
The Ultimate Guide to ADC Tier List in League of Legends Season 14

Ever wondered why ADCs (Attack Damage Carries) are the rockstars of League of Legends? These champions aren’t just damage... Aleksandar | 18. January 2024

Ever wondered why ADCs (Attack Damage Carries) are the rockstars of League of Legends? These champions aren’t just damage dealers. They’re game-changers, turning the tide of battle with their sharpshooting skills.

Staying current with the ADC tier list in League of Legends Season 14 is more than a trend. It’s a strategy to outsmart and outplay the other gamers. This season’s tier list is something to be excited about.

So, are you ready to discover which champions are ruling the bot lane and how you can harness their power? Let’s dive into the world of ADCs and unlock the secrets to dominating the Season 14 battlegrounds!

Understanding the ADC Role

In the world of League of Legends, the ADC plays a starring role. Think of them as the shooters who deliver those jaw-dropping, game-winning plays. Their main job is to deal massive damage, especially in late-game fights where every shot counts.

It’s not just about having quick fingers but a strategic mind to position yourself where you can strike without getting caught. In team compositions, ADCs are crucial.

They are the ace up your sleeve in those nail-biting, late-game scenarios. LoL Patch 14.1 brings new twists and turns, making the role of ADC more exciting than ever.

These champions are the ones who can turn a losing battle into a victory parade. So, mastering the ADC role isn’t just about playing a part but about being the game-changer, the hero of your team’s epic saga.

Key Factors Influencing ADC Rankings


Credits: League of Legends

The ADC tier list in League of Legends is constantly changing, and there are a few key reasons why. Changes in the game’s meta, or the popular strategies at the time, greatly impact which ADCs are top picks. As players come up with new ways to play, some champions suddenly become more effective than others.

Another big factor is when the game’s developers adjust the champions themselves, known as buffs (making a champion stronger) or nerfs (making them weaker). These changes can quickly move a champion up or down the tier list. A small tweak can make a huge difference in how a champion performs in the game.

Lastly, updates to the items that champions can buy in-game also affect the rankings. New items or changes to existing ones can either strengthen or weaken an ADC’s overall power. Keeping an eye on these factors is crucial for understanding the current state of ADCs in League of Legends and making the best choices in your games.

Season 14 ADC Tier List Overview

Here’s the Season 14 ADC tier list, a crucial tool for League of Legends players. This list ranks ADC champions based on how well they perform in the game right now.

Champions at the top, in the S+ tier, are the strongest and most popular. Those in lower tiers might not be as powerful, but they can still be great choices depending on how you like to play.

The list helps you understand which champions are best for different strategies. Let’s break down each tier, showing you the strengths and weaknesses of the ADCs to help you pick the right one for your team.

S+ Tier:

  • Miss Fortune
  • Jhin
  • Draven


  • Jinx
  • Caitlyn
  • Vayne
  • Samira


  • Seraphine
  • Kai’Sa
  • Lucian
  • Ashe
  • Nilah


  • Varus
  • Tristana
  • Kalista
  • Xayah
  • Ezreal
  • Yasuo


  • Zeri
  • Sivir
  • Kog’Maw
  • Twitch


  • Ziggs
  • Veigar
  • Heimerdinger

S+ Tier ADCs: Elite and Dominant


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Starting with the S+ tier, Miss Fortune stands out with her incredible area-of-effect (AoE) damage. Her ultimate, Bullet Time, can significantly turn the outcome of team fights.

Building items that improve her attack damage and cooldown reduction maximizes her impact. Playing Miss Fortune effectively involves positioning yourself to unleash the full potential of her AoE abilities in team fights.

Jhin, another S+ tier champ, is known for his burst damage and utility. His kit allows for strong crowd control and high single-target damage. Optimal builds for Jhin focus on maximizing his attack damage and critical strike chance. When playing Jhin, timing and positioning are crucial to making the most of his four-shot mechanic.

Draven, also in the S+ tier, excels in dominating the laning phase with his high damage output. His spinning axes provide a significant boost to his basic attacks.

Building items that increase his attack damage and lifesteal can help Draven sustain himself in the lane and during fights. Effective Draven play requires good axe-catching mechanics and aggressive positioning to bully opponents in the lane.

S-Tier ADCs: Highly Effective and Reliable


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Exploring the S-tier in League of Legends reveals a lineup of champions, each with their own unique strengths and playstyles. Now, let’s look at these standout ADCs to understand what sets them apart and how they can dominate in the game.

