
Illaoi Introduced in League of Legends’ New Fighting Game 2XKO

The highly anticipated League of Legends fighting game, 2XKO, has just unveiled its latest champion, Illaoi, in a spectacular... Aleksandar | 25. April 2024

The highly anticipated League of Legends fighting game, 2XKO, has just unveiled its latest champion, Illaoi, in a spectacular gameplay reveal.

Known as the Kraken Priestess in the original game, Illaoi brings her unique tentacle warfare to this fresh 2v2 fighter format. The debut happened this April and has stirred excitement among fans worldwide.

Illaoi is famous for her powerful playstyle in League of Legends, where she dominates the top lane. Now, in, she swings her massive idol to bash enemies and uses her signature tentacles to control the battlefield. 

These tentacles stick around even when Illaoi is not actively fighting, adding a strategic layer to the game.

Illaoi’s Abilities Showcased

Riot Games showcased Illaoi’s impressive moves in the gameplay footage, including her devastating special attacks and ultimate ability.

Her S2 Super, known as “Wrath of Nagakabouros,” unleashes giant tentacles that slam the ground, transforming any active tentacles into massive obstacles.

This move can overwhelm opponents but requires careful timing, as it leaves Illaoi vulnerable to counterattacks.

Her ultimate move, “Test of Spirit,” is a dramatic display where she challenges her opponent’s soul, showcasing her thematic link to the spiritual warrior she is known for.

Play Illaoi at EVO Japan

2XKO, currently in development for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC, is set to launch in 2025. However, fans won’t have to wait that long to get a taste of the action.

Illaoi will be playable at the upcoming EVO Japan event from April 27 to 29, where attendees can experience her gameplay firsthand.

The game, previously known under the working title Project L, promises a deep yet accessible fighting experience, aiming to attract both newcomers and seasoned fighters.

The developers at Riot Games have focused on creating a game that feels rewarding to master but also fun for those new to fighting games. This approach is evident in how they’ve designed Illaoi’s abilities to offer both depth and spectacle.

More Champions to Come

Illaoi and Yasuo - New Fighting Game 2XKO

Illaoi is just one of several characters from the League of Legends universe making the leap to 2XKO. Others already announced include Darius, Ekko, Ahri, and Yasuo, with more expected to join as the game’s release date approaches.

For those unable to attend EVO Japan, Riot has also announced plans for playtests later this year, allowing even more players to get into the world of 2XKO and discover its fast-paced, team-oriented combat.

This gives a fantastic opportunity for fans to get involved early and see how their favorite champions have adapted to the new game format.

Keeping the Excitement Alive

As 2XKO continues to evolve, the excitement only grows. With its innovative gameplay and strong connection to the beloved League of Legends lore, the game is shaping up to be a thrilling addition to both the fighting game scene and the broader gaming community.

Keep an eye out for more updates as we get closer to the release and more champions take the stage in this new arena.