespass, can be used to take out enemy carries and turn the tide of a fight. Players should also remember to use their W ability, Blade’s Reach, to slow down and zone out enemy champions.

Overall, Rhaast is a versatile champion that can be played in a variety of ways. By focusing on his strengths and playing to his weaknesses, players can dominate the game and lead their team to victory.

Item Builds

Rhaast is a versatile champion who can be built in a number of ways depending on the situation. In general, Rhaast players should aim to build items that provide sustain, damage, and durability. In this section, we will look at some of the core items and situational items that Rhaast players should consider.

Core Items

The following items are considered core items for Rhaast and should be built in most games:

  • Black Cleaver: This item provides Rhaast with health, damage, and armor shred, making it an excellent choice for both offense and defense.
  • Death’s Dance: This item provides Rhaast with damage, sustain, and damage mitigation, making it a great choice for extended fights.
  • Spirit Visage: This item provides Rhaast with health, magic resist, and increased healing, making it an excellent choice against magic damage champions.

Situational Items

In addition to the core items, Rhaast players should also consider building situational items based on the enemy team composition and game situation. Some examples of situational items include:

  • Thornmail: This item is a great choice against champions who rely on basic attacks for damage, such as marksmen or fighters.
  • Sterak’s Gage: This item provides Rhaast with additional health and burst protection, making it a great choice against burst damage champions.
  • Guardian Angel: This item provides Rhaast with a second life, making it a great choice for team fights or when Rhaast is the primary initiator.

Overall, Rhaast players should aim to build items that complement their playstyle and the situation they are in. Building the right items can make a big difference in Rhaast’s effectiveness and can help secure victory for the team.

Matchups and Counters

Rhaast is a versatile champion that can fit into many team compositions. However, there are certain matchups and counters that players should be aware of when playing Rhaast.

Best With

Rhaast synergizes well with champions that can set up his knock-up or provide him with crowd control. Some examples of champions that work well with Rhaast include:

  • Orianna: Orianna’s ultimate can group enemies together, making it easier for Rhaast to land his knock-up.
  • Sejuani: Sejuani can provide Rhaast with additional crowd control and tankiness.
  • Malphite: Malphite’s ultimate can knock up multiple enemies, setting up Rhaast for a devastating combo.

Best Against

Rhaast excels against tanky champions that he can sustain against and deal damage to over time. Some examples of champions that Rhaast is strong against include:

  • Maokai: Maokai is a tanky champion that relies on his sustain to stay in lane. Rhaast’s sustain and damage can outmatch Maokai’s sustain.
  • Ornn: Ornn is a tanky champion that relies on his crowd control and tankiness to win fights. Rhaast’s sustain and damage can outmatch Ornn’s tankiness.
  • Cho’Gath: Cho’Gath is a tanky champion that relies on his sustain and crowd control to win fights. Rhaast’s sustain and damage can outmatch Cho’Gath’s sustain.


Rhaast struggles against champions that can burst him down quickly or kite him. Some examples of champions that Rhaast is weak against include:

  • Vayne: Vayne’s mobility and true damage make her a difficult matchup for Rhaast.
  • Kha’Zix: Kha’Zix’s burst damage and mobility make him a difficult matchup for Rhaast.
  • Lee Sin: Lee Sin’s mobility and burst damage make him a difficult matchup for Rhaast.

Overall, Rhaast is a strong champion that can fit into many team compositions. However, players should be aware of his matchups and counters in order to play him effectively.

Tips and Tricks

Rhaast is a powerful champion in League of Legends, but mastering him can be a challenge. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of this Darkin warrior:

  • Choose your form wisely: Rhaast has two forms, Shadow Assassin and Darkin. Each form has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose the right one for the situation. If you need burst damage and mobility, go for Shadow Assassin. If you need sustain and tankiness, go for Darkin.
  • Maximize your healing: Rhaast has excellent sustain thanks to his passive, which allows him to heal for a percentage of the damage he deals. To maximize your healing, focus on hitting multiple enemies with your abilities. This will increase the amount of healing you receive, making you harder to take down.
  • Use your crowd control effectively: Rhaast has several crowd control abilities, including a knock-up and a slow. Use these abilities to disrupt the enemy team and set up kills for your allies. Be careful not to waste your crowd control, as it can be crucial in teamfights.
  • Build for your playstyle: Rhaast can be built in a variety of ways, depending on your playstyle and the situation. Some players prefer to build tanky items like Sunfire Cape and Thornmail, while others prefer to build damage items like Black Cleaver and Death’s Dance. Experiment with different builds to find what works best for you.
  • Communicate with your team: As with any champion, communication is key when playing Rhaast. Let your team know when your ultimate is up, and coordinate with them to set up kills and objectives. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re struggling, as Rhaast is a team-oriented champion.

