
How to Level up in TFT in 2024: The Ultimate Teamfight Tactics Guide

In 2024, Teamfight Tactics has taken a new turn, making leveling strategies more important than ever. This game is... Aleksandar | 23. January 2024

In 2024, Teamfight Tactics has taken a new turn, making leveling strategies more important than ever. This game is part of the League of Legends universe, and it challenges players with its constantly changing dynamics.

Here, we’re focusing on simplifying the art of leveling up. Whether you’re just starting or looking to sharpen your skills, this guide is your go-to resource. We’ll break down the essentials, making leveling in TFT clear and accessible.

Get ready to improve your gameplay with practical, easy-to-understand strategies that promise to add an edge to your TFT experience. Let’s dive straight in and learn how to level up in TFT.

TFT Leveling Basics

In Teamfight Tactics, leveling up is a game-changer. It’s pretty straightforward: the higher your level, the more champions you can place on the board.

Starting at level 1, everyone gets 2 XP per turn, but here’s the cool part – you can use gold to level up faster. This is where strategy kicks in. Choosing when to spend your gold for that extra level can make all the difference. Think of it like a secret weapon.

Higher levels don’t just let you field more champions but also increase your chances of securing those powerful, high-tier champs. It’s like having a VIP pass in a club – the higher your level, the better the champions you can access.

This can totally tilt the scales in your favor. Mastering when and how to level up in TFT isn’t just about growing stronger. It’s about outsmarting your opponents and staying one step ahead. That’s what makes it so exciting!

Leveling Strategies in TFT


Leveling Strategies in Team Fight Tactics TFT


In Teamfight Tactics, your path to victory hinges on smart leveling strategies. In this section, we’ll talk about various strategies from Standard to Hyper Roll, each tailored to different playstyles and game phases, ensuring you’re always a step ahead in the arena.

Standard Leveling Strategy

The Standard Leveling Strategy in TFT is a solid game plan for most players. It’s about leveling up at key moments to strengthen your team without draining your gold. This strategy strikes a balance between gaining power and saving resources.

Typically, you level up to 4 early in the game, especially if you’ve got strong units aiming for a winning streak. If things aren’t going your way, it’s okay to hold back and save some gold instead.

As the game progresses, aim to hit level 5 around round 2-5 or 2-6. The next big step is to reach level 6 at round 3-2. This is where things heat up, and you start feeling the competition.

By round 4-1, push for level 7. This move is crucial for stabilizing your team and getting a power boost by rolling for core units. If you’re ahead, save gold and aim for level 8 to really amp up your late game. This strategy is a great way to stay competitive without taking too many risks.

Slow Rolling Leveling Strategy

Slow Rolling in TFT is all about patience and timing. This strategy works best with certain compositions where you’re aiming for 3-star specific units, usually low-cost ones. The trick is to accumulate gold and only spend it carefully to improve your team gradually, without rushing.

Here’s how you play it cool with Slow Rolling: Start by building up your gold in the early game, aiming to hit that sweet 50 gold mark for maximum interest. Keep your spending to a minimum. 

As you enter mid-game, around stages 3-2, you should be level 6. Now, you’re in a prime spot to start slow rolling – this means rolling for units each turn without dipping below 50 gold. You’re looking for those key units to boost your team.

The real action begins at stage 4-1. If you’ve played your cards right, you should have a decent amount of gold and several 2-star units. Now’s the time to spend a bit more aggressively to find those crucial 3-star upgrades.

But remember, even here; the idea is not to burn through all your gold. Keep an eye on your economy, and don’t forget to level up when necessary to keep up with the competition.

When done right, Slow Rolling can lead you to a powerful late-game setup, giving you an edge over players who may have spent too hastily.

Hyper Rolling Leveling Strategy

Hyper Rolling strategy in TFT takes a bold approach: spend your gold early on units instead of saving up or leveling quickly. It’s like going all-in right from the start. You focus on buying as many units as possible to upgrade them quickly, especially the low-cost ones. This strategy can give you a strong early-game lead.

The best time to go for Hyper Rolling is when you’re at level 4 or 5. Here’s the game plan: don’t spend gold on leveling up at this stage. Instead, use your gold to roll for those key units you need to strengthen your team. Aim to get them to 3 stars as fast as possible.