Jinx shines in the later stages of the game, becoming increasingly powerful. Her abilities enable her to deal damage to multiple enemies simultaneously, known as Area of Effect (AoE) damage. This capability makes her particularly effective in large-scale team fights that typically occur as the game progresses.

Caitlyn, another S-tier champion, boasts an impressive attack range. This long reach allows her to control the battlefield, especially in the laning phase, where minion battles are frequent. Her ability to hit enemies from afar helps to maintain a safe distance, keeping her out of danger while still being able to deal damage.

Vayne’s specialty lies in her capacity for single-target damage, excelling in one-on-one scenarios. Her skill set is created for dueling, where she can rapidly inflict significant damage on individual targets. This makes her a formidable opponent in smaller skirmishes rather than in expansive team fights.

Samira stands out with her combo potential and is adept at chaining various attacks and movements. She thrives in the chaos of team fights, using her dynamic skill combination to disrupt and confuse the enemy team.

A-Tier ADCs: Versatile and Situational


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In the A-tier, we’ve pick champions such as Seraphine, Kai’Sa, Lucian, Ashe, and Nilah. Each brings unique strengths to the game, making them solid picks in certain situations.

Seraphine, typically known as a support, stands out as a possible ADC due to her excellent win rate in this role. Her ability to control the battlefield with her crowd control and AoE damage makes her a formidable choice.

Kai’Sa and Lucian are great for their mobility and burst damage. They excel in quickly taking down key targets, especially in skirmishes.

Ashe’s strength lies in her utility with her long-range engage and vision control, making her ideal for teams needing these specific skills. Nilah, with her ability to weave through fights, is perfect for countering specific enemy compositions.

B-Tier ADCs: Strategic Picks for Specific Matchups


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B-tier features champions such as Varus, Tristana, Kalista, Xayah, Ezreal, and Yasuo. These ADCs are more about the right match-up and team composition.

Varus, with his long-range poke and crowd control, can be a game-changer in sieges. Tristana shines in games where early tower pushing and explosive burst damage are needed.

Kalista excels in objective control and skirmishing, making her a valuable pick for teams focusing on early dragon and Baron control. Xayah’s self-peel capabilities make her a safe pick against dive-heavy enemy teams.

Ezreal’s poke and escape mechanics are ideal in compositions that need to keep enemies at bay. Lastly, Yasuo, though typically a mid-laner, can be a surprising but effective ADC with his windwall and strong dueling potential.

Choosing these champions depends heavily on your team’s needs and the enemy lineup. Understanding the strengths and optimal scenarios for each can give you an edge in your League of Legends matches, making these mid-tier ADCs worthy of consideration for your next game.

C-Tier ADCs: Conditional and Niche


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In the C-tier, champions such as Zeri, Sivir, Kog’Maw, and Twitch might not top the popularity charts, but they have unique strengths. Zeri, with her high mobility, can outmaneuver opponents, making her a great pick in games where dodging enemy abilities is crucial.

Sivir shines with her wave-clearing abilities and her ultimate’s team speed boost, which is ideal for teams that focus on fast rotations and map control.

Kog’Maw stands out with his long-range artillery-style attacks, making him a potent choice against teams lacking hard engage options. Twitch, known for his stealth and sudden burst damage, can be a game-changer in matches where catching enemies off-guard is required.

D-Tier ADCs: Challenging and Situational


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Moving to the D-tier, we’ll find Ziggs, Veigar, and Heimerdinger. These champions, often overlooked, can still pack a punch in the right hands. Ziggs, with his ability to siege from a distance, excels in drawn-out games where turret pressure is vital. Veigar’s scaling damage potential makes him a threat in longer matches as his power grows over time.

Heimerdinger’s unique turret-based gameplay can turn the laning phase into a nightmare for opponents, making him a solid choice for controlling lane space and deterring enemy aggression.

While these C and D-tier champions may not always be the first pick, they can surprise the opponents in specific scenarios. Their unique abilities and playstyles can provide unexpected advantages, making them worthy options for players looking to think outside the conventional ADC box.

Wrapping Up

Exploring different ADCs to find the perfect match for your playstyle can be an exciting part of League of Legends. Each champion offers a unique way to experience the game. The world of LoL is constantly changing, with each new patch bringing new challenges and opportunities.

Embrace these changes and adapt your strategies, and you’ll find yourself not just keeping up with the meta but mastering it. Enjoy exploring and improving in this dynamic game, where every match is like a new adventure.