
Changes in League of Legends patch 13.5

fragster Maria 8. March 2023

As for the meta, League of Legends season 13 has been a roller coaster ride. We’ve seen a lot of things, from junglers harassing with spam to ranged supports to experience drops. Every position in the game is undergoing significant change as a result, in particular, of the reductions in experience gained from kills. But, according to Riot, some champions are being affected more often than others.

In a new Quick Gameplay Thoughts post, Riot Games would like to express its opinion on the current situation with roaming mid-laners. Since the XP changes are believed to have significantly impacted specific champions, such as Fizz, Pantheon, and Qiyana, the developers plan to improve all three in patch 13.5.

Patch 13.4

According to the balance team, some champions have experienced a drop in their win percentage, but it is not yet significant enough to make them uncomfortable with their balance.

On the other hand, the balance team still believes that Yone is doing quite well overall, even though his win percentage has decreased, according to lead gameplay designer Axes. Yone’s winning percentage across all ranks is 49.21%, down slightly from the previous patch, according to statistics website U.GG 49.66%.

Lead gameplay designer Axes comments:

“But the data isn’t conclusive-Talon and Katarina, in particular, don’t appear to have been affected, and we’d have expected them to be among the most impacted, so it’s still possible it was some other effect causing it (Annie gating out non-mages, perhaps?), but it’s something we’ll be interested in watching over the next few patches.”

According to U.GG, Katarina’s win percentage barely decreased by 0.18% between patch 13.3 and 13.4, while Talon’s dropped from 48.80% to 48.32% after the new update.

In addition, Axes added that the team believes that roaming is too powerful at higher levels of play and that reducing it would improve gameplay. While they do not intend to attack it directly, they would not be unhappy if the nerfs were a collateral consequence of XP nerfs.

Given the new meta, Riot intends to rebalance the game and provide lower champions with compensatory bonuses.

First details on LoL Patch 13.5

LOL 13

Credits: Riot Games

Changes to champions in LoL Patch 13.5


[W] Infernal Chains:

  • Cooldown: 20/18.5/17/15.5/14 sec. -> 20/18/16/14/14/12 sec.
  • Slowdown: 25% at all levels -> 25/27,5/30/32,5/35% -> 25/27,5/30/32,5/35% -> 25/27,5/30/32,5/35%.

[R] The annihilator of worlds:

  • Additional attack damage: 20/30/40% of the DA -> 20/32.5/45% of the DA.


[Q] Maximum Concentration:

  • Cost: 50 -> 30
  • Duration of boosted ability: 4 sec. -> 6 sec.

[W] Discharge:

  • Physical damage: 20/35/50/65/80 (+100% of DA) -> 10/25/40/55/70 (+100% of DA).

[R] Enchanted Crystal Arrow:

  • Cooldown: 80/70/60 -> 100/80/60

Aurelion Sun

  • Life Growth: 100 -> 95
  • Armor growth: 4,6 -> 4,3

[Q] Breath of the Gods:

  • Explosive activation damage: 20-40 (+40% of PH) -> 20-40 (+35% of PH)


  • Base Health: 622 -> 550
  • Armor Growth: 4.2 -> 5
  • Basic mana: 380 -> 320
  • Attack Speed Ratio: 0.625 -> 0.694
  • Mana growth: 36 -> 40
  • Attack Damage Growth: 2.8 -> 3.5
  • Attack Speed Growth: 3 % -> 5 %

[Passive] Legacy of Shurima:

  • Duration: 60 sec. -> 30 sec.
  • Damage: 150 (+4 per minute) (+15% of HP) physical damage -> 230-410 (depending on the level) (+40% of HP) magic damage
  • No longer deals bonus damage to champions.
  • Solar Disk Magic Resistance: 100 (+1 per minute) -> 30-90 (depending on level)
  • Azir’s Solar Disk will now apply Azir’s spell effects as a single target spell.
  • Solar Disk Health: 2550 -> 3000
  • Solar Disk Armor: 60 (+1 per minute) -> 30-90 (depending on level).
  • Lose 100 armor while Azir is away, or dead -> Lose 100 armor and magic resistance while Azir is away or dead.
  • Cooldown: 180 sec. -> 90 sec.

[Q] Conquering Sands:

  • Magic damage: 70/90/110/130/150 (+30% of HP) -> 60/80/100/120/140 (+35% of HP).
  • Cost: 55 -> 65/70/70/75/80/80/85

[W] Rise up:

  • Passive bonus: 15/25/35/35/45/55% passive attack speed -> 50/60/70/70/80/90 bonus magic damage.
  • Total magic damage: 50-150 (depending on level) (+55% of HP) -> 50-200 (depending on the level and W level) (+55% of HP)
  • No longer grants additional attack speed, while Azir has 3 active soldiers.

