
How to Escape Low Elo in Season 14 and Common Mistakes to Avoid

Are you struggling to climb up the ranks in League of Legends? It can feel like being lost in... Aleksandar | 13. February 2024

Are you struggling to climb up the ranks in League of Legends? It can feel like being lost in a maze with no way out. However, we have a solution for you. Our guide is packed with easy-to-follow tips to help you avoid common mistakes and improve your gameplay. 

Whether you want to climb higher in Season 14 or just get better, we’re here to help. Ready to find out how to escape low elo in Season 14 and have more fun playing? Let’s get started and turn those losses into wins!

What Is Low Elo in League of Legends?

In League of Legends, “Low Elo” refers to the early ranks where players start their journey, stretching from Iron to Gold. In this range, the game feels like a whole different world. Here, players are learning the ropes, trying to get better, and sometimes struggling with the game’s basics. 

It’s common to see mistakes or unsure plays, making matches unpredictable and, yes, even fun in their own way. Many think climbing out of low elo is all about solo carrying games, but teamwork and learning from each match are just as important. 

This bracket is where you lay your foundation, picking up skills and habits that will help you in higher ranks. Don’t be fooled, though. Escaping low elo isn’t just a dream; with the right approach, anyone can level up their game and move on to higher tiers.

Understanding the Game’s Fundamentals

Understanding League of Legends mechanics - Alistar

Playing League of Legends isn’t just about quick reflexes; it’s a blend of skill and strategy. Understanding the game’s fundamentals is crucial for anyone aiming to escape low elo and climb the ranks with confidence.

Mechanics Mastery

Getting good at the basics is like learning to dribble before you shoot in basketball. In League of Legends, mastering mechanics means knowing how to last-hit minions, move effectively, and use your abilities at the right time. 

This skill set is your first big step out of low elo. Think of it as building a strong foundation for a house. Without it, the whole structure wobbles. So, practice those key presses and mouse clicks until they feel as natural as texting your friends.

Strategic Thinking

Playing smart is just as important as playing well. Having a game plan goes beyond chasing kills. It’s about knowing when to push, back off, and where to be on the map. 

This strategic layer of the game is what separates the casual players from those who climb the ranks. Imagine you’re the general of an army, not just a soldier. 

Making decisions that benefit the team, such as securing objectives and choosing the right battles, will lead you to victory. It’s like playing chess on a battlefield where every move counts.

Combining mechanics mastery with strategic thinking creates a powerful player. Focus on these areas, and you’ll find yourself waving goodbye to low elo sooner than you think.

6 Common Mistakes Players Make and How to Avoid Them

Stepping up your game in League of Legends, especially in Season 14, means dodging some common pitfalls. Let’s dive into the mistakes that could be holding you back and how you can sidestep them to escape low elo.

1. Neglecting Vision Control

Properly warding in early game

In League of Legends, keeping an eye on the map isn’t just helpful but a game-changer, especially if you’re figuring out how to escape low elo in Season 14. 

Warding gives you and your team a sneak peek at the enemy’s moves, saving you from surprise attacks and helping you catch them off guard. Think of wards as your little spies scattered across the map. 

The more you have, the safer and more informed your plays will be. So, whether you’re pushing a lane or gearing up for Dragon, remember that vision can make or break your game plan.

Tips for Effective Ward Placement

Getting the most out of your wards means placing them where they’ll do the most good. Always ward in bushes along river paths and near objectives such as Dragon or Baron to keep a watchful eye on these critical areas. 

Don’t just throw down wards randomly. Think about where the enemy is likely to be or where they might try to sneak up on you. Places such as the enemy’s jungle entrances or the paths leading to your lane can give you early warnings of incoming ganks. 

Also, swapping to a Control Ward in key spots can deny the enemy vision, making it easier to set up ambushes or secure objectives. Remember, in League of Legends, knowledge is power. The more you see, the better your chances of making smart plays and climbing out of low elo in Season 14.

2. Poor Positioning in Team Fights

In team fights, where you stand can mean the difference between winning and losing. Each role has its place. If you’re a tank, be at the front, soaking up damage. Carries should keep back, dealing damage from a safe distance. 

Supports, stick close to your carries to protect them or disrupt the enemy. Mid-laners and junglers, your job is to find opportunities – either by taking down key targets or controlling the fight’s flow. 

Remember, staying alive is key. You can’t help your team if you’re caught out and eliminated early. So, know your role and position wisely to stay effective and survive the clash.

3. Inefficient Farming

Split pushing in league of legends

Creep Score (CS) isn’t just a number; it’s your lifeline. It represents the gold and experience you gain from minions, which fuels your strength in the game. Falling behind in CS means you’re giving up essential items and power spikes. 

To improve, practice last-hitting in a custom game. Focus on the rhythm of your attacks and use abilities if you need to secure multiple minions. Watching the minion’s health and timing your attacks is crucial. 

Also, learn to manage your wave; knowing when to push and when to freeze can give you a significant advantage in lane. Better farming equals more gold, more items, and a bigger impact on the game.

