Getting better at League of Legends isn’t just about playing more but also choosing the right champions, especially if you’re stuck in low ELO.
In this guide, we’ll explore the 10 best top laners to escape low ELO, each chosen to help you climb the ranks faster.
Each champion on this list brings something unique to the game, making it easier to win matches and move up.
Whether you prefer to smash towers or kill your opponent, you’ll find a top laner here that suits your style and helps you improve your gameplay greatly.
Why Top Laners Are Key to Climbing in Low ELO
Top laners can truly make or break a game. They are stationed in the game’s longest and often most isolated lane, and their performance directly influences the team’s success.
For players aiming to escape low ELO, understanding the power of a skilled top laner is crucial.
These champions not only stand their ground during tough solo battles but also lead the team forward by securing key territories and drawing pressure away from teammates.
Top 10 Top Lane Champions for Getting Better at Low ELO
Play the best champions if you want to win more games and move up in the ranks this season. These picks can help you get better and enjoy your matches more.
1. Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo is one of the best top laners to escape low ELO due to his incredible toughness and unique ability to withstand crowd-control effects.
This big guy is known for his resilience – his passive lets him resist the first immobilizing effect, making it hard for enemies to pin him down. To maximize his impact in the game, focus on the item Heartsteel.
This boosts his health, which in turn powers up his abilities, letting him deal more damage. A well-played Dr. Mundo can dominate the top lane, continuously pushing and forcing multiple opponents to deal with him, thereby freeing up his team to capture objectives elsewhere.
Mastering his straightforward yet effective playstyle could be your ticket to climbing the ranks.
2. Sett
Sett, the Boss, is known for his sheer force and straightforward fighting style, making him one of the best top laners to help you move up from low ELO.
From the get-go, Sett’s power in the early game is something to leverage. His passive ability refills health quickly, keeping him in the lane longer and ready to fight.
His punches, especially when empowered by his Q, deliver serious damage and help him control the fight.
To sustain himself in the lane, make sure to use his W wisely – it provides a decisive shield and a burst of damage, which is crucial for turning the tide in tough battles. Stick to these basics, and Sett will carry you through the ranks.
3. Yorick
If you’re looking to push lanes and take down towers fast, Yorick is your go-to champion in League of Legends. This formidable top laner excels at split pushing, a strategy where you focus on attacking the enemy’s structures rather than engaging directly in team fights.
Yorick’s ability to summon ghouls with his Q and the Maiden of the Mist with his ultimate makes him a one-person army capable of demolishing towers rapidly.
Yorick’s minions are not only useful for clearing minion waves, but they can also inflict considerable damage to structures, which allows Yorick to put pressure on the entire map.
To become a master of Yorick, you must learn the art of pushing safely and effectively, which is a crucial skill that can significantly turn the game in your favor.
4. Mordekaiser
He is a top laner known as the Iron Revenant, and he is not just any ordinary player. He is a force to be reckoned with, capable of turning the tide of battles with his unique abilities.
His reputation as a “stat checker” comes from his ability to confront opponents head-on and test their strength against his own.
The key to unleashing Mordekaiser’s full potential lies in his ultimate Realm of Death. This ability isolates an enemy champion in a one-on-one duel, stripping them of their team’s support and boosting Mordekaiser’s stats if he emerges victorious.
Use this in the lane to neutralize strong targets or to turn a critical team fight in your favor, making Mordekaiser a dominant force that can control the game’s result.
5. Nasus
Imagine a champion who gets stronger every minute of the game. That’s Nasus for you, a top laner whose power can scale infinitely. Every time Nasus uses his Siphoning Strike to last hit a minion, he gains permanent attack damage.
This stacking ability allows him to grow into a formidable force by the mid-game, where he can start to bulldoze through turrets and enemies alike.
However, while Nasus becomes a titan in the mid-game, you must watch out in the later stages. Faster, more mobile champions can outmaneuver him, exploiting his slower pace.
To capitalize on Nasus’s strengths, focus on building up your stacks early and aim to push your advantages during the mid-game when you’re at your strongest.
6. Illaoi
When you control Illaoi in the top lane, you play defense and set traps that can turn into brutal attacks. Illaoi’s unique ability to spawn tentacles on nearby walls gives her a defensive edge while also letting her strike hard when enemies come too close.
