
New VALORANT skins

VALORANT is ready to launch the new Luna Bundle this month, which celebrates the Lunar New Year. Once it... Maria | 19. January 2023

VALORANT is ready to launch the new Luna Bundle this month, which celebrates the Lunar New Year. Once it goes on sale, all users can get their hands on this exclusive collection.

On its official Twitter account, Riot Games posted information about the collection and the release date of the upcoming Luna Bundle. Regarding introducing new lines of skins, VALORANT has always been generous. They are sure to be present for the Lunar New Year festivities.

On their Twitter account, Riot Games has posted that January 26 is the launch of the new Luna Bundle.

Full details of the package have not yet been released.

Cost, content, and more about the Luna pack in VALORANT.

Riot Games introduced the Tigris pack last year, celebrating the Chinese calendar’s Year of the Tiger in 2022. The new collection will similarly celebrate the Lunar New Year; this time, it is the Year of the Rabbit. All fans are looking forward with great excitement to the Lunar New Year and welcoming another new line of skins for the game.

How much will the new Luna package cost?

Riot Games has not formally announced the tier of the next pack. However, the Tigris collection, released in 2022, was a Deluxe-level collection, so that we can expect the same for this one.

This assumes that the total cost of the pack will be around 5100 VALORANT Points (VP). Weapon skins can also be purchased separately, with melee weapons costing approximately 2550 VP, while rifle weapons cost about 1275 VP. Players can also buy cosmetic items, weapon companions, sprays, and player cards.

Weapons included in the Luna package

In the teaser, it is possible to see five weapons that will be part of the Luna package. These are the weapons

  • Vandal
  • Marshal
  • Spectre
  • Ghost
  • Melee

Also seen in the teaser were two beautiful companions that will be included with the Luna pack. Unfortunately, riot Games has not shown any other cosmetics from the line.

Will there be additional special effects?

As shown in Riot Games’ official teaser, users can anticipate more visual effects with this Deluxe collection. In the past, VALORANT has offered a variety of Deluxe-level skins with eye-catching graphics.

As mentioned earlier, Riot has added furry little friends with the skinline, which appear to light up. Players will be able to activate the blue color of the bunny by firing the weapon to which the friend is attached. When not activated, the bunny is white.

The design of this package has a vivid and relaxing impact, perfectly reflecting the spirit of the Year of the Rabbit. However, players may not get a finisher with the Luna package.

Header: Riot Games