
The Ultimate Smolder Guide: How to Play Smolder in LoL

Dive into the world of League of Legends with Smolder, the fiery dragon ADC that’s catching everyone’s attention. With... Aleksandar | 15. February 2024

Dive into the world of League of Legends with Smolder, the fiery dragon ADC that’s catching everyone’s attention. With his unique abilities to breathe fire and fly across the battlefield, Smolder stands out in the crowded arena of champions. 

This Smolder guide is your ticket to understanding and mastering one of the game’s most dynamic characters. Whether you’re looking to climb the ranks or just have fun, learning how to play Smolder is essential. 

Our guide is designed to be super straightforward, making it perfect for gamers of all levels who are eager to learn and dominate with this flaming champion.

What Abilities Does Smolder Have?

Smolder, the dragon champion in League of Legends, brings a mix of fiery attacks and aerial maneuvers to the game. His Passive, Dragon Practice, boosts his basic ability damage as he lands attacks or gets kills, making him stronger over time. 

The Q ability, Super Scorcher Breath, lets Smolder unleash a powerful blast of fire, dealing damage to enemies in front of him. With W, Achooo!, he releases a fiery sneeze that slows and damages opponents. 

Moreover, the E skill, Flap, Flap, Flap, gives him a quick burst of speed and the ability to fly over obstacles, perfect for escapes or chasing down foes. 

Lastly, his R, MMOOOMMMM, calls down a devastating fire attack from above, dealing massive damage and slowing enemies. Each ability plays a crucial part in how to play Smolder, offering a blend of offense and mobility.

Ability Synergies

Understanding the synergy between Smolder’s abilities is essential to mastering this champion. His Passive works as the foundation, enhancing the power of his other skills as he engages in battles. 

For effective gameplay, players should focus on using his Q to deal damage and build stacks of his Passive. When Smolder’s W is combined with his E, he can slow enemies before quickly positioning himself for either an escape or to continue the assault. 

The real game-changer is his R, which, when used after stacking his Passive and softening targets with Q and W, can turn the tide of team fights. 

Properly timing and combining these abilities following this Smolder guide can help players maximize his potential on the battlefield, making him a formidable dragon to contend with.

Early Game Strategy: Sparking the Flame

Kicking off the game with Smolder means setting the stage for victory right from the start. This early game strategy focuses on farming, smart engagements, and leveraging Smolder’s unique abilities to gain an edge in the laning phase.

Laning Phase Tips

In the early game, mastering how to play Smolder is all about smart farming and knowing when to jump into action. Focus on last-hitting minions to build up your gold, using your Q to farm efficiently when necessary. 

Smolder’s abilities are great for poking the enemy, so look for chances to hit them with your Q without putting yourself in danger. 

Always keep an eye on the minion wave, and engaging when you have more minions will give you an advantage. Remember, your E is perfect for quick escapes, so don’t push too far without it being ready to use.

First Item and Powerspike

Choosing the right first item is crucial in your Smolder game. Typically, starting with an item that boosts your attack damage or cooldown reduction can significantly enhance Smolder’s early-game impact. 

The first major item often aims to maximize your ability to deal with damage or sustain in the lane. Smolder hits a notable power spike with the completion of this item, as it amplifies his damage output and overall effectiveness in skirmishes. 

Whether it’s an Essence Reaver for the cooldown and mana or a Blade of the Ruined King for life steal and attack speed, your first big purchase should align with your playstyle and the needs of your team.

Mid-Game Movements: Spreading the Fire

Smolder Guide

As the game progresses into the mid-stage, Smolder’s role on the battlefield becomes even more crucial. 

This phase is all about making smart moves, controlling objectives, and building up strength through strategic item choices. Let’s dive into how to play Smolder effectively during this pivotal time.

Positioning and Rotations

In mid-game, positioning is key for Smolder. Stay close enough to contribute to skirmishes and objectives but safe enough to avoid getting caught by enemies. 

Always be aware of where the enemy team is, especially their threats to you. Rotating to help teammates secure objectives such as dragons or towers can significantly impact the game’s outcome. 

Remember, your E ability not only helps you escape but can also position you advantageously to unleash your ultimate, R, on multiple foes. Effective rotations and smart positioning can turn the tide of the game in your team’s favor.


Choosing the right items for Smolder in the mid-game is crucial. After your first major item, focus on building items that enhance your attack damage and survivability. Items such as Infinity Edge or Runaan’s Hurricane can significantly boost your damage output in team fights. 

Also, consider defensive items such as Guardian Angel if you find yourself targeted in skirmishes. Balancing damage with defense allows you to stay alive longer, contributing more to your team’s success. 

Remember, the right item build varies depending on the enemy team’s composition and the state of the game. Keep an eye on how the match is unfolding and adapt your itemization accordingly.

Late Game Domination: Unleashing the Inferno

When the late game arrives, Smolder becomes a powerful force that can turn the tide of team fights and lead to victory.

This phase is where your early and mid-game efforts pay off, allowing Smolder to truly shine as a late-game powerhouse. Let’s break down the tactics and item builds that can help you lead your team to glory.