4. Overvaluing Kills over Objectives

Getting kills in League of Legends feels great, but it’s not the primary way to win games. What really leads to victory is grabbing objectives such as towers, dragons, and Baron. 

These objectives push your team closer to the enemy base, give you gold, and offer powerful buffs. When you focus too much on chasing kills, you might miss out on these game-changing opportunities. 

Remember, the aim is to destroy the enemy nexus, not just outscore them in kills. Prioritizing objectives over kills is a crucial strategy for escaping low elo in Season 14. Make smart choices, and lead your team to victory by capturing these essential game elements.

5. Suboptimal Item Builds and Runes

Your choice of items and runes can make or break your game. Sticking to one build without considering the enemy team’s composition is a common mistake.

Each game is different, and adapting your build can significantly improve your performance. For example, consider magic resistance items early on if you’re against heavy magic damage. Similarly, runes should complement your playstyle and matchup. 

Experimenting and learning what works best in different situations will give you an edge over your opponents. Adapting your strategy based on the game’s flow is essential for climbing out of low elo in Season 14.

6. Ignoring Team Coordination and Communication

League of Legends is a team game, and winning often depends on how well you work with your teammates. Even in a solo queue, communicating your plans and coordinating with your team can turn the tide of the game. 

Use pings to alert your team about enemy positions and objectives or when you need help. Discuss strategies before executing risky plays. Listening to your teammates and adapting to the team’s needs can significantly improve your chances of winning. 

Remember, a well-coordinated team is much more effective than five individuals playing solo. Embracing teamwork and communication is crucial for anyone looking to escape low elo in League of Legends.

Mindset and Behavior

League of Legends

Climbing out of low elo in Season 14 isn’t just about skill – it’s also about your mindset and how you handle the game’s ups and downs. Keeping a positive attitude and learning from every match can lead you to success.

Adopting a Growth Mindset

Seeing each game as a chance to improve, rather than just a win or a loss, can change everything. Instead of blaming teammates for mistakes, focus on your own gameplay and what you can improve. 

Ask yourself, “What did I learn?” after each match. This mindset helps you focus on personal growth and makes climbing out of low elo a journey of self-improvement. 

Remember, every pro was once a beginner, and they got to where they are by focusing on getting better every day.

Handling Tilt and Maintaining Focus

Everyone gets frustrated, but the key is not letting it take over. When things go south, take a deep breath and remember it’s just a game. If you’re on a losing streak, take a break. 

Do something fun or relaxing to clear your mind. Come back with a fresh perspective. During games, if you start to feel the tilt creeping in, remind yourself of your goals. 

Focus on the next step, not the last mistake. Staying calm and collected helps you make better decisions and keeps your team’s morale up. It’s essential for anyone looking to escape low elo in Season 14.

Advanced Tactics for Climbing

Mastering a few advanced strategies can make a big difference in your quest to escape League of Legends low elo. Let’s dive into wave management and how to capitalize on enemy mistakes, two key areas where a little knowledge goes a long way.

Wave Management

Understanding wave management is crucial for controlling your lane. It’s about deciding when to push the wave to the enemy tower, freeze it near your tower, or let it slowly push toward you. 

Managing waves correctly can give you a safer position to farm from and make your opponent vulnerable to ganks. It can also deny them farm, putting you ahead in gold and experience. 

Start by practicing last-hitting minions without pushing too hard, and learn to recognize when it’s safe to push your advantage.

Capitalizing on Enemy Mistakes

Every player makes mistakes, but not everyone knows how to use them to their advantage. Watch for enemies overextending without vision, misusing key abilities, or positioning poorly in team fights. 

These moments are your cue to act. Recognizing and reacting to these opportunities can turn the game’s flow, whether securing a kill, taking an objective, or gaining map control. 

Remember, the difference between staying in low elo and climbing higher often comes down to who makes fewer mistakes and who exploits them better.

Leveraging Resources and Tools

Evelynn - the hidden jungler in LoL

Tapping into educational content is key to getting better at League of Legends. Look for well-known websites and YouTube channels that offer guides and tutorial videos. They break down strategies, champion guides, and gameplay mechanics in easy-to-understand ways. 

For a more personalized approach, consider investing in coaching sessions. Professional players can provide insights and feedback that are specifically tailored to your playstyle and goals. 

Don’t overlook the game’s own practice tools and custom games. These in-game features let you work on your mechanics without the pressure of a real match. Practice last-hitting, try out new champions, or test complex strategies without any risk. 

It’s a safe space to experiment and sharpen your skills. By using these resources, you’re setting yourself up for a successful climb out of low elo. Remember, every pro started somewhere, and with the right tools and a bit of dedication, you’ll be climbing the ranks in no time.


Now that you’ve armed yourself with these tips and insights, it’s time to dive into the game and put them into practice. 

Remember, learning how to escape low elo in Season 14 is a journey filled with continuous improvement and discovery. Stay persistent in your efforts, keep a positive mindset even when the going gets tough, and, most importantly, enjoy the climb. 

Each game is a step towards becoming a better player, so embrace the challenges and celebrate your progress. With dedication and the right approach, you’ll find yourself climbing the ranks and leaving low elo behind.