Positioning these tentacles wisely is key – they need to be spread out enough to cover your area but close enough to assist each other.
During fights, use her ability to pull the soul from her opponent with her E (Test of Spirit), and watch as your tentacles slam down, dealing massive damage.
Mastering her positioning and knowing when to summon her spiritual backup makes Illaoi a formidable top laner capable of both holding the line and breaking the enemy’s will.
7. Malphite
Malphite is a game-changer in team fights, where his impact can be felt the moment he unleashes his ultimate, Unstoppable Force.
This powerful ability lets him rocket into the fight, hitting up opponents and setting up his team for victory.
Besides his game-changing initiations, Malphite is a fortress against attack-damage champions, thanks to his ability to stack armor naturally.
His presence in the top lane allows him to absorb a lot of damage, keeping his more vulnerable teammates safe.
When playing Malphite, positioning and timing are everything; landing a well-timed ultimate can often mean the difference between a won or lost team fight.
8. Garen
Garen dominates the top lane with his straightforward combat style, making him an accessible champion for beginners.
His regenerative passive, Perseverance, allows him to heal up quickly when not in combat, keeping him in the lane longer and ensuring he’s always ready for the next skirmish.
What truly sets Garen apart is his ultimate, Demacian Justice, a powerful finishing move that deals more damage based on how hurt his target is. This makes him a threat to even the tankiest foes in the late game.
Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your top lane tactics, Garen’s blend of sustainability, simplicity, and execution prowess makes him a top choice.
9. Trundle
Mastering the art of one-on-one fights and effective split pushing starts with choosing Trundle, a champion whose early-game strength sets the pace for dominance.
Trundle’s unique abilities allow him to excel in duels, particularly with his Q, Chomp, which temporarily steals his opponent’s attack damage, giving him an edge in combat.
His ultimate, Subjugate, is key to his prowess. It drains the health and defenses of his target, making him tougher and turning his enemies vulnerable. This combination makes him nearly unstoppable in head-to-head fights.
When not clashing directly with enemies, Trundle’s capacity to rapidly tear down towers makes him an exceptional split pusher. He can pressure the map and force difficult decisions from the enemy team.
10. Kayle
Kayle holds the crown as a top-lane champion whose power grows immensely as the game progresses.
Known for her exceptional late-game scaling, Kayle starts the match relatively vulnerable but transforms into a formidable force once she reaches her key levels.
At levels 6, 11, and 16, her abilities evolve significantly, each milestone enhancing her damage output and range. To maximize her potential, focus on farming safely early on to reach these critical upgrades quickly.
Adjusting her build throughout the game is crucial. Start with items that enhance her survivability and transition to those that boost her attack damage and speed. Mastering Kayle means playing with patience early and dominating with power later.
Critical Skills to Develop Alongside Champion Mastery
Mastering a champion is just one part of climbing the ranks in League of Legends. Enhancing specific gameplay skills can make a great difference in your performance.
Here are some essential skills that can help you dominate the top lane when combined with your champion mastery.
Map Awareness
Staying aware of the map is crucial. It lets you know when to play aggressively and when to hold back, depending on the positions of missing enemies and the jungler.
Keeping an eye on the minimap can prevent ganks and also open up opportunities for making plays elsewhere on the map.
One fundamental skill that can drastically improve your game is last hitting. This is the art of dealing the killing blow to minions to earn gold efficiently.
More gold means more items, which often leads to a stronger presence in the game. Practicing last-hitting under your turret and in pressured situations can ensure you keep your gold income steady.
Lane Control
Controlling your lane involves managing where minion waves meet. By mastering when to push the lane or keep it near your turret, you create a safer environment for yourself and a potentially unsafe one for your opponent.
Proper lane control can lead to easier farming and better protection against enemy ganks.
Final Thoughts
If you want to improve your rank in League of Legends, choosing the right champion is important. We’ve put together a list of the best top laners to escape low ELO, each with unique strengths that can change the course of your games.
Whether you prefer Kayle’s late-game power or Malphite’s ability to control the battlefield with powerful ultimates, there’s a champion on this list that will suit your playstyle.
Try out these strategies, focus on developing the essential skills mentioned, and you’ll see improvements in your gameplay and rank.