Teamfight Tactics

In late-game team fights, positioning is everything for Smolder. You want to stay on the fringes, dealing damage without becoming an easy target. 

Use your E skill wisely to reposition, either to escape danger or to find the perfect angle for unleashing your ultimate. Target selection is crucial; focus on taking out the enemy’s key damage dealers or squishy champions first. 

However, don’t tunnel-vision on a single target if it means putting yourself in harm’s way. Watch for opportunities to use your AOE abilities on multiple enemies, maximizing your impact in each skirmish.

Final Builds

For Smolder’s final build, aim for a balance of damage, survivability, and utility. Items such as Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancer are essential for boosting your critical strike damage and improving your dueling capabilities. 

If you’ve already purchased a Guardian Angel earlier, its life-saving potential continues to shine in the late game, allowing even bolder plays in team fights. With this item in your arsenal, engaging in high-stakes skirmishes comes with a safety net. 

Moreover, for battles against tank-heavy compositions, complementing your setup with Lord Dominik’s Regards can significantly enhance your ability to cut through their defenses, ensuring your attacks remain impactful throughout the game’s duration.

Lastly, a situational item such as Mercurial Scimitar can be invaluable against teams with heavy crowd control. This final build setup ensures that Smolder is equipped to deal massive damage while staying resilient against the enemy team’s attempts to shut you down.

Tips and Tricks to Master the Smolder’s Mechanics

Mastering Smolder’s mechanics can enhance your gameplay and make you a formidable force on the battlefield.

Here, we’ll delve into the skill combos that make Smolder a threat at any game phase and share advanced playstyle tips to elevate your strategy.

Skill Combos

Effective skill usage is crucial for maximizing Smolder’s potential. Early on, combining your Q (Super Scorcher Breath) with basic attacks helps in farming and poking the enemy. 

As you progress, a Q-E combo becomes invaluable for engaging or disengaging, allowing you to dash in, unleash your fire, and quickly retreat. 

In team fights, start with your R (MMOOOMMMM) to deal massive AOE damage and slow, then follow up with Q to target specific enemies. Utilizing W (Achooo!) can disrupt enemies’ positioning, making it easier for your team to capitalize on your ultimate’s damage.

Advanced Playstyle Tips

To truly excel with Smolder, mastering his passive is essential. Focus on hitting as many enemies as possible with your abilities to stack your passive quickly. 

Positioning plays a huge role in Smolder’s success; always be mindful of your placement in skirmishes to avoid being caught out while still being close enough to contribute effectively. 

Utilize his E (Flap, Flap, Flap) not just for mobility but as a strategic tool for positioning in team fights or escaping from tight situations. 

Remember, the key to mastering how to play Smolder lies in balancing aggression with caution, leveraging his mobility for both offensive plays and quick retreats when necessary. 

By following this Smolder guide and practicing these advanced techniques, you’ll be well on your way to dominating the game with this fiery champion.

Synergies and Counters: Playing with and Against Smolder

Getting the most out of Smolder involves understanding which champions he works well with and those he struggles against. This part of the Smolder guide will help you identify allies that enhance his strengths and foes you need to watch out for.

Best Teammates

Champions that offer crowd control or area denial work wonders with Smolder. For example, Amumu and Leona can lock down enemies, making it easy for Smolder to unleash his full combo without the risk of retaliation. 

Morgana’s Black Shield protects him from stuns and snares, ensuring he can keep dealing damage. Zilean is another great ally, as his speed boosts can enhance Smolder’s mobility, and his ultimate can save Smolder if he dives too deep. 

These champions complement Smolder’s aggressive playstyle, allowing him to capitalize on his fiery damage output.

Toughest Foes

Smolder often finds it tough against champions who can either out-range him or use crowd control to limit his movements. Caitlyn, with her long-range attacks, can harass Smolder effectively from a safe distance. 

Malzahar’s ultimate can immobilize Smolder, preventing him from using his mobility to escape or engage. Ashe’s slows, and ultimate stun can make it hard for Smolder to close the distance or retreat. Blitzcrank poses a threat with his grab, pulling Smolder into dangerous positions. 

Lux can also be challenging due to her snare and long-range burst damage. Maintaining proper positioning is vital to counter these threats. Shielding yourself behind minions can protect you from skill shots, and purchasing a Quicksilver Sash can free you from debilitating crowd control. 

Being alert and ready to dodge enemy abilities will greatly aid in handling these opponents. Adjusting your approach and itemization based on the enemy team composition is crucial for minimizing the impact of Smolder’s counters and ensuring your presence remains strong throughout the game.

Wrapping Up

Wrapping up this Smolder guide, we’ve covered everything from his abilities and early-game tactics to late-game strategies and dealing with counters. The journey to mastering Smolder in League of Legends is exciting and full of opportunities to outplay your opponents. 

Remember, practice makes perfect. Don’t hesitate to try out the different item builds and playstyles we discussed. Experimenting with Smolder’s skill combos and adapting to various game situations can significantly boost your gameplay. 

We encourage you to apply these insights and strategies to become a formidable Smolder player. Keep playing, keep learning, and most importantly, have fun setting the Rift ablaze with Smolder!