By following these tips and tricks, you can become a formidable force on the Rift with Rhaast. Remember to stay patient and practice, and you’ll be dominating your opponents in no time.

Lore and Backstory

Rhaast is a Darkin, an ancient race of powerful and malevolent beings who were once revered as gods by the people of Runeterra. Rhaast’s real name is unknown, but he is also known as the Darkin Scythe, the Corrupted Scythe, and the Blade of Millennium.

Rhaast’s backstory is shrouded in mystery, but it is known that he was once a powerful Ascended warrior during the time of the Shuriman Empire. However, he was corrupted by the dark magic of the Void and became a Darkin, a being of immense power and evil.

Rhaast’s current host is a young Noxian assassin named Shieda Kayn. Rhaast possesses Kayn’s body and corrupts his mind, urging him to embrace his darker nature and become a ruthless killer.

Rhaast’s powers are formidable and include immortality, intelligence, and the ability to manipulate blood and shadows. He wields a massive scythe that is capable of cutting through anything, and he can transform into a terrifying, shadowy form that allows him to move quickly and strike from unexpected angles.

Despite his fearsome reputation, Rhaast is not invincible. His powers are weakened by holy magic and he can be defeated if his host is killed or if he is trapped in a powerful magical prison.

Skins and Cosmetics

Rhaast has a few skins and cosmetics available in League of Legends. Here are the details:

  • Odyssey Rhaast: This skin was released on September 12, 2018, and is part of the Odyssey skin line. It costs 1350 RP and features new animations, sound effects, and visual effects. Rhaast’s scythe is now a glowing blue energy blade, and his armor has a sleek, futuristic design.
  • Heartsteel Rhaast: This skin is part of the Heartsteel skin line, which features a pop music theme. It was released on November 8, 2023, and costs 1820 RP. Rhaast’s scythe is now a guitar, and he wears a stylish leather jacket and ripped jeans. The skin also includes new animations, sound effects, and visual effects.
  • Chroma Skins: Rhaast has four chroma skins available for his Odyssey skin: Catseye, Deathbringer, Ruby, and Sapphire. Each chroma skin costs 290 RP and features a different color scheme for Rhaast’s armor and energy blade.
  • Icons: There are two icons featuring Rhaast available in the game: Darkin Scythe and Corrupted Scythe. Both icons cost 250 RP.
  • Emotes: There are two Rhaast emotes available in the game: Darkin’s Laughter and Corrupt Laughter. Both emotes cost 350 RP.

Overall, Rhaast has a decent amount of skins and cosmetics available in League of Legends. Players who enjoy his character design can choose from a variety of different looks and themes to customize their gameplay experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Rhaast’s role in League of Legends lore?

Rhaast is a powerful Darkin champion in League of Legends lore. He is known as the “Darkin Scythe” and is one of the five remaining Darkin in the game. His role in the lore is to bring destruction and chaos to the world, and he is feared by many.

How does Rhaast differ from other Darkin champions in League of Legends?

Rhaast is unique among Darkin champions in League of Legends in that he possesses the ability to possess and control his host, the human warrior Kayn. This gives Rhaast a level of control and influence over the battlefield that other Darkin champions do not possess.

What is the relationship between Rhaast and Kayn in League of Legends?

Rhaast and Kayn have a complex relationship in League of Legends lore. Kayn is Rhaast’s current host, and Rhaast possesses him in order to gain access to his powerful abilities. However, Kayn is also able to exert some control over Rhaast, and the two are often at odds with each other.

What are some strategies for playing as Rhaast in League of Legends?

Rhaast is a versatile champion in League of Legends, and there are many different strategies that players can use when playing as him. One popular strategy is to focus on building up Rhaast’s damage and sustain abilities, allowing him to deal massive damage while also healing himself in the process.

Can Rhaast be played as a Shadow Assassin in League of Legends?

While Rhaast is primarily a Darkin champion, he can also be played as a Shadow Assassin in League of Legends. This allows players to take advantage of his powerful abilities while also giving him the mobility and stealth needed to take down enemy champions quickly and efficiently.

What are some of the best Rhaast skins in League of Legends?

There are several different Rhaast skins available in League of Legends, each with their own unique look and feel. Some of the most popular Rhaast skins include “Odyssey Rhaast,” “Soulhunter Rhaast,” and “Blood Moon Rhaast.”