Once you’ve built a solid team with these upgraded units, then you can start thinking about leveling up. This shift usually happens around the mid-game. It’s about knowing when to switch gears – from rolling hard for units to focusing on leveling up to fit more champions on the board. With this strategy, timing is everything. Get it right, and you’ll have a powerful team dominating the early and mid-game.

Adapting to Game Situations

In TFT, sticking rigidly to one leveling strategy can be like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole – it doesn’t always work. Flexibility is key. Your game plan should change depending on how the game evolves.

Let’s say your early game is going great with a win streak. It might be tempting to stick to a standard leveling path. But what if you spot an opportunity to dominate by rolling for a game-changing unit? That’s when you shift your strategy and adapt.

Consider this scenario: You’re aiming for a slow roll strategy but find yourself losing more health than expected. Instead of stubbornly sticking to the plan, it’s smarter to switch gears. Maybe you start rolling earlier to strengthen your team or even level up to bring in an extra champion for that much-needed boost. 

The trick lies in reading the game, understanding your position, and adjusting your strategy on the fly. This adaptability can turn a struggling game into a winning one. It’s about being smart and flexible, not just following a set path.

Advanced Leveling Techniques

Advanced Leveling Techniques in TFT

These advanced leveling techniques in TFT go beyond the basics, blending economic balance with strategic foresight to outmaneuver opponents and seize control of the game board effectively.

Economic Balance and Leveling

In TFT, managing your gold is like juggling because it’s all about finding the right balance. You can’t just throw all your gold into leveling up because you need to save some for rolling and buying units.

Think of it as a budget. Spend too much on leveling, and you might not have enough to snag those key champions. But you might fall behind in levels if you collect all your gold.

The trick is to level up at the right moments without breaking the bank. It’s about making smart, timely investments to build a stronger team.

Anticipating Opponent Moves

Playing TFT isn’t just about focusing on your board. It’s also about keeping an eye on your opponents. Watch their leveling pace. If they level up fast, they might be going for a power play. In response, you might need to level up, too, to keep up the pressure.

If they’re saving gold, they might be planning a big move later. This is when you could level up quickly to gain an advantage. Understanding their strategy lets you counter it effectively.

It’s like a chess game – always think a few moves ahead. This way, you’re not just reacting but staying one step ahead in the leveling game.

Leveling in Different Game Phases

Leveling in Different Game Phases

In Teamfight Tactics, mastering the art of leveling across different game phases is crucial for success. From early momentum to late-game dominance, understanding how to level effectively in each phase can be the key to victory.

Early Game Leveling

In the early game, leveling up can set the tone for your entire match in TFT. The goal? Get an edge over your opponents right from the start. Consider leveling up to 4 quickly, especially if you’ve got a couple of strong units.

This early boost increases your chances of winning initial battles, building a winning streak, and accumulating more gold. It’s like starting a race with a slight head start. You’re not sprinting full speed yet, just building a steady pace that puts you ahead of the pack.

Mid-game Leveling Considerations

As you move into the mid-game, your leveling strategy should adapt to the changing dynamics of the match. This phase is all about hitting those power spikes.

A common strategy is to push for level 7 around round 4-1. This upgrade expands your team and opens up opportunities for stronger unit combinations.

It’s like shifting gears in a car – you’re picking up speed, ready to take on more challenging opponents. Be mindful of your gold, though. You want to maintain a balance between leveling up and having enough resources to roll for key units.

Late Game Leveling

When the late game arrives, leveling becomes a crucial move for securing victory. Now’s the time to push for higher levels – think 8 or even 9. Each level-up brings in a chance to add another powerful unit to your team or upgrade existing ones.

It’s like the final lap in a race where every move counts. Make these last pushes count, as they can turn the tide in your favor and clinch the win.

Final Thoughts

In this guide, we’ve explored the vital leveling strategies for TFT 2024, from the steady approach of Standard Leveling to the daring tactics of Hyper Rolling. We’ve also touched on the importance of adapting to game phases and the balance between economy and leveling.

Remember, each game of TFT is unique, and applying these strategies effectively can drastically improve your gameplay. As you dive into TFT 2024, keep these tips in mind and experiment to find what works best for you.

The path to victory is not just about strong champions but also smart leveling. Good luck, and have fun outsmarting your opponents on the TFT battlefield!