[E] Quicksand:

  • Magic Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+55% of HP) -> 60/100/140/180/220 (+40% of HP)


  • Basic Armor: 28 -> 27
  • Basic Attack Damage: 62 -> 60


[W] Piedramar Trident:

  • Restored mana: 20/28/36/36/44/52 -> 30/40/50/60/70

[E] Playful / Hooligan:

  • Magic Damage: 70/120/170/220/270 (+90% of HP) -> 80/130/180/230/280 (+90% of HP)
  • Cost: 90/95/100/105/110 -> 75/80/85/90/90/95


[Passive] Test Fire:

  • Additional actual damage: 55-310 -> 50-250

[E] Powder Keg:

  • Now all players can see the number of barrels Gangplank has available under his mana bar.
  • Barrel reload speed: 18/17/16/15/15/14 sec. -> 18 sec. At all levels.


  • Attack speed increase: 1% -> 1,36% -> 1,36%.

[W] ZAP!

  • Mana cost: 50/55/55/60/65/70 -> 40/45/50/55/55/60
  • Slowdown: 30/40/40/50/60/60/70 % -> 40/50/60/70/70/80% -> 40/50/60/70/80% -> 40/50/60/70/80% [W] ZAP!

[R] Deadly super rocket:

  • Damage limit vs. monsters: 800 -> 1200


[Q] Thunderous Shuriken:

  • Cooldown: 8/7/6/5/5/4 sec. -> 7/6,25/5,5/4,75/4 sec.
  • Magic damage: 75/120/165/210/255 (+75% of HP) -> 75/125/175/225/275 (+85% of HP)

[W] Electric Tension:

  • When an enemy champion is tagged, Kennen will see a range indicator.

[E] Lightning Attack:

  • Minion damage modifier: 50% -> 65%.


[Q] Seal of Malice:

  • Killing a unit with Seal of Malice restores 100% of the mana cost and 30% of the spell’s remaining cooldown.
  • Seal of Malice now deals 10-146 (levels 1-18) damage to minions.

[R] Mimic:

  • The R > Q sequence will now replicate the bonus damage to minions from the original ability.


  • Basic health regeneration every 5 sec: 7,5 -> 6
  • Attack speed: 0.644 -> 0.658

[Q] Comet Spear:

  • Cooldown: 13/11,75/10,5/9,25/8 sec. -> 11/10,25/9,5/8,75/8,75/8 sec.
  • Cost: 30 -> 25
  • Q setup time: 0,25 sec. -> 0,2 sec.

[E] Protective Assault:

  • Cooldown: 22/20,5/19/17,5/16 sec. -> 22/21/20/19/18/18 sec.


[Q] Ixtal’s Edge / Elemental Wrath:

  • Physical damage: 50/80/110/140/170 -> 50/85/120/155/190

[E] Audacity:

  • Cooldown: 12/11/10/10/9/8 sec. -> 11/10/9/8/7 sec.


  • Attack damage increase: 3,5 -> 2,75

[Q] Power Ball:

  • Magic Damage: 100/130/160/190/220 -> 100/125/150/175/200


[E] Electric Harpoon:

  • Magic resistance reduction with one harpoon hit: 10% -> 12/14/16/18/20% -> 12/14/16/18/20%.
  • Magic resistance reduction with two harpoon hits: 20% -> 24/28/32/36/36/40% -> 24/28/32/36/40%.


[Passive] Reckless Impulse:

  • Movement speed per stack: 1/2/3/4% per stack (max 6-24%) -> 2/2.5/3/3/3.5% per stack (max 12-21%).


  • Life gain: 112 -> 115
  • Attack damage growth: 3,7 -> 4
  • Twitch

[E] Contaminate:

  • Magic damage per accumulation: 35% of PH -> 30% of PH


[E] Daggers at me:

  • Physical damage: 55/65/75/75/85/95 (+60% of HP) -> 50/60/70/80/90 (+60% of HP)
  • Cooldown: 10/9,5/9/9/8,5/8,5/8 sec. -> 11/10,5/10/10/9,5/9,5/9 sec.


[E] Mourning Mist:

  • Wraith bonus damage: 40% -> 30%.


  • Magic resistance: 32 -> 29

[E] Shadow Slash:

  • Cooldown: 5/4,75/4,5/4,25/4 sec. -> 5/4,5/4/3,5/3,5/3 sec.

Other changes in Patch 13.5


  • The jungle received in Patch 13.5 significant changes will benefit those junglers looking for an optimal camp clearing in conjunction with ambushes.

Champion Pricing

  • The vast majority of champions saw their purchase price altered in the store. These changes affect both the cost of blue essences and Riot Points.

Mythic store

  • Arrives at the mythical store: Miss Fortune


  • The first LoL Clash in 2023 will be the Stagnant Waters Cup, played in Patch 13.5.


  • Cho’Gath: broken alliance
  • Miss Fortune: broken alliance
  • Nocturne: broken alliance
  • Rakan: broken alliance
  • Xayah: broken alliance
  • Riven: broken alliance
  • Vladimir: broken alliance
  • Miss Fortune: prestige broken alliance

Header: